Just when everyone thought that Fang Yue could not open the stone door and the atmosphere became increasingly tense, the mysterious door suddenly opened slowly, as if controlled by some mysterious force.

The sun shone through the cracks in the door and illuminated the entire corridor. Everyone looked at this scene in surprise, filled with doubts and curiosity.

After the door is fully opened, a mysterious world is revealed in front of everyone.

Inside the door was a huge palace, with countless gems inlaid on the walls, shining with dazzling light.

In the center of the palace, on a huge stone platform, there is a shining golden talisman, which is obviously the legendary artifact of ruling the country.

"Then...is that the divine weapon that governs the country?" someone exclaimed, his voice full of shock.

Everyone was blinded by the golden light of the Zhenguo artifact, but everyone was deeply attracted by it.

It was as if the talisman exuded some kind of magic power, making everyone present unable to help but want to get close to it and feel its power.

Fang Yue was no exception. His heart was throbbing, and his eyes revealed his desire for the talisman.

He couldn't help but want to step forward, hold the shining golden talisman tightly in his hand, and feel the mysterious power it contained.

At the moment when Fang Yue couldn't help but want to move forward, he suddenly noticed that the atmosphere around him had changed.

The people who were just watching out of curiosity now showed greed and fanaticism in their eyes, as if they were bewitched by the golden light of the kingdom's artifact.

"That's mine!" A burly warrior shouted, rushing towards the stone platform first, trying to snatch the talisman.

"Don't even think about monopolizing it!" Another nobleman in luxurious clothes followed closely, his eyes flashing with desire for power.

For a moment, the originally quiet palace was in chaos.

People from all sides joined in the fight, either for strength or for power, and they all wanted to take possession of the sacred artifact of the country as their own.

The chaos at this moment is not only because of the temptation of the artifact, but also because of the greed and selfishness in human nature.

In this fight, original companions, allies and even relatives may become enemies.

The burly warrior relied on his powerful martial arts to charge forward and was almost unstoppable.

The luxuriously dressed noble used his power and wealth to gather a group of subordinates, trying to seize the talisman through numerical superiority.

Not to be outdone, the others showed off their abilities and joined in the melee.

Between the glint of the sword and the shadow of the sword, blood began to stain the palace floor red.

Screams and roars came one after another, and the originally magnificent palace seemed to have turned into a purgatory on earth.

Some people do not hesitate to resort to deadly moves in order to snatch the talisman;

Some people seek to protect themselves in the chaos, but inadvertently become the victims of others.

"Something is wrong with the situation! Brother Fang, what do you think?"

At this time, Li Shengdong, the master of the Shadow Pavilion, walked up to Fang Yue, frowning, and glanced around the chaotic palace, finally landing on the shining golden talisman.

As one of the people with the highest cultivation level present, he did not fall into madness.

"Brother Fang, this scene seems to be a little out of control. I'm afraid someone is planning it here!"

Fang Yue nodded and said solemnly: "Pavilion Master Li is right, this situation is indeed abnormal.

Although the temptation of the national artifact is great, it should not make everyone fall into such a crazy state. "

He looked around and saw that some warriors who were originally firm-minded seemed to have changed at this moment, with only greed for the talismans in their eyes.

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he suspected that there might be some kind of power that affects people's minds in this palace, or that someone was secretly doing something to intensify everyone's greed and competition.

"We have to find out the reason behind this." Fang Yue said solemnly, "Otherwise, this fight will not be settled."

Li Shengdong nodded in agreement: "I think so too. Brother Fang, have you discovered anything?"

Fang Yue frowned and thought for a moment, then pointed at the crazy warriors: "Look at them, although they behave crazy, they all seem to be pulled by some kind of force. I suspect there is some kind of mechanism or magic circle controlling this palace. their minds.”

"Mechanism? Magic circle?" Li Shengdong's eyes flashed with surprise, "You mean, all this is man-made?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out, and the biggest possibility is that the eldest princess of the Wei royal family! She came in before us, but now she is nowhere to be seen." Fang Yue said.

"Eldest Princess?" Li Shengdong raised an eyebrow, "If she is really controlling all this behind the scenes, what is her purpose?"

Fang Yue shook his head: "It's not clear yet, but what we can be sure of is that she must have an ulterior purpose. Maybe she wants to use this chaos to seize the artifact of the country, or there may be some other conspiracy."

"Then what should we do next?" Li Shengdong asked.

"Of course everyone depends on their own abilities!"

If the treasure is in front of you, no one will trust the other, so it's better for everyone to rely on their own abilities.

Li Shengdong nodded, and rushed towards the stone platform in a flash.

Like a cheetah, he nimbly shuttled through the chaotic crowd, looking for opportunities to seize the kingdom's artifact.

Fang Yue took a deep breath, concentrated his mind, and began to carefully sense the energy fluctuations around him.

He tried to establish contact with the organs or magic circles in the palace, and tried to find traces of the eldest princess.

He understood that only by finding the eldest princess could he uncover the truth behind all this.

As his perception deepened, Fang Yue gradually discovered the mechanisms and magic circles hidden in the palace.

He carefully touched the mechanism and tried to crack the magic circle, hoping to relieve the control of everyone's minds and reveal the eldest princess's conspiracy.

At the same time, Li Shengdong also launched action.

With his superb martial arts and rich combat experience, he broke through many obstacles and finally arrived at the stone platform.

Seeing the opportunity, he jumped up and tried to seize the artifact of Zhenguo in his hands.

But at this time, masters from various forces such as the Kunshan Sect and the five major families also launched an attack on Shitai.

For a time, various martial arts and spells intertwined into a gorgeous brilliance, blooming in the palace, and the scene was astonishing.

Li Shengdong was at the center of the battle. He had a strong body and powerful moves, forcing several people back every time he struck.

However, even with his profound cultivation, it would be difficult for him to escape the siege of so many masters in a short period of time.


At the same time, Fang Yue discovered a hidden mechanism formation in the corner of the palace.

He observed carefully and found that this mechanism formation was different and seemed to lead to another secret place.

With a thought in his heart, he decided to explore the secret of this mechanism formation.

Fang Yue carefully touched the mechanism and saw a flash of light. His figure disappeared and appeared in a more gorgeous and mysterious inner hall.

This inner hall is more exquisitely decorated, and the gems inlaid on the walls shine even brighter.

In the center, on a more exquisite stone platform, there is an ancient book and a gem that shines with mysterious light.

Fang Yue stepped forward and carefully observed the ancient book and gems.

He found that ancient books recorded the history of the palace and the secrets of the mechanism formation, and that gem exuded mysterious power and seemed to be closely related to the palace's mechanism formation.

Just as Fang Yue was studying the ancient book and gems in depth, he suddenly felt a powerful aura coming from outside.

He immediately raised his head alertly and saw the eldest princess walking in with a group of subordinates.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be able to find this place. I'm really impressed."

The eldest princess sneered and said, "But do you think you can escape my grasp?"

Fang Yue looked at the eldest princess expressionlessly, knowing that this fight was inevitable.

He took a deep breath, concentrated his mind, and prepared for the next battle.

"Elder Princess, I have discovered your conspiracy."

Fang Yue said calmly, "You thought you could control everyone's minds and seize the country's artifact, but your plan has failed."

"Oh? Really?"

The eldest princess smiled disdainfully, "Do you think you can stop me after cracking this mechanism? You are too naive.

Look what this is? Now I give you a chance to surrender to me, otherwise your fate will be as tragic as theirs. "

As the eldest princess spoke, a small crystal ball suddenly appeared in her hand.

In the crystal ball, a scene of melee in the palace outside appeared, dripping with blood and too horrific to behold.

A trace of anger flashed in Fang Yue's eyes, but he quickly suppressed his emotions and remained calm.

He knew that the eldest princess at this moment was well prepared and had some kind of power to control the palace's magic circle, so he had to deal with it carefully.

"The artifact that governs the country is the most precious treasure of the Wei royal family. You outsiders, all so ambitious, want to get your hands on it. How ridiculous!" The eldest princess's tone was full of ridicule and disdain.

When Fang Yue heard this, his expression did not change much. He responded calmly: "Princess, the sacred artifacts of the country are of course precious, and the treasures of heaven and earth are used by those with virtue. We still don't know who will win!"

"Hmph, what a big tone!" The eldest princess sneered, "Do you think you can compete with me after cracking the mechanism formation? You are so naive!"

As she spoke, she flipped her palm, and a bright ray of light shot out from her palm and went straight towards Fang Yue.

This ray of light was extremely fast and arrived in front of Fang Yue in the blink of an eye.

Fang Yue's eyes narrowed, and he quickly dodged. At the same time, he gathered his energy in his palms, and suddenly shot out, a majestic palm force met the ray of light.


There was a loud noise, brilliance and palm power collided fiercely in the air, bursting out with dazzling light. The entire inner temple trembled under the impact of this force.

Fang Yue's figure swayed and he stood firmly on the spot, while the eldest princess's face changed slightly, obviously she did not expect that Fang Yue was so powerful.

"Princess, you are indeed powerful, but if you want to seize the kingdom's artifact, you need to ask me." Fang Yue said coldly.

"Hmph, do you think you can stop me?" A chill flashed in the eldest princess's eyes, "Today, I will let you see my true power!"

As she spoke, she formed a seal with her hands and activated the magic circle in the palace. For a moment, the entire inner hall shook, as if it was about to collapse. However, Fang Yue remained unmoved. He took a deep breath, concentrated his mind, and prepared to face the next challenge.

The two forces intertwined and collided again in the inner hall. This time the battle was more intense, and every attack was enough to destroy a mountain. But Fang Yue always remained calm and determined. He constantly dodged and resisted the eldest princess' attacks while looking for opportunities to counterattack.

As time went by, the eldest princess's offensive gradually weakened, while Fang Yue became more and more courageous as he fought. He suddenly flashed, appeared behind the eldest princess, and slapped her on the back.

The eldest princess also reacted very quickly. She dodged Fang Yue's attack with a flash. But Fang Yue did not give her a chance to breathe, and then another heavy punch hit her chest.

This time, the eldest princess was unable to completely dodge, and was swept by Fang Yue's fist, shaking her body.

Seeing that she was no match for Fang Yue, the eldest princess' eyes flashed with cunning and determination. She knew that in order to turn the tide of the battle, she must rely on the power of the national artifact. So, she quickly turned around and ran to the central stone platform, and gently touched the golden talisman with her palm.

"With my blood, awaken the power of the artifact!" The eldest princess shouted, bit her fingertips, and dripped a drop of blood on the talisman.

Suddenly, the national artifact glowed with golden light, and a majestic force emanated from it, as if it was going to overturn the entire inner hall. The eldest princess showed a proud smile on her face. She felt that she had already controlled this power, enough to defeat Fang Yue.

"Go to hell!" The princess roared, urging the power of the artifact to launch a fierce attack on Fang Yue.

A golden light shot out from the talisman and went straight to Fang Yue.

The power of this golden light was stronger than the previous attack, as if it could destroy everything that stood in its way.

Fang Yue felt the power of this force, but he did not retreat. He took a deep breath, condensed all his energy in his palm, and prepared to meet the impact of this golden light.


The golden light and Fang Yue's palm power collided violently in the air, making a deafening noise.

The entire inner hall shook violently under the impact of this force, as if it was about to collapse.

However, Fang Yue stood firmly in place, and his palm power actually blocked the golden light.

Fang Yue steadily resisted the attack of the princess, which made the princess unbelievable. She widened her eyes and looked at Fang Yue, as if she could not accept this fact. The power of the national artifact was actually blocked by Fang Yue!

"This is impossible!" the princess roared, her voice full of anger and unwillingness.

However, the facts were in front of him, Fang Yue did resist her attack. His palm radiated a faint light, which was the vitality he had condensed with all his strength, competing with the power of the national artifact.

"No, this artifact is fake, I was fooled!" The princess of Wei suddenly exclaimed, her face suddenly changed, full of anger and astonishment.

Then, Fang Yue saw that the talisman was broken into pieces of golden fragments, flying everywhere.

This scene made Fang Yue, especially the princess of Wei, look unbelievable. (End of this chapter)

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