The last guardian of the Black Mountain Sect struggled to get up, but found that his vitality was already in disorder and he was completely unable to fight.

He looked at Fang Yue who was approaching step by step, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes. Then he took out a black talisman from his arms. It was his last trump card, a self-destructing talisman.

"Even if I die, I will make you pay the price!" The guardian roared and was about to activate the talisman.

Fang Yue frowned when he saw this. He couldn't let this guardian self-destruct, otherwise all his previous efforts would be in vain.

So, he flashed and appeared in front of the guardian like a ghost. He slapped out with one palm and knocked the talisman down directly.

"Hmph! Do you think I will give you another chance?"

Fang Yue snorted coldly, and the light in his palm condensed again. This time, he was ready to end the battle completely.

The guardian saw this, and a trace of despair flashed in his eyes. He knew that he had no way to survive. However, he was still unwilling to die like this, so he tried his best to make a final resistance.

However, Fang Yue no longer gave him any chance. The light in his palm suddenly burst out, turning into a sharp gust of wind, instantly tearing the body of the guardian into pieces.

With the death of the guardian, the last line of defense of the Black Mountain Sect finally collapsed.

Seeing this, the Black Mountain Sect disciples who were still resisting dropped their weapons, fled, and knelt down to beg for mercy.

Among the disciples of the Black Mountain Sect, there was a figure that was particularly special, that was Xu Ling.

She was originally a member of the Black Mountain Sect, but deep in her heart, she had always wanted to use the power of the Black Mountain Sect to take revenge.

Now, seeing that the last guardian of the sect was also defeated by Fang Yue, she knew that the destruction of the Black Mountain Sect was a foregone conclusion.

I'm afraid she will never be able to avenge her revenge in this life.

After all, if the Black Mountain Sect's headquarters was destroyed, then the Black Mountain Sect's leader Yu Hongye would probably never come back here again.

Thinking of this, Xu Ling looked at the disciples who were fleeing in all directions, and a complex emotion surged in her heart.

She felt relieved because she could finally get rid of this sinful sect; but she also felt confused because she didn't know where to go in the future.

Finally, she looked at the man who looked like a god or demon.

She was determined and gritted her teeth, and walked towards Fang Yue.

Xu Ling walked slowly towards Fang Yue, and every step seemed extremely heavy. There was both determination and a subtle tremor in her eyes.

She knew that what she was going to do next might change her life.

When she stood in front of Fang Yue, she took a deep breath and tried to calm the waves in her heart. Then, she raised her head and looked directly into Fang Yue's eyes.

"My lord, I have something to report!"

Fang Yue narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Xu Ling deeply, as if he wanted to see a clue from her firm eyes. After a moment, he nodded gently, motioning Xu Ling to continue.

Xu Ling's heart tightened when she saw this, but she knew this was her only chance.

So, she mustered up her courage and told Fang Yue everything about her relationship with the Black Mountain Sect and the tragic past of her family being destroyed by the Black Mountain Sect's high-ranking officials. She also hid her identity and joined the Black Mountain Sect. She told Fang Yue everything.

"Sir, I joined the Black Mountain Sect not out of my own will, but to find an opportunity for revenge.

Now that the Black Mountain Sect has been destroyed, I'm afraid I will never be able to avenge myself in this lifetime. However, I know some secrets of the Black Mountain Sect, some crimes that they have not yet fully exposed.

I am willing to tell you this information, only asking you to help me find that enemy and give me a chance to take revenge myself."

When Xu Ling said this, a tear flashed in her eyes, but she resisted the urge to let it fall.

Fang Yue listened to Xu Ling's narration quietly, with a complex look in his eyes. He could understand Xu Ling's pain and struggle, and could also feel her inner determination and determination. After a moment, he slowly said, "I feel deeply for your experience. However, the Black Mountain Sect has been destroyed. It may not be easy for you to find that enemy."

Xu Ling's heart tightened when she heard this, but she did not give up. She hurriedly said, "Sir, I know this is not easy, but I am willing to pay any price, just to find that enemy and take revenge myself. Moreover, the secrets of the Black Mountain Sect that I know may be helpful to you."

Fang Yue was silent for a while after hearing this.

He knew that the secrets that Xu Ling mentioned might have a certain value to him.

And he could also understand Xu Ling's desire for revenge. Finally, he nodded slowly and said, "Okay, deal."

Fang Yue's words were short and firm, which made Xu Ling feel grateful. She knew that she finally had a chance to take revenge, and this opportunity was given to her by Fang Yue.

"Thank you, sir!" Xu Ling hurriedly thanked him, her tone full of sincerity and gratitude.

Fang Yue gently waved his hand, indicating that Xu Ling was not polite. He said, "First, tell me the secrets of the Black Mountain Sect that you know, and then we can work together to find your enemy."

Xu Ling nodded and began to tell Fang Yue the secrets of the Black Mountain Sect that she knew.

She told Fang Yue everything she had learned while hiding her identity in the Black Mountain Sect over the years without reservation.

At the same time, she took Fang Yue to the real treasure room of the Black Mountain Sect, which was also the corpse-raising place of the Black Mountain Sect.

The Black Mountain Sect's skills were mainly based on corpse refining, and the greatest wealth was naturally those refined corpses.

Xu Ling led Fang Yue through the twists and turns of the secret passage to the Black Mountain Sect's hidden treasure place - the Corpse Raising Ground.

It is dark and humid here, and the air is filled with a disgusting rancid smell, but in this breath of death, the most precious "treasure" of the Black Mountain Sect is hidden.

In the corpse raising ground, the refined corpses are neatly arranged, with different shapes, some are tall and mighty, some are thin and withered, but they all exude powerful death energy and cold energy fluctuations.

These corpse refinings are what the Black Mountain Sect has accumulated over the years. They are a symbol of their strength and their greatest wealth.

Xu Ling walked up to a particularly conspicuous corpse. This corpse was exuding a faint black light. It was obviously made through special techniques and its strength was far superior to other corpses.

She said to Fang Yue: "Sir, this refined corpse was personally refined by Yu Hongye, the leader of the Black Mountain Sect, and it has extremely strong strength.

Everyone at the top of the Black Mountain Sect has special refining corpses that they have personally refined. These refining corpses are not only powerful, but also contain part of their master's vitality and magical powers.

If you can find these special refined corpses, you may be able to follow the clues and find those enemies. "

Fang Yue's eyes flickered when he heard the words. He understood what Xu Ling meant. These special refining corpses are like the "clones" of the top leaders of the Black Mountain Sect. Through them, clues to the enemies may be found.

He nodded and said to Xu Ling: "You have a good idea. Let's start with these special corpses to find the whereabouts of your enemy."

So, the two began to search carefully in the corpse raising ground, looking for those special refined corpses.

After some hard work, they finally found several refined corpses that exuded special auras.

Each of these refined corpses contains powerful power and unique magical powers. They were obviously refined by the senior leaders of the Black Mountain Sect.

After some hard work, Fang Yue and Xu Ling finally found several refined corpses exuding special auras. These refined corpses are not only powerful, but each of them contains the unique vitality and magical powers of the Black Mountain Sect's high-level officials, as if they are "doppelgangers" of their masters.

Fang Yue stared at these special refined corpses and said in a deep voice: "Xu Ling, you are right, these refined corpses may indeed contain clues to find your enemy. We have to examine them carefully to see if we can find any clues. "

Xu Ling nodded, and the two began to search carefully for these refined corpses. They carefully examined the body of each corpse, looking for possible hidden clues. Time passed by, and their search seemed to make no obvious progress.

However, just when Fang Yue was about to give up, he suddenly noticed that one of the zombies seemed to be wearing a ring on his finger. The ring shone slightly in the dim light, which was completely different from the dull aura of the other zombies. Different, it exudes a faint but extremely eye-catching light. Fang Yue's heart moved. He knelt down and looked at the ring carefully.

The material of the ring looked very special. It was neither gold, silver, nor jade, but a black material that he had never seen before. It was engraved with complex runes, and these runes seemed to contain some mysterious power.

"Xu Ling, look at this." Fang Yue took off the ring and handed it to Xu Ling.

Xu Ling took the ring and carefully identified the runes on it. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she seemed to recognize the meaning of these runes.

"Sir, these runes are special spells used to transmit information between high-level officials of the Black Mountain Sect. Only the high-level officials of the Black Mountain Sect can interpret and understand them. This ring is probably a personal possession of a certain high-level official. It may lead us to find more information. Clues!" Xu Ling said excitedly.

When Fang Yue heard this, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect that this ring would have such important clues. This would undoubtedly be a major breakthrough for them in finding their enemy.

"Very good, Xu Ling, you have really good eyesight. Let's set off right away. Following the clues of this ring, we must find the enemy." Fang Yue's tone was full of firmness and determination.

After all, although the Black Mountain Sect was almost destroyed, the leader of the Black Mountain Sect was not dead.

Fang Yue and Xu Ling knew that although the Black Mountain Sect had suffered heavy losses, its leader Yu Hongye was still a huge threat and the biggest obstacle on Xu Ling's road to revenge. Now, the ring in their hands has become the key to finding Yu Hongye.

"We have to be careful, Yu Hongye's strength cannot be underestimated." Fang Yue reminded Xu Ling, with a cautious light shining in his eyes.

Xu Ling held the ring tightly and nodded firmly: "I understand, sir. I have been waiting for this day for too long. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are ahead, I will never give up."

The two decided to set off immediately and track Yu Hongye's whereabouts based on the clues on the ring. They passed through dense forests and climbed steep mountains. They encountered many remnants of the Black Mountain Sect along the way, but they were all eliminated one by one.

As time passed, the runes on the ring began to emit more and more intense light, seeming to guide their direction. Finally, in a dark valley, they discovered an ancient altar, which emitted the same light as the ring.

"Yu Hongye must be here!" Xu Ling's eyes flashed with excitement. She held the ring in her hand tightly, as if she could feel the power of revenge contained in it.

Fang Yue also felt the powerful aura on the altar, and he nodded: "We have to be careful, Yu Hongye may be waiting for us."

The two quietly approached the altar, and saw a man in a black robe standing on the altar. It was Yu Hongye, the leader of the Black Mountain Sect.

He also held a ring in his hand, the same as Xu Ling's, and was concentrating on some mysterious ritual with his eyes closed.

Fang Yue and Xu Ling looked at each other and knew that the time for revenge had finally come. They quietly approached Yu Hongye and prepared to launch a surprise attack.

However, at this moment, Yu Hongye suddenly opened his eyes and felt the breath of Fang Yue and Xu Ling.

He sneered: "Humph, I didn't expect you to find this place. But since you are here, don't think about leaving alive!"

As he said, the ring in Yu Hongye's hand suddenly burst into a strong light, turning into a black beam of light attacking Fang Yue and Xu Ling.

Fang Yue and Xu Ling hurriedly dodged and launched a counterattack at the same time.

A thrilling battle unfolded on the altar.

With firm beliefs and tacit cooperation, Fang Yue and Xu Ling fought Yu Hongye hard.

However, Yu Hongye's strength was indeed strong, and they could not gain the upper hand for a while.

In this fierce battle, Fang Yue and Xu Ling showed amazing tacit understanding and indomitable will. Sometimes they attacked together, and sometimes they separated to lure the enemy. The flexible and changeable tactics made Yu Hongye have to admit that these two people were difficult.

"Humph, just two juniors, can force me to this point!" Yu Hongye's tone was full of anger, and the ring in his hand shone brighter, obviously gathering stronger power.

In Yu Hongye's roar, the surrounding air seemed to solidify, and black shadows slowly rose from the dark corners. These black shadows were the corpses accumulated by the Black Mountain Sect for many years. They were summoned by Yu Hongye to come to help.

These corpses were of different shapes. Some were as tall as iron towers, exuding a strong aura of death; some were thin and dry, with cold green light flashing in their eyes.

Although they moved slowly, every step seemed to contain terrible power, as if they would explode at any time.

Fang Yue and Xu Ling felt nervous when they saw this. They knew that each of these corpses was made by the Black Mountain Sect's top leaders, and they were very powerful and contained part of their masters' vitality and magical powers.

Now that so many corpses appeared at the same time, it undoubtedly added great pressure to their battle.

"Sir, we have to be careful. These corpses are not easy to deal with." Xu Ling tightly grasped the long sword in his hand and looked at the corpses around him vigilantly. (End of this chapter)

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