As soon as he entered the inn, Fang Yue was shocked by the price quoted by the waiter.

The worst room costs one tael of silver a day.

There are still eight days before the Wu Xiucai exam, plus he has to wait for the departure list.

He has to wait for three more days.

It will take about eleven days, at least eleven taels of silver.

He only brought ten taels of silver with him to Xiahe County this time.

He really can't afford to stay in an inn.

Is he really going to stay at Master Zhang's house?

As if he could see Fang Yue's dilemma, the waiter still introduced with enthusiasm and a smile:

"My guest, this is also impossible. This time the county is holding a Wu Xiucai exam. This is the first time since the founding of the Wei Dynasty. Many people came to the county a month ago, so the housing prices are of course rising."

"However, our firewood room is still empty. If you don't mind, you can live in the firewood room. That's cheap, only three taels of silver for half a month, and two meals a day."

"Okay, I'll live in the firewood room." Fang Yue readily agreed.

Generally speaking, in inns like this, the firewood room is usually facing the sun.

And it is very spacious, and it is a separate room. Put a bed and tidy it up a little, it is also good.

As for living in the firewood room, he doesn't care about it.

A hero doesn't ask where he comes from, and the martial arts exam doesn't care where you live.

After two days of travel, Fang Yue was covered in dust.

After settling down and having dinner, Fang Yue fetched a bucket of water, washed off the dust on his body, and then went to bed early.

The next morning, the eastern sky was lit up with light golden clouds.

Fang Yue opened the door, refreshed, and went out in high spirits.

Today I have to register, and then I have to meet Master Zhang. Although I don't live in his house, this year, because of Master Fang Hu, he will visit his house every time he comes to Xiahe County.

Some relationships still need to be maintained. Besides, regardless of Zhang Shu, Master Zhang is a very good person. He cares about the younger generation and really treats him as his nephew.

After leaving the inn, it was still early.

There were few pedestrians on the street, only the vendors selling breakfast were setting up tables. The morning mist had not yet dissipated, and Xiahe County at this time had a unique flavor.

Xiahe County is close to Xiahe River. It took a huge amount of manpower to surround Xiahe River and divert the water through the county. It was a beautiful scenery.

Fang Yue walked on the bluestone-paved street and headed towards the county government office.

When he arrived at the county government office, it was just the time for the county government office to open for business.

Fang Yue introduced himself and his identity as a disciple of the White Tiger Boxing Hall, saying that he came to sign up for the Wu Xiucai assessment.

It was easy to enter the official room of the county government office, but he did not encounter the kind of corruption and extortion that was rumored.

Fang Yue had just walked out of the county government office after completing the registration procedures.

"Wait a minute, brother in front!"

At this time, a voice sounded, and then a man in a green suit came to Fang Yue.

Looking up, it was the young man on horseback from yesterday. Not far from him, Fang Yue also saw the two girls from yesterday.

Compared with yesterday, the two girls changed their clothes.

No longer in a mess, more gentle and charming, people can't take their eyes off.

"I am Chen Chengan, have we met somewhere before?" Chen Chengan asked with a fist.

"I met him at Baishishan yesterday. Brother Chen's demeanor makes people yearn for him." Fang Yue smiled slightly and introduced himself.

"It seems that Brother Fang is also here to participate in the Wu Xiucai assessment. We are all in the same boat. I will host you tonight and you won't leave until you are drunk." Chen Chengan invited enthusiastically.

"I'm sorry to disappoint Brother Chen. I have to meet an elder today." Fang Yue declined tactfully.

Seeing this, Chen Chengan did not continue to force it. After asking Fang Yue's address, he went to the county government to register.


In the afternoon, the time was estimated.

Fang Yue came to Master Zhang's house with the gift he had prepared.

Because he had come several times, the doorman saw Fang Yue and opened the door directly to let him in.

Fang Yue met Master Zhang in the living room.

"Since you are here, why do you bring any gifts? My dear nephew is always so distant. It's too strange." Zhang Boyang was very enthusiastic, as always.

"It's just some fried tea leaves, all made at home, it's nothing."

Fang Yue brought his own fried tea, which was free anyway, and much better than the tea on the market. It was just right as a gift, and it was very good to give it to others.

Master Zhang accepted it with a smile, but his attitude became more and more kind.

"My dear nephew, are you here to participate in the martial arts examination this time?" Zhang Boyang asked.

When the child first came to his house a year ago, he had just started practicing martial arts.

According to past experience, it would take at least three to five years before he had the opportunity to participate in the martial arts examination.

That is to say, he has good talent and can practice to the third level of martial arts, bone forging, within three to five years.

But he did not expect that the court changed the era name and added the assessment of martial arts scholars.

But Fang Yue was able to practice the second level of martial arts, skin grinding, in one year, which also shows that his martial arts talent is not bad.

In addition, the sect now intends to develop a tea-frying business, and tea-frying was invented by the young man in front of him.

This means that he must be able to be both literary and martial. If he can be both literary and martial, he will definitely be extraordinary in the future.

In this way, the idea in his heart became more and more firm.

"Uncle Master, I am here to see the world this time."

Fang Yue nodded. Fang Hu had written a letter about this before, so Zhang Boyang naturally knew about it.

"Haha, it's good for young people to see the world."

Zhang Boyang laughed and changed the subject and said to Fang Yue: "If I remember correctly, my nephew is seventeen this year. I wonder if he can get married?"

Fang Yue was stunned, as if he didn't expect Zhang Boyang to ask this, but he quickly came to his senses and said: "My eldest brother is not married yet, and I am not married either."

In ancient times, people paid attention to the order of seniority. Even when getting married, the elder brother should be married first and the younger brother should be married later. Otherwise, the order would be messed up and people would laugh at him.

"Haha, that's very good, very good." Zhang Boyang laughed and continued: "Nephew, what do you think of my Shu'er?"

Fang Yue immediately understood what Zhang Boyang meant when he heard it. Was he trying to match him with Zhang Shu?

It doesn't make sense. Zhang Boyang treats Zhang Shu very well. Besides, what are the conditions of Zhang Boyang's family?

There are hundreds of acres of fertile land alone, and there are businesses in the city, with an annual income of thousands of taels of silver.

Moreover, his cultivation has long been perfected, and he is also a martial arts candidate, and he also has an official position in the county government.

With such a family, his only daughter must find a suitable match.

How could Zhang Boyang want to match him with Zhang Shu!

However, although he felt it was impossible, Fang Yue still bit the bullet and said against his will:

"Senior Sister Zhang is naturally kind and has a very good temper."

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