Fang Yue and the maid quietly walked out of the dungeon and merged into the deep night of Jingbian City. They walked along a hidden alley and quickly moved away from the gloomy place.

"Hero, where are we going?" the maid asked in a low voice, her voice still seemed a little weak, but her eyes had regained some sparkle.

"Find a safe place first. I need to know something about Zhu Linlang from you." Fang Yue replied succinctly, without stopping, while observing the surrounding environment vigilantly.

They passed through several narrow alleys and finally came to a seemingly ordinary house. Fang Yue unlocked the door with ease and took the maid into the house.

"This is a temporary stronghold I arranged before. It should be relatively safe." Fang Yue explained, while motioning to the maid to sit down and rest.

The maid nodded gratefully. She sat on a simple wooden chair and began to slowly tell everything she knew.

"The empress sent me to Jingbian City to discuss peace talks with Champion Hou, but I didn't expect that I would be detained as soon as I arrived and was said to be a spy. I have never met Champion Hou at all, and I don't know why he treated us like this. ." The maid's tone was full of confusion and anger.

Fang Yue frowned when he heard this. He realized that Yang Chan's conspiracy might be more complicated and sinister than imagined.

"Do you know where Zhu Linlang is now?" Fang Yue asked directly. This was the question he was most concerned about right now.

The maid shook her head: "I don't know. When I left, the Empress was still outside the border of Chu State. Now, I don't know where she is?"

Fang Yue was silent for a moment, thinking about the information provided by the maid. Obviously, the maid did not know Zhu Linlang's specific location, but the information she provided made Fang Yue more convinced that the conspiracy planned by Yang Chan was far more complicated than he initially expected.

"You mentioned the peace talks, what were the specific contents?" Fang Yue asked from a different angle, trying to get more useful information from the maid.

The maid recalled for a moment, and then said: "The Empress hopes to reach a peace agreement with the Champion to stabilize the border. She proposed some mutually beneficial conditions, such as open trade, mutual defense, etc. But unexpectedly, our envoy was captured as soon as he arrived at Jingbian City. The matter of seizure and peace talks will be settled.”

Fang Yue nodded. Although this information was not detailed, it at least gave him a clearer understanding of Yang Chan's intentions. He realized that to find Zhu Linlang and expose Yang Chan's conspiracy, he needed more clues and intelligence.

"You rest here for a while, I'll go out to find out the news." Fang Yue said to the maid, then stood up and prepared to leave.

The maid looked at him worriedly: "My hero, you have to be careful."

Fang Yue smiled slightly and nodded: "Don't worry, I can do it."

After saying that, he walked out of the temporary stronghold and blended into the night of Jingbian City.

After Fang Yue left the temporary stronghold, Jingbian City seemed even quieter in the night. He shuttled between the streets, thinking about how to find more clues about Zhu Linlang and how to expose Yang Chan's conspiracy.

At the same time, champion Hou Yangchan also quietly came to the residence where the maid was hiding. He unlocked the door with ease, a proud smile on his face. It turned out that the maid was not detained by accident, but a move carefully arranged by him.

The maid heard the knock on the door and raised her head in horror. When she saw it was Yang Chan, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes. She wanted to get up and run away, but she was too weak to move.

"Why, you saw me coming, do you want to run away?" Yang Chan said coldly, with a playful look in his eyes, "Don't forget, you are the chess piece I arranged beside Fang Yue. Your every move Every move is under my control.”

The maid said with a trembling voice: "Master Marquis, I...I just acted according to your instructions."

"Very good." Yang Chan nodded with satisfaction, "Now, tell me, what did Fang Yue ask you? Where does he plan to go?"

The maid didn't dare to hide anything and told Yang Chan everything about Fang Yue's problems and plans. After Yang Chan heard this, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph, Fang Yue, Fang Yue, you really took the bait." He whispered to himself.

After saying that, Yang Chan turned and walked towards the door. Before going out, he looked back at the maid, with a fierce look in his eyes: "Remember, your life is now in my hands. If Fang Yue does anything strange, you Tell me immediately."

The maid shuddered and nodded in agreement. She knew that her life and death were completely controlled by Yang Chan.

In the darkness of the night, Yang Chan's figure gradually disappeared outside the residence, leaving only the maid trembling alone in the darkness. Her heart was filled with fear and helplessness, but she knew that she had no way out.

At the same time, Fang Yue was walking through the night in Jingbian City and soon left the city.

He identified the direction and immediately headed towards the border.

Fang Yue took advantage of the cover of night and quickly headed towards the border between the two countries. He was filled with a sense of urgency, knowing that every moment mattered. However, when he came to a deep valley, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The air around him seemed to become extremely heavy, and even the sound of the wind became strange. Fang Yue immediately became alert. He stopped and carefully observed the surrounding environment. However, just as he was concentrating on searching for possible dangers, a sudden loud noise broke the silence of the night.

The entire valley seemed to be torn apart instantly by an invisible force. The boulders rolled and dust flew up, forming an earth-shattering scene.

Fang Yue reacted quickly to the loud noise. He dodged a boulder thrown by the explosion.

But the mountains on both sides collapsed, and the rocks and soil fell from the sky.

There was no place to hide!

In the face of this sudden natural disaster, he seemed so small. He was startled and quickly mobilized the vitality of his body to form a shield to resist the falling rocks and soil.

However, the power of the explosion was too great, as if the entire valley collapsed at this moment.

Fang Yue's shield seemed to be shaky under this violent force, and he had to retreat again and again, trying to find a stable foothold.

But there were collapsed rocks all around, dust flying, blurred vision, and he could hardly breathe.

Fang Yue knew in his heart that this was no accident, and it must be a trap set by Yang Chan to prevent him from finding Zhu Linlang.

He gritted his teeth and tried his best to resist the falling rocks and soil.

Every moment was like hovering on the edge of life and death, but he knew that he couldn't just give up.

Finally, after the seemingly endless collapse, everything gradually calmed down.

Fang Yue stood in a mess, surrounded by collapsed rocks and flying dust.

His clothes were torn and he was injured in many places, but he still stood, with a firm light in his eyes.

When the dust settled, there was a dead silence in the valley, only the occasional sound of rocks rolling in the distance seemed to tell the thrilling just now.

Fang Yue stood in the ruins, ragged and covered in dust, but his eyes were as hot as fire, revealing an unyielding will.

At this moment, five powerful auras quickly approached from different directions and surrounded Fang Yue.

The five grandmasters, each of them was agile and majestic, and were obviously the elites sent by Yang Chan.

"Fang Yue, you are really lucky. This didn't kill you." One of them said coldly, with a strong murderous tone.

Fang Yue looked around and sneered: "Yang Chan is really willing to spend money to send five of you to deal with me."

"Humph, to deal with you, the five of us are enough." Another person snorted coldly, and the five people stepped at the same time, their bodies were like lightning, and they attacked Fang Yue from five different directions.

Fang Yue flashed and easily dodged the attack of one person. At the same time, he backhanded a palm to dissolve the attack of another person. He knew that his current state was not suitable for hard fighting, and he had to outsmart it.

So, while dodging the attacks of the five masters, he looked for opportunities to counterattack. He used the ruins in the valley as a cover, dodging from time to time, counterattacking from time to time, and launched a fierce contest with the five masters.

However, the strength of the five grandmasters is extraordinary after all. They cooperated tacitly and attacked fiercely, which made Fang Yue feel more pressured. The wounds on his body kept increasing, and his vitality was gradually depleted.

At this moment, an idea flashed through Fang Yue's mind. He remembered that when he was talking to the maid before, he had heard her mention a secret base of Yang Chan. Perhaps there would be clues about Zhu Linlang there.

So, he took advantage of a counterattack opportunity, suddenly launched a fierce attack on one of the masters, took advantage of the situation to escape, and fled in the direction of the secret base.

Seeing this, the five masters immediately chased after him. They knew that if Fang Yue could not be solved here, the consequences would be disastrous.

A thrilling chase took place in the valley.

Fang Yue ran wildly in the valley, his body was agile, and although he was injured in many places, his speed did not slow down at all.

The five grandmasters followed closely behind him, their speed was equally amazing, and they kept biting Fang Yue. They knew that Fang Yue was an extremely difficult opponent. If he could not be solved here, he would become a big problem in the future.

The chase in the valley intensified, and Fang Yue and the five masters shuttled through the ruins, sometimes flashing and sometimes disappearing. Their confrontation was fierce and thrilling, and every collision seemed to be able to tear the air and burst out amazing power.

However, Fang Yue was seriously injured after all, and his vitality was gradually consumed. He knew that he could not deal with the five masters for a long time and had to leave as soon as possible.

Fang Yue knew in his heart that his current state was no longer suitable for fighting with the five masters of the Wei Dynasty, not to mention that he was concerned about Zhu Linlang's safety and the major event of exposing Yang Chan's conspiracy. So he made a bold decision, no longer fleeing in the direction of the Wei Dynasty, but resolutely rushing in the direction of Da Chu.

This decision undoubtedly surprised the five masters who were chasing him. They originally thought that Fang Yue would try to escape back to the Wei Dynasty and seek asylum. However, Fang Yue chose a direction that was completely opposite to their expectations, which caught them off guard.

"Is he looking for death? He actually fled in the direction of Da Chu!" One of the masters couldn't help but curse.

"Humph, no matter where he escapes to, he must be kept here today!" Another master said coldly, their eyes revealing a strong murderous intent and determination.

However, Fang Yue seemed not to hear their conversation. He only had the conspiracy of Zhu Linlang and Yang Chan in his mind. He knew that he had to find Zhu Linlang as soon as possible and expose Yang Chan's true face, otherwise everything would be ruined.

He took advantage of the complex terrain in the valley and shuttled flexibly, sometimes climbing up the cliffs, sometimes jumping into the stream, and keeping as much distance as possible from the five masters. Although his speed was not as fast as the five masters, his wisdom and experience gave him the upper hand in this chase.

As time went by, the distance between Fang Yue and the five masters gradually widened. He successfully got rid of their pursuit and continued to flee in the direction of Da Chu.

Fang Yue galloped all the way, with only one thought in his mind, that is, to get to Da Chu as soon as possible and find Zhu Linlang.

He knew very well that everything he was doing now was to expose Yang Chan's conspiracy and protect the peace between Da Wei and Da Chu.

The night gradually faded, and the sky was white. Fang Yue passed through a dense forest and finally came to the border of Da Chu.

He did not dare to stop at all and continued to move towards the depths of Da Chu.

However, Fang Yue did not know that Yang Chan's eyes had spread all over the border of Da Chu, and his whereabouts were soon discovered.

An unknown danger was quietly approaching him.

Just as Fang Yue was crossing a grassland, a sudden burst of hurried horse hoof sounds came. He immediately became alert and turned around to see a team of knights in black approaching him quickly.

"Fang Yue, you really came to Da Chu! Lord Champion Marquis is indeed a master of strategy!" One of the knights sneered, and their eyes revealed a strong murderous intent.

Faced with this sudden change, Fang Yue did not panic. He knew that every bit of calmness at this time might be the key to his survival. He quickly scanned the surroundings, looking for terrain or items that could be used to deal with the upcoming crisis.

"Humph, Yang Chan's calculations are loud, but unfortunately he missed that Fang Yue is not a chess piece that can be manipulated by others." Fang Yue snorted coldly, and his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the dense forest on the side.

Seeing this, the team of black knights immediately chased after them. They were agile and well-trained, and obviously not ordinary soldiers. Fang Yue shuttled through the dense forest, using the cover of trees and terrain to launch a fierce chase with the black knights.

However, the number of black knights was large, and they seemed to be quite familiar with this terrain. They gradually narrowed the distance between them and Fang Yue, and they were about to surround him.

Fang Yue's heart trembled. He knew that it was useless to run away at this time. So he stopped and turned to face the black knight who was chasing him. He took a deep breath, mobilized his whole body's vitality, and prepared to fight.

"A bunch of ants, don't know how to live or die!" Fang Yue shouted, and his body was as fast as lightning, and he took the initiative to attack the black knight. (End of this chapter)

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