Fang Yue was taken into the dungeon, and the iron door slammed shut behind him, making a dull sound, like a death sentence.

The dungeon was cold, damp, and freezing, with drops of water dripping from the surrounding stone walls, making a heart-stopping sound.

He looked around. It was dark in the dungeon, with only a few weak lights swaying, casting shadows on the mottled work.

This is where the Black Mountain Sect imprisons and tortures its enemies, and is full of the atmosphere of despair and death.

However, Fang Yue's eyes did not reveal the slightest fear or despair.

He pretended that his vitality and cultivation were limited, and sat against the wall with his eyes closed to meditate.

Time gradually passed, and by the time Fang Yue opened his eyes again, it was already late at night.

At this time, there was silence all around.

But at this moment, two footsteps gradually came from the corridor outside the cell door.

Fang Yue sat leaning against the wall, his mind moved slightly, and he heard the faint sound of conversation.

"Have you heard? Today there is a distinguished guest visiting the Black Mountain Sect, and the sect leader has to come out to greet him."

"Yes, the identity of this distinguished guest is not ordinary. It is said that he is an envoy from a certain sect. Of course, the sect master has to go and greet him in person."

"In this way, the defense of the sect will be much relaxed. But having said that, even if the defense is relaxed, this kid will not be able to escape."

"Huh, of course. The dungeon has so many traps that no matter how high his cultivation level is, he still can't fly."

After a while, the sounds of footsteps outside gradually faded away, and soon became quiet again.

At the same time, in the cell.

Fang Yue thought secretly in his heart: "The defense is lax, and this is the opportunity I need. Although the dungeon has many traps, I must give it a try, otherwise I can only sit back and wait for death."

He continued to rest with his eyes closed, but in fact every one of his senses was on high alert, waiting for the best moment to act.

After a while, the surroundings fell into complete silence, leaving only the faint sound of dripping water. Fang Yue knew that this was the best time.

Fang Yue thought silently in his heart: "Now!"

He opened his eyes suddenly and moved. He looked weak and weak, but in fact he was ready to attack.

"Little brother, are you ready to escape? I advise you not to act rashly. The thieves of the Black Mountain Sect are all evil-hearted. If you dare to escape now, you will fall into their trap!"

At this moment, an old and deep voice suddenly sounded in Fang Yue's ears.

He was stunned for a moment, then looked around, but didn't find anyone.

At the same time, Fang Yue secretly activated his energy and searched.

But a moment later.

Fang Yue was suddenly surprised and found nothing.

It's like the person speaking doesn't exist!

Fang Yue was shocked, but remained calm on the surface.

He knew that at this critical moment, any panic might put him in a more dangerous situation.

"Senior, since you reminded me aloud, you must know the trap here. I am not acting rashly, but after careful consideration. If you are willing to help, I will be grateful; if you are not willing, please don't stop me."

Fang Yue said in a deep voice. Although his voice was not loud, it revealed a kind of firmness and determination.

The old and deep voice was silent for a moment, as if he had considered Fang Yue's words.

Then, the voice sounded again, with a hint of approval:

"Good boy, you have courage! I'm not trying to stop you, I'm just reminding you to be careful. The traps in this dungeon are indeed heavy, but they are not invulnerable. I can tell you a safe escape route, but you must promise me one thing."

Fang Yue's heart moved and he quickly asked: "Senior, please tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree to it."

"Okay! After you go out, you must bring me the head of Yu Hongye, the leader of the Black Mountain Sect. I will wait for you here." The voice said firmly.

When Fang Yue heard this, he felt doubt and surprise in his heart.

He did not expect that this mysterious senior would make such a specific and bold request.

However, he also understood that since this senior could know the traps of the dungeon and was willing to tell him a safe escape route, there must be a special reason for his request.

"Senior, I promise you. As long as I can escape, I will try my best to bring you the head of Yu Hongye, the leader of the Black Mountain Sect." Fang Yue solemnly promised.

The old and deep voice seemed satisfied with Fang Yue's promise, and then told him in detail a safe escape route and how to avoid the traps in the dungeon.

Fang Yue listened and silently remembered it in his heart.

After the voice finished speaking, he took a deep breath, and then followed the voice's instructions and began his escape journey.

Fang Yue followed the instructions of the mysterious senior, carefully avoiding the traps in the dungeon, and finally came to the exit of the dungeon.

He took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and then easily opened the iron door of the dungeon according to the method taught to him by his seniors.

Outside the door is a dark corridor. Fang Yue knows that this is still the territory of the Black Mountain Sect, and he must be more careful.

He used his profound cultivation to perform a simple disguise technique, changing his face into that of an ordinary Black Mountain Sect disciple.

Then, he quietly walked out along the corridor, avoiding several patrolling disciples along the way.

He knew that his current status was that of an ordinary disciple, so he did not dare to be too showy. He just lowered his head and tried not to attract other people's attention.

After some twists and turns, Fang Yue finally arrived at the treasure house of the Black Mountain Sect.

He knew that the place was heavily guarded, but he had to give it a try. He used his cultivation to sneak into the treasure house quietly.

The treasure house was shining with golden light, and all kinds of precious treasures were in full view.

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he began to search in the treasure house.

This was just the temporary residence of the Black Mountain Sect. The treasure house was not built for a long time, so there were not many traps in it, which made Fang Yue's actions relatively easier.

Fang Yue's eyes quickly swept through the treasure house, and finally fell on the rows of neatly arranged martial arts secrets.

A strong curiosity surged in his heart. What secrets did these martial arts related to corpse training hide?

He approached carefully, stretched out his hand and gently picked up a secret book. The cover had turned yellow, but the handwriting on it was still clearly visible.

This was a martial arts book about refining zombies. It detailed the steps of how to select corpses, how to refine, how to control, and even some secrets about improving the strength of zombies.

Fang Yue's heart trembled. He knew that if these skills were mastered by people with bad intentions, the consequences would be disastrous.

He continued to flip through other secret books and found that most of these skills involved dark and evil forces, which were completely different from the skills of the Wei Dynasty he practiced.

"This Black Mountain Sect really came from outside the Wei Dynasty!"

Fang Yue murmured slightly, and then began to flip through other books, and soon found a book that introduced the customs and people outside the Wei Dynasty.

Fang Yue opened the book that introduced the customs and people outside the Wei Dynasty, which recorded in detail various exotic anecdotes, customs and cultivation methods. The more he read, the more surprised he was. It turned out that the world outside the Wei Dynasty was so vast and the ways of cultivation were so diverse.

He paid special attention to some of the introductions to other dynasties and sects, and found that the Black Mountain Sect was also a powerful sect outside the Wei Dynasty, and it was in collusion with some other evil forces. This made him more determined to destroy the Black Mountain Sect.

Fang Yue continued to look through other books and secrets in the treasure house, hoping to find more information about the Black Mountain Sect and other evil forces. He knew that this information would be of great help to his future actions.

After searching for a while, Fang Yue finally found several secrets about the internal structure and personnel distribution of the Black Mountain Sect. He studied them carefully and kept the layout and guard situation of the Black Mountain Sect in mind.

At this time, Fang Yue had a deeper understanding of the Black Mountain Sect. He knew that his next action would be more difficult, but he was also more determined to destroy this evil sect.

After all, the hatred of daring to threaten him with his parents and family and having evil thoughts about his parents and family made him more determined to destroy this evil sect.

He left the treasure house and quietly moved towards the core area of ​​the cave according to the route he remembered before.

At this time, Yu Hongye was not there, and the only threat to him in the Black Mountain Sect was the three guardian elders.

As long as they were defeated one by one, the Black Mountain Sect would collapse without attack.

Fang Yue was thinking in his heart. He knew that in order to destroy the Black Mountain Sect, he had to get rid of the three guardian elders first. They were not only the top leaders of the Black Mountain Sect, but also Yu Hongye's right-hand men. Only by getting rid of them first could the strength of the Black Mountain Sect be further weakened.

He sneaked quietly, using his cultivation and disguise skills to avoid the guards and patrolling disciples of the Black Mountain Sect.

He knew that it was not the time to fight head-on, and he had to wait for the best time.

After some twists and turns, Fang Yue finally found the hiding place of the first guardian elder.

He took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and then sneaked in quietly.

"Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before!"

Fang Yue's heart tightened. He knew that although his disguise skills were exquisite, in a place like the Black Mountain Sect, any omission could expose his identity.

Faced with the sudden questioning of the guardian elder, he had to respond quickly.

He lowered his head, pretending to be terrified, and answered in a trembling voice:

"To answer the elder, I am a new disciple, responsible for some chores. Because I am usually busy in the back mountain, the elder may not have seen me."

The guardian elder narrowed his eyes and looked Fang Yue up and down, seeming to doubt his answer.

But after a moment, he still said: "Well, who asked you to come? Is Yu Hongye going to order me around again?"

Fang Yue's heart trembled, he knew that he could not hesitate at this moment. He raised his head suddenly, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and at the same time, he moved his body and pounced on the guardian elder like a cheetah.

"Yes, the sect master does have something important to discuss, but before that, I have a private matter to solve!"

Fang Yue's voice was low and firm, and the vitality in his hand had condensed into a sharp gust of wind, going straight to the guardian elder's vital point.

The guardian elder was shocked, he never expected that this seemingly terrified new disciple would suddenly attack.

He hurriedly urged his vitality to resist Fang Yue's attack, but it was too late.

Fang Yue's cultivation was profound, and he had been ready for a long time, so the power of this attack was extraordinary.

Although the guardian elder was also a high-ranking member of the Black Mountain Sect, he was caught off guard and was severely injured by Fang Yue's attack.

"You... you dare..." The guardian elder covered his wound, his face pale, his eyes full of shock and anger.

Fang Yue looked at him coldly, without any mercy. He knew that for these people from the Black Mountain Sect, any mercy would be cruel to himself.

"Why shouldn't I dare? You Black Mountain Sect have committed many evils. Today I will enforce justice on behalf of heaven and get rid of you, this scourge!"

After Fang Yue finished speaking, he urged his vitality again, ready to give the guardian elder a fatal blow.

Seeing this, the guardian elder knew that he would not be able to escape death today.

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, and then he suddenly urged the vitality in his body, wanting to self-destruct his Nascent Soul and cause heavy damage to Fang Yue.

However, Fang Yue had already guarded against this move.

He flashed and easily avoided the guardian elder's self-destruction, and then slapped out with a palm, completely destroying the guardian elder's body.

After solving the first guardian elder, Fang Yue did not stop. He knew that time was running out and he had to solve the remaining two guardian elders as soon as possible.

He used his cultivation and disguise skills to sneak around again, avoiding the guards and patrolling disciples of the Black Mountain Sect.

After some twists and turns, he finally found the hiding place of the second guardian elder.

This time, Fang Yue was more cautious. He carefully observed the surrounding environment and confirmed that there were no ambushes or traps before sneaking in.

The second guardian elder was practicing. He felt someone breaking in and suddenly opened his eyes.

However, before he could react, Fang Yue appeared in front of him like a ghost.

"Who are you?" The guardian elder was shocked. He never expected that someone would dare to break into his place of practice.

Fang Yue looked at him coldly, without answering his question, but directly launched an attack.

The vitality in his hand condensed into a sharp gust of wind, directly attacking the guardian elder's vital points.

Although the second guardian elder was also a high-level member of the Black Mountain Sect, his cultivation and reaction speed were obviously not as good as the first guardian elder.

Under Fang Yue's fierce attack, he didn't even have the strength to resist and was killed in one blow.

After dealing with the second guardian elder, Fang Yue's heart did not waver at all.

He knew that on this road of revenge and justice, every obstacle must be removed.

He did not stop and continued to sneak towards the hiding place of the third guardian elder according to the previous plan.

However, at this time, the entire Black Mountain Sect's secret cave was in turmoil. (End of this chapter)

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