At this moment, something strange happened. A black shadow suddenly flashed in from outside the cell and attacked Chen Tuan as fast as lightning.

Chen Tuan's reaction was also quick. He sensed the danger and immediately dodged sideways, while swinging his knife to cut the black shadow.

But the black shadow was faster, and a hand knife accurately hit Chen Tuan's wrist, causing it to fly out of his hand and the knife fell to the ground.

The black shadow took advantage of the situation to subdue Chen Tuan. The whole process was clean and neat, so fast that no one had time to react.

When everyone looked closely, they found that the black shadow was actually a mysterious man wearing black clothes and a mask covering his face.

"Who are you? How dare you come here to make trouble!" The chief priest shouted.

The mysterious man did not answer, but quickly untied Fang Yue's family and whispered to them: "Go, it's not safe here."

Although Fang Yue's family was shocked, they also knew that this was not the time to ask questions, so they quickly left the dungeon.

"Want to leave? Not that easy!" Chen Tuan snorted coldly, and his figure flashed, and he wanted to intercept Fang Yue's family.

But the mysterious man suddenly appeared in front of him, slapped him with one palm, and forced him back several steps.

"Your opponent is me." The mysterious man said coldly.

At the same time, Fang Yue also took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack on the chief priest and the white-haired elder, trying to buy time for them to escape.

A melee unfolded in the dungeon, with whistling palm winds and surging vitality.

The mysterious man's strength was not weaker than any martial arts master present, and he easily blocked Chen Tuan and the white-haired elder.

In this intense battle, the mysterious man showed amazing strength.

His movements were swift and accurate, and every move was full of power and majesty, as if a real martial arts master was pointing out the world.

His black clothes fluttered in the surging vitality, and his eyes under the mask flashed a cold light, revealing an indescribable fighting spirit.

In a breath, the dungeon was suddenly changed.

The originally dim and silent space was now filled with the sound of fierce fighting.

The appearance of the mysterious man was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, stirring up thousands of waves.

Chen Tuan was forced back by the mysterious man with a palm, and the shock in his heart was beyond words.

As a martial arts master, he was proud of his martial arts skills, but he didn't expect that he would be so easily repelled by an unknown man in black in this dungeon today.

However, he was not an ordinary person, and he quickly adjusted his mentality and re-entered the battle.

The chief priest and the white-haired old man also realized the power of the mysterious man, and they no longer underestimated this sudden opponent.

The two looked at each other, tacitly changed their tactics, and began to join forces to attack the mysterious man.

Fang Yue took the opportunity to continue to launch a fierce attack on the two masters, trying to distract their attention and buy more time for the mysterious man and his family to escape.

His long sword danced like the wind, and every swing of the sword was decisive and firm.

However, the melee did not last too long.

The mysterious man didn't seem to want to get too entangled with these martial arts masters. He found a gap and suddenly exerted force to push Chen Tuan back a few steps. Then he flashed and disappeared into the darkness of the dungeon.

Fang Yue's family also took the opportunity to escape from the dungeon and disappeared into the night.

The entire dungeon returned to peace again, leaving only Chen Tuan, the chief priest and the white-haired old man looking at each other.

"Who is this person? He has such a strong strength." Chen Tuan frowned and thought.

"No matter who he is, he dares to break into our dungeon to save people, which means he is our enemy."

The chief priest said coldly: "We must find out the identity of this person and then eliminate him. Of course, Fang Yue ran away, and we must catch him before the new emperor decides."

The white-haired old man didn't speak, but his eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he was obviously thinking about how to deal with this mysterious man in black.

Chen Tuan nodded and said to the chief priest: "This matter is indeed strange. This man in black obviously knows our layout very well, so he can rescue Fang Yue's family so accurately.

I will send people to track down their whereabouts immediately, and strengthen the defense of the palace to prevent them from sneaking in again."

The chief priest pondered for a moment and said: "You are right. This person seems to know our plan very well, which makes people suspicious.

Maybe, there is a spy in our team. You must not only track down the whereabouts of the man in black, but also secretly investigate everyone in the palace, especially those who have access to our plan."

The white-haired old man said at this time: "This matter is not trivial. The man in black is so powerful that even I feel a little tired. We must act cautiously and not act rashly."

The three discussed and decided to act separately.


At the same time, a dilapidated temple thirty miles outside the city.

The mysterious man in black has taken off his mask. It turned out to be Li Shengdong, the head of the Shadow Pavilion.

When Fang Yue saw this person, his heart suddenly moved. This person actually left the Shadow Pavilion of the demon world and came to the territory of the Great Wei Dynasty.

And he personally rescued his brother's family, which surprised Fang Yue.

"Master Li, why are you here?" Fang Yue couldn't help asking.

Li Shengdong smiled slightly and said, "Brother Fang, I learned that your family was arrested, and I happened to have some business to deal with here, so I just did it."

Fang Yue nodded after hearing this.

He had a big feud with the Shadow Pavilion in the past. Although they shook hands and made peace later, their relationship was not close.

But he didn't expect that Li Shengdong would personally help this time. This favor was indeed not light.

"Thank you Pavilion Master Li for your help." Fang Yue said solemnly, "Fang Yue will definitely remember this kindness in his heart."

Li Shengdong waved his hand and said with a smile: "Brother Fang is serious, let the past matter be in the past.

This action can be regarded as settling the old grudge between us. What's more, I, the Shadow Pavilion, also want to take a share of the Wei Emperor's succession ceremony, and we need Brother Fang's help. "

After hearing this, Fang Yue was filled with emotion.

He knows that in this world, there are no permanent enemies or permanent friends, only eternal interests.

But at this moment, he heard a different meaning from Li Shengdong's words.

"Master Li, is the Shadow Pavilion interested in participating in the Wei Dynasty's emperor succession ceremony?" Fang Yue asked tentatively.

Li Shengdong nodded, with a glint in his eyes: "Yes. The Wei Dynasty is about to usher in a new emperor. This is not only an internal matter within the Wei Dynasty, but also related to the situation of the entire Eastern Wasteland. I, the Shadow Pavilion, naturally want to participate. Among them, seek some benefits.”

Fang Yue thought for a moment, and then said: "I understand, I will help when necessary."

"Haha, that's it, thank you very much. Send your family back first, and then meet again after they settle down."

Li Shengdong then smiled slightly, turned around and walked into the darkness.

"Brother She, what was that just now?"

Fang Yue's brother Fang Cheng asked doubtfully. He had just witnessed the entire process of Li Shengdong rescuing their family, but he still knew nothing about the identity of this mysterious man.

"He is the Pavilion Master of the Shadow Pavilion, Li Shengdong." Fang Yue explained, "I had some disagreements with him before, but we reconciled later. I didn't expect that he would help us this time."

"Okay, this is not the place to talk. We have to leave quickly."

Fang Yue interrupted his brother's words and looked around solemnly, "Although we have escaped danger temporarily, we cannot take it lightly.

People from the Wei Dynasty will soon discover our whereabouts, and we must leave here as soon as possible. "

The brother and sister-in-law nodded, knowing that the crisis at this moment was not completely resolved.

Under the leadership of Fang Yue, the family quickly left the ruined temple and fled towards the more remote mountains and forests outside the city.

In the process of escaping, Fang Yue always maintained a high degree of vigilance and was also thinking about the next plan.

He knew that after this incident, the grudge between him and the Wei Dynasty would become even deeper, and he would definitely face more challenges and dangers in the future.


In the dim night, the Fang Yue family walked through the woods like ghosts, trying to avoid the main roads and choosing less traveled paths.

Fang Yue knew in his heart that their whereabouts might have been exposed, and they had to leave the area as soon as possible and find a safer place to hide.

"Brother He, what should we do next?" Fang Cheng asked worriedly.

"I'll take you to find your parents first. They are in a small town in the south and are safe now."

Fang Yue said in a deep voice, his eyes searching around in the night, trying to find a suitable hiding place.

Hearing Fang Yue's words, Fang Cheng's eyes flashed with surprise: "Are mom and dad okay?"

"They are safe now," Fang Yue said with certainty, "We will rush to join them as soon as possible and then make further plans."

Under the leadership of Fang Yue, the family continued deep into the mountains and forests, avoiding possible trackers.

They traveled day and night, carefully crossing several forests and mountains.

A month later, they finally arrived at the small southern city.

When they saw the familiar city gate, Fang Cheng and his sister-in-law's eyes became moist.

The escape life during this period made them extremely difficult, and now they finally saw the glimmer of hope.

Fang Yue led them through the city gate and came to a quiet house in the city.

He knocked lightly on the door, and after a while, the door opened, revealing two familiar and kind faces - Fang Yue's parents.

"Father, mother!" Fang Cheng and his sister-in-law couldn't help shouting, tears welling up in their eyes. They hugged each other tightly, feeling the long-lost warmth and affection.

Seeing their son and daughter-in-law return safely, Fang Yue's parents were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

They held their hands and asked with concern about their experiences during this time.

Fang Yue stood aside, feeling deeply moved in his heart.

Seeing the heartwarming scene of family reunion, he felt that everything he had done was worthwhile.

He has been working hard for the safety of his family for some time, and now he finally sees a satisfactory result.

However, he also knew clearly that this was not the end, but a new starting point.

The threat from the Wei Dynasty still exists, and they will not easily give up their pursuit of the Yue family.

Therefore, Fang Yue must always remain vigilant and be prepared to deal with all possibilities.

That night, the Fang family held a simple family dinner to celebrate family reunion.

At the dinner table, Fang Yue told his parents and brother in detail about his experiences during this period and his future plans.

"Although we are temporarily safe now, we cannot take it lightly."

Fang Yue said seriously, "People from the Wei Dynasty may come to our door at any time, and we must be prepared to deal with it."

Parents and elder brother nodded in agreement. They knew that Fang Yue had always been the backbone of the family and his decisions had never been wrong, and it was no different this time.

In the days that followed, Fang Yue began to make plans to protect his family and deal with threats from the Wei Dynasty.

He understands that to truly ensure the safety of his family, he must plan ahead.

Or, leave the Wei Dynasty and enter the demon world!

But the demon world is full of dangers. If he is not here, he cannot guarantee the safety of his family.

Fang Yue fell into deep thinking. He knew that no matter whether he chose to stay in the Wei Dynasty or enter the demon world, there were risks.

In the Wei Dynasty, being hunted by the Wei royal family was undoubtedly a huge threat;

In the demon world, although it has different rules and powers than the human world, the dangers there cannot be ignored.

Therefore, if an emperor of Wei were replaced, or in other words, he supported an emperor of Wei to come to power, then all problems would be solved.

"So, we still have to find a force to cooperate!"

After careful consideration, Fang Yue decided to contact Shadow Pavilion to seek further cooperation with Li Shengdong.

So, after arranging his family's life, Fang Yue secretly left the small town and went to the contact point of Shadow Pavilion.

After some twists and turns, he finally got in touch with Li Shengdong and explained his ideas and plans to him.

"Pavilion Master Li, I think we should be able to cooperate more deeply."

Fang Yue said sincerely, "I hope to use the power of the Shadow Pavilion to jointly deal with the threat of the Wei Dynasty."

After hearing this, Li Shengdong's eyes flashed with admiration. He thought for a moment and then said:

"Your idea is very far-sighted, and I, the Shadow Pavilion, are indeed quite interested in this matter. The Emperor's Succession Ceremony of the Wei Dynasty is not only related to the change of power within the Wei Dynasty, but may also affect the situation of the entire Eastern Wasteland. With Brother Fang joining, Great things can happen.”

Then the two discussed the details again. After detailed discussions, Fang Yue and Li Shengdong reached an agreement.

"I heard Pavilion Master Li talking about Donghuang just now. I wonder what this Donghuang is?" Fang Yue asked.

He only knew about the Wei Dynasty, the barbarian grasslands, the southeastern sea, and the demon world.

This is the first time I have heard of the term Donghuang.

"Eastern Wasteland refers to the vast area where we are located. It includes many dynasties and countries. It is the collective name for several major dynasties such as Wei, Dachu, and Daqi, as well as many small countries and tribes. It is remote and has many resources. It is also relatively scarce, so it is called ‘shortage’.”

Li Shengdong explained slowly, while looking far away, as if looking at the vast Eastern Wasteland.

"I see, what is the strength of Da Chu and Da Qi?" Fang Yue asked curiously.

"The two small countries were spared because of their geographical location, so let's not mention them." (End of Chapter)

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