
The sound of metal clashing rang out, Fang Yue and the chief priest exchanged palm strikes, and then quickly collided with the long stick of the elder of the royal family of the Great Wei, sparks flew everywhere.

His figure was like the wind, and with the help of the rebound force, he floated back and landed steadily on the ground.

Facing the siege of two top masters, Fang Yue not only did not show the slightest fear, but was full of fighting spirit, with excitement flashing in his eyes.

“Haha, so cool!”

He laughed loudly and swung his sword at the two again.

The long sword was like a dragon, cutting through the sky, and slashing at the chief priest with a fierce momentum.

The chief priest frowned slightly, dodged the sword with a flash of his figure.

However, Fang Yue’s swordsmanship followed him closely, making him unable to get rid of it.

At the same time, the elder of the royal family of the Great Wei also swung his long stick at Fang Yue.

His stick skills were extremely fierce, and every stick seemed to be able to split mountains and rocks.

However, Fang Yue shuttled through the attacks of the two like a wisp of smoke, dodging the attacks skillfully every time and launching a fierce counterattack.

The battle became more and more intense, and the surrounding atmosphere became violent.

Although the chief priest and the elder of the royal family of the Great Wei were both top masters, they could never gain the upper hand in front of Fang Yue's flexible body movements and exquisite swordsmanship.

Instead, they were gradually suppressed by Fang Yue.

"How is this possible?!"

The chief priest was extremely shocked.

He originally thought that with the strength of himself and the elder, Fang Yue could be easily defeated.

But now it seems that they seem to have underestimated this young man.

The elder of the royal family of the Great Wei also felt great pressure.

He swung his long stick faster and faster, trying to break Fang Yue's offensive.

But every attack was easily resolved by Fang Yue.


Suddenly, Fang Yue hit the long stick of the old man of the royal family of the Great Wei heavily with a sword.

The huge force made the old man's arm numb, and the long stick almost flew out of his hand.

He staggered back, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

At this time, Fang Yue followed him closely, with his long sword pointing directly at the throat of the old man.


The old man of the royal family of Wei looked at the young man in front of him in horror, and he felt the breath of death.

"Let's go!"

Fang Yue shouted coldly, and the long sword suddenly stabbed out.


With a muffled sound, the long sword pierced through the body of the old man.

The old man of the royal family of Wei widened his eyes, looked down at the sword wound on his chest, and showed an expression of disbelief on his face.

His body slowly fell down, and a generation of royal old men fell.

"Old man!"

The chief priest exclaimed, with anger and grief in his eyes.

He had worked with the old man for many years. Although the two did not have a deep friendship, he could not help but feel sad when he saw the old man die tragically in front of him.

"I will kill you!"

The chief priest roared, and rushed towards Fang Yue like the wind.

His hands flashed with sharp vitality, and it was obvious that he was going to use powerful martial arts to kill Fang Yue.

However, Fang Yue smiled coldly, dodged the attack of the great priest with a flash of his body.

"Your opponent is me!"

He swung his long sword and attacked the great priest again.

The sword light flashed, and the two fought fiercely again.

But this time, the great priest had lost his mind, and his attack became crazy and messy.

Fang Yue kept a calm mind, his sword skills became more and more fierce, and every attack was aimed at the vital points of the great priest.


Suddenly, the great priest screamed and flew backwards.

A deep wound was cut on his chest by Fang Yue's long sword, and blood gushed out.

The great priest fell heavily to the ground, his face as pale as paper.

He struggled to stand up, but the strength of his body seemed to have left him.

"You...how can you be so strong?!"

He looked up at Fang Yue, with fear and unwillingness in his eyes.

Fang Yue looked at him coldly without answering his question.

He walked to the chief priest, pointing his sword at his throat.

"Go, remember, don't be my enemy in the next life."

After saying that, he swung his sword and ended the chief priest's life.

The two top masters died in Fang Yue's hands.

Fang Yue stood quietly in the field where the battle ended, with a deep look in his eyes.

The fall of the two top masters did not bring him too much joy, only deep contemplation.

War and killing are never what he pursues, but in this world where martial arts are respected, sometimes there is no choice.

He slowly walked to the remains of the chief priest and the old man of the Wei royal family, squatted down and began to search for their relics.

For a warrior, understanding the resources and secrets of the enemy is also a way to protect and improve oneself.

First, he found a secret book from the chief priest, with the cover written in ancient seal script "Tianyuan Heart Method"

Fang Yue opened the secret book and found that the cultivation method and energy utilization skills recorded in it were quite good, which was of some reference value to him.

Secondly, there were more than ten high-quality elixirs in the Qiankun Ring of the old man of the Wei royal family.

These elixirs were all holy medicines for healing.

Fang Yue put the elixirs away, and then he checked the bodies of the other two people.

In addition to the secret book and elixir found before, Fang Yue did not find more treasures on the two people.

However, when he carefully checked the clothes of the chief worshiper, he unexpectedly found a secret letter.

The envelope was sealed with a special wax seal, and there was an exquisite royal emblem printed on it.

Fang Yue carefully opened the envelope and unfolded the letter. The handwriting on it was beautiful but revealed a kind of majesty.

The content of the letter surprised Fang Yue.

It turned out that the actions of the chief worshiper and the old man were not accidental, but were instructed by the princess of the current dynasty.

The letter mentioned that the world is in chaos now, and the emperor of Wei is about to die.

The princess also began to become restless, intending to use external forces to gain more power.

Therefore, she also took a fancy to the power of the dragon soul of luck on Fang Yue.

Fang Yue looked at the content of the letter and frowned.

"It seems that this princess has a big plan." Fang Yue thought to himself, and he had a deeper understanding of the ambition and means of this princess.

However, it is not bad to know who is the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Princess, since you are interested in the power of my luck dragon soul, let me see what means you have to get it."

A cold light flashed in Fang Yue's eyes. He was not afraid of the upcoming challenge, but was full of fighting spirit.

Fang Yue stood up and looked around.

The traces of the battle were still clearly visible, but he knew that it was not advisable to stay here for a long time.

He had to leave as soon as possible to avoid more trouble.

Before leaving, he confirmed his gains again.

The "Tianyuan Heart Method" and the healing medicine were rare treasures, which were of great help to his practice and fighting.

And the power of his luck dragon soul was the key to his future growth.

"Now that I know the intention of the princess, I have to be prepared to deal with it next." Fang Yue thought to himself, he already had a preliminary plan.

He moved his body, turned into a stream of light, and quickly left the battlefield.

As Fang Yue's figure disappeared into the sky, the battlefield returned to tranquility again.

However, this fierce battle and the fall of two top masters will surely cause an uproar in the Wei Dynasty.

Fang Yue was thinking while flying. He knew that his identity and strength had been exposed, and the princess would not give up.

He had to rush to Shenjing City of the Great Wei Dynasty as soon as possible.

Fang Yue's figure streaked across the sky like a meteor, his heart full of determination.

He knew that he had to rush to Shenjing City as soon as possible, where there were things he needed to know and challenges he had to face.


One day, Fang Yue was on his way to Shenjing City when he suddenly found a group of thieves besieging a caravan below.

He fixed his eyes and saw that the people in the caravan were struggling to resist, but they were obviously unable to do so.

Originally, he was not going to care and was about to leave, but at this time, he sensed a familiar breath fluctuation.

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he immediately changed direction and dived down.

He quickly approached the center of the battle, and saw a woman in tight clothes, holding a long sword, fighting fiercely with several thieves.

The woman's swordsmanship was sharp and her body was light, but she still seemed to be struggling in the face of the siege of many thieves.

Fang Yue recognized the woman at a glance. It was Zhu Linlang.

"Linlang, I'll help you!" Fang Yue shouted, unsheathed his long sword, and rushed into the battle circle like a dragon.

His joining immediately changed the situation. Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang fought side by side. The swords flashed, and the thieves fell one after another. Soon, the remaining thieves were repelled by the two and fled in embarrassment.

After the battle, Zhu Linlang looked at Fang Yue with surprise in her eyes: "Fang Yue, why are you here?"

Fang Yue smiled and said: "I happened to pass by and saw you being besieged, so I came down to help. How can you deal with so many thieves alone?"

Zhu Linlang sighed and said: "I originally brought a lot of guards, but now I am the only one left."

Fang Yue frowned and said: "These thieves seem to be organized, and their strength is not weak. It is too dangerous for you to be alone."

Zhu Linlang nodded and said: "Yes, thanks to you this time. By the way, why are you here?"

Fang Yue said: "I am going to Shenjing City, and there are some things to deal with."

Zhu Linlang's eyes lit up and said: "I want to go to Shenjing City too. Why don't we go together? It will be safer."

Fang Yue thought about it and nodded: "Okay, let's go together and take care of each other."

So, the two continued to move forward together.

On the way, Fang Yue asked Zhu Linlang about the situation in Shenjing City and the purpose of her trip.

Zhu Linlang also told Fang Yue everything she knew without hiding anything.

It turned out that the emperor of Wei was about to die, and Zhu Linlang, as the daughter of the King of Han, was also a direct descendant of the royal family of Wei. Although the King of Han rebelled, it did not affect Zhu Linlang.

Of course, she did not have the idea of ​​becoming an emperor, but just went to see if she could meet her father.

After understanding Zhu Linlang's thoughts, Fang Yue nodded and expressed his understanding.

Then the two of them set off together.

A few days later, they came to a vast grassland with herds of cattle and sheep, and herdsmen's tents could be seen in the distance.

Although it was quiet here, Fang Yue felt a hint of unusual atmosphere.

"Linlang, do you think it's a bit strange here?" Fang Yue asked.

Zhu Linlang looked around and felt something strange: "It's true that something is wrong. We have to be careful."

As soon as the voice fell, a group of people in black suddenly rushed in from all directions and surrounded the two of them.

These people had fierce eyes and were armed with weapons. It was obvious that they came with bad intentions.

"Who are you? Why are you blocking our way?" Fang Yue asked coldly.

"Haha, you two idiots, don't you know that you are about to die?"

One of the men in black smiled evilly and said, "Someone is paying a big price to buy your lives, especially you, Fang Yue. The power of the Luck Dragon Soul in you is very coveted!"

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes.

They know that this battle is inevitable and they can only face it bravely.

"If you want to kill us, it depends on whether you have the ability!" Zhu Linlang said coldly, the long sword in his hand had been unsheathed, shining with a cold light.

"Hmph, if you don't eat the toast, you'll have to drink wine as a penalty, come on!" The leader of the men in black gave the order, and dozens of men in black immediately launched a fierce attack.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang stood back to back, facing the enemy's siege together. Their sword skills are exquisite and their movements are flexible, and they can repel several enemies with every swing of their swords.

However, the men in black were numerous in number and cooperated with each other tacitly, so their offensive was overwhelming.

However, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were so skilled that they were not afraid of danger. They fought side by side as one body, resisting the fierce attack of the man in black.

Fang Yue's long sword was like a dragon swimming out of the sea, unparalleled in strength. Every time he swung it, scores of men in black fell down.

The battle entered a fierce stage. Although the men in black were not afraid of death, their numbers were rapidly decreasing under the fierce offensive of Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang.

When the leader of the men in black saw this, he felt anxious. He knew that if this continued, all his men would be wiped out.

So, he waved the man in black to suspend the attack, then looked at Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang sinisterly, and said, "Do you think you can escape like this? It's really ridiculous!"

As he spoke, he took out a small black bottle from his arms, pointed the mouth of the bottle at Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang, and said with a sinister smile:

"No matter how powerful you are, you can't resist the power of my poison!"

When Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang saw this, they immediately took a few steps back vigilantly and prepared for defense.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

A black shadow suddenly jumped out from the side and snatched the vial from the leader of the man in black with lightning speed.

The leader of the men in black was shocked. He took a closer look and saw that it was an old man in gray clothes.

"Who are you?!" the leader of the men in black roared.

The old man in gray chuckled and said: "You juniors really don't know how high the sky is. These two people are not something you can touch!"

As he said that, he turned to look at Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang, with a glint of admiration in his eyes, and said, "You two little guys are good, brave and resourceful, and worthy of training."

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

They didn't know who the old man in gray was, but from the look of him, he didn't seem to be an enemy.

"Who are you?" Fang Yue frowned slightly. (End of chapter)

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