"Fang Yue!" Zhu Linlang exclaimed, and hurried over to help Fang Yue up.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of Fang Yue's mouth. He shook his head and indicated that he was fine. But his face was pale, and it was obvious that he was seriously injured.

Wu Chengwang looked at Fang Yue coldly, with a flash of disappointment in his eyes: "Fang Yue, your strength is not bad, but unfortunately, you are not strong enough."

Fang Yue stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Wu Chengwang firmly: "I haven't lost yet, just warming up."

Wu Chengwang was slightly stunned, and then laughed: "Good, you have backbone. But backbone can't change the result. Today, you will all die."

Fang Yue took a deep breath and adjusted his state.

Although he was injured, his body was strong, and he had fully recovered in just a moment.

Fang Yue stared at Wu Chengwang again, his eyes flashing with an unyielding light: "Wu Chengwang, the battle has just begun."

Wu Chengwang frowned, he didn't expect Fang Yue to be so tenacious.

But then, he sneered: "Humph, do you think you can compete with me after recovering a little from your injuries? How naive."

Having said that, King Wucheng did not dare to be careless.

He clenched his long sword and rushed towards Fang Yue again, the sword light flashing, and every swing of the sword was accompanied by a fierce murderous aura.

Fang Yue went forward. Although his swordsmanship was not as exquisite as King Wucheng's, he relied on his strong body and unyielding will to block King Wucheng's attack.

The two fought in the air, the sword energy was crisscrossed, and the fight was inextricable.

At the same time, Zhu Linlang was not idle.

She took the opportunity to run to the side, began to recite the spell silently, and formed seals with both hands, preparing to complete the important ceremony.

She knew that only by controlling the Zhentian Talisman could they really defeat King Wucheng.

As the spell was recited, Zhu Linlang began to glow faintly.

The talisman in her hand gradually lit up, emitting powerful energy fluctuations.

King Wucheng naturally noticed this scene, and he secretly said in his heart that it was not good.

But he was fighting with Fang Yue at the moment, and he couldn't distract himself to stop Zhu Linlang.

He could only hope to defeat Fang Yue as soon as possible, and then stop the ceremony.

However, Fang Yue stood like a mountain.

The more Wu Chengwang fought, the more shocked he became. He originally thought that Fang Yue was just a small character, but he didn't expect that he would be so difficult.

What made him even more anxious was that Zhu Linlang's ceremony seemed to be about to be completed.

"I can't go on like this." Wu Chengwang thought to himself, and he decided to change his tactics.

Suddenly, Wu Chengwang flashed and withdrew from the close combat with Fang Yue.

He flipped his palm, took out a black bead from his arms, and muttered something.

Seeing this, Fang Yue immediately stepped back a few steps vigilantly, holding the long sword tightly, and was ready.

Zhu Linlang also noticed the movement here, but she knew that she couldn't be distracted at this moment.

The last step of the ceremony was about to be completed, and she had to stick to it.

At this moment, the black bead in Wu Cheng Wang's hand suddenly burst out with a powerful dark energy.

This energy was like an awakened beast, roaring and rushing towards Fang Yue.

Fang Yue's eyes were stern, he knew this was Wu Cheng Wang's trump card.


With a loud bang, the dark energy collided violently with Fang Yue's sword.

The powerful impact made Fang Yue retreat again and again, but he still gritted his teeth and held on.

At the same time, Zhu Linlang finally completed the ceremony. She raised the talisman in her hand and shouted: "Zhentian Talisman, start!"

As she shouted, Zhentian Talisman burst out with dazzling light.

A powerful force surged out of the talisman and rushed straight into the sky.

This force seemed to have spirituality. After circling in the air for a week, it suddenly attacked Wu Cheng Wang.

Wu Cheng Wang felt the power of this force and his face changed drastically. He hurriedly waved the black bead in his hand, trying to resist this force.

But the power of the Heaven-shaking Talisman was too strong, directly shattering the black bead's defense and hitting Wu Cheng Wang heavily.


Wu Cheng Wang screamed, flew back several meters, and fell heavily to the ground.

He struggled to stand up, but found that his body had lost consciousness.

Seeing this, Fang Yue immediately rushed forward and pointed a sword at Wu Cheng Wang's throat: "You lost."

Wu Cheng Wang stared at Fang Yue with his eyes wide open, his eyes full of unwillingness and regret. He knew that he had indeed lost.

And he lost completely.

Zhu Linlang also completed the ceremony and walked to Fang Yue's side. The two stood side by side, facing Wu Cheng Wang who fell to the ground. The Heaven-shaking Talisman in Zhu Linlang's hand still exuded a faint light, as if announcing their victory.

"Wu Cheng Wang, your ambition has ended here." Fang Yue said coldly, the tip of the sword still pointing at Wu Cheng Wang's throat.

Wu Cheng Wang glared at you, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes. He tried to struggle, but his body was completely out of control.

In the end, he could only sigh helplessly and close his eyes.

"Haha, I didn't expect that after fighting for it for a lifetime, my niece got it. This is fate!" King Wucheng said, revealing a hint of despair in his voice.

Then, his face turned pale in an instant, and he seemed to have aged hundreds of years in a moment. He had no life breath and died in an instant.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang looked at the sudden change of King Wucheng with surprise.

They saw that King Wucheng seemed to have aged hundreds of years in an instant, and his life breath disappeared without a trace.

"What's going on?" Fang Yue couldn't help but ask.

Zhu Linlang also shook his head and expressed confusion: "I don't know, I have never encountered such a situation."

The two of them stared at the dead King Wu Cheng on the ground, their hearts filled with doubts and emotions.

This once arrogant king passed away in just a moment.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang stood quietly next to King Wu Cheng's body, with surprise and doubt intertwined in their hearts.

King Wu Cheng's sudden old age and death seemed like a strange curse, which made them feel palpitations.

Just when Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were confused, the surrounding ministers and guards rushed forward one after another.

They witnessed the entire battle, the defeat of King Wu Cheng and the moment Zhu Linlang took control of the Sky-shattering Talisman.

At this moment, they no longer hesitated and shouted in unison: "Long live! Long live! Long live!"

The sound was like rough waves, one wave higher than the other, echoing throughout the palace.

Zhu Linlang stood in the center of the crowd, and the faint light emitted by the Sky-shattering Talisman reflected on her face, making her look as majestic and inviolable as a god.

The ceremony was officially held, and he was recognized by the Sky-shattering Talisman, and he became the new emperor of the Wei Dynasty.


A few days later, the lights in the Wei Royal Library were dim and warm.

Fang Yue sat at the ancient desk, flipping through a yellowed ancient book intently.

His eyes were deep, as if he wanted to carve every word into his heart.

After the battle with King Wu Cheng, he felt deeply that his strength was insufficient, so he decided to study in the library and find more powerful techniques to improve himself.

At this moment, the door of the library opened gently, and Zhu Linlang walked in slowly.

She was wearing a golden dress and a phoenix crown, looking noble and elegant. Her eyes swept across the library and finally landed on Fang Yue.

"Fang Yue." Zhu Linlang called softly, breaking the tranquility of the library.

Fang Yue raised his head and saw Zhu Linlang, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Linlang, why are you here?"

Zhu Linlang walked to Fang Yue and said softly: "I heard that you have been studying the exercises here these days. Is it very hard?"

Fang Yue smiled and shook his head: "It's not hard, I feel very fulfilled. Besides, I also want to become stronger."

Zhu Linlang looked at Fang Yue's firm eyes and couldn't help but feel a little moved in her heart.

She knew that Fang Yue was a person who pursued the ultimate in martial arts, and he only had persistence and love for martial arts in his heart.

"Fang Yue, I hope you can stay."

Zhu Linlang said suddenly, with a hint of pleading in her voice, "Now that I am the new emperor of Wei, I need your help."

Fang Yue looked at Zhu Linlang, a look of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

He knew that Zhu Linlang needed him now, needed his support and protection.

However, he also has his own dreams and pursuits.

"Linlang, I am very grateful for your trust and reliance on me."

Fang Yue said slowly, "However, I have decided to leave the palace and pursue my own martial arts path."

When Zhu Linlang heard Fang Yue's words, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

She knew that Fang Yue's decision would not be changed easily, and she also understood Fang Yue's persistence and pursuit of martial arts.

"Now that you have decided, I will no longer keep you."

Zhu Linlang said softly, "But you have to remember that no matter where you go, Wei's palace will always be your home."

When Fang Yue heard Zhu Linlang's words, a warm current surged in his heart.

He took a deep look at Zhu Linlang and nodded: "Thank you, Linlang. I will remember it."


Fang Yue left the palace and walked on the streets of Shenjing, his heart filled with expectations for the future and nostalgia for the past.

He was ready to leave the city and embark on his own path of martial arts practice.

On the eve of leaving Shenjing, Fang Yue came to a teahouse, wanting to quietly savor the last moments.

He found a seat by the window, ordered a pot of good tea, and enjoyed the tranquility alone.

At this moment, the door of the teahouse was pushed open and a figure walked in.

Fang Yue looked up and saw that it was the Demon Fox King who had helped him in the demon world.

"Demon Fox King, you are here!" Fang Yue said in a calm voice.

The Demon Fox King smiled, walked to Fang Yue and sat down next to him: "I heard that you were leaving Shenjing, so I came here to find you. A new emperor has appeared in the Wei Dynasty, and the key is about to be born."

"Key? You mean..." Fang Yue frowned slightly, and then remembered his previous experience in the demon world and the mysterious legend that the Demon Fox King once mentioned.

"That's right, it's the key that you heard about before that can unlock the treasures of the demon world." The Demon Fox King nodded and said solemnly, "According to my clues, this key is probably hidden in the human world, and is related to There is a close relationship with the Wei Dynasty. Now that the new emperor has ascended the throne, there must be changes in the palace. This may be a great opportunity for us to find the key. "

After listening to the Demon Fox King's words, Fang Yue couldn't help but feel a passion for adventure in his heart. He is a person who likes challenges and exploration, and he also feels obligated to respond to the Demon Fox King's request.

"Okay, I promise you, I will help you find this key." Fang Yue said firmly, "However, I need to know some detailed information and possible clues about this key first."

The Fox King showed a grateful look on his face when he heard this. He then told Fang Yue everything he knew about the key, including some possible hiding places and ways to find it.

Fang Yue listened carefully and gradually came up with a rough plan in his mind. He decided to do his best to help the Fox King find the mysterious key before leaving Shenjing.

The two chatted for a while, and the Fox King got up and said goodbye. He expressed his deep gratitude to Fang Yue and promised to give Fang Yue a generous reward once the key was found.


In the following days, Fang Yue began his search for the mysterious key.

Based on the clues provided by the Fox King, Fang Yue searched several key locations in Shenjing City.

However, despite his great efforts, he still did not find the mysterious key.

Every possible location made him return disappointed, as if the key did not exist in this world at all.

Fang Yue could not help but wonder if he had missed any important clues, or if the key was not in Shenjing at all.

He began to reflect on his search methods and decided to expand the search scope, not just within the city of Shenjing.

Just when Fang Yue was confused, he suddenly received an unexpected message.

The news said that someone found a mysterious key in an ancient temple outside the city of Shenjing.

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he immediately went to the temple to explore.

The temple is located on a mountain outside the city of Shenjing, and the environment is quiet and mysterious.

Fang Yue came to the temple, only to see that the temple was dilapidated, but it exuded an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

He walked into the temple and carefully looked for the mysterious key.

Fang Yue searched carefully in the temple, not letting go of every corner.

Finally, in a remote corner, he found an ancient stone platform.

The stone platform was engraved with ancient runes, and in the center of the stone platform, there was an ancient key.

This key is completely different from ordinary keys. It flashes with a faint light all over its body, as if it has a mysterious power.

He carefully picked up the key and felt the powerful energy it exuded.

He knew that this key was of great significance to them. It could not only open the treasure of the demon world, but also hide deeper secrets.

Fang Yue held the key, his heart full of joy and expectation.

He finally found this mysterious key, which also meant that their adventure would enter a new stage.

However, just as Fang Yue was about to leave the temple, he suddenly felt a strong breath approaching rapidly.

He immediately looked at the door vigilantly, and saw a black shadow flashing in quickly.

"Haha, it's really a pain to find it. Fang Yue, hand over the key, and I can spare your life." The black shadow sneered. (End of this chapter)

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