As if he was afraid that Fang Yue would not take action, this senior official among the Chu inner guards continued:

"Grandmaster Fang Da, we know very well that you have a very close relationship with the Empress of Wei, and we also understand your concern for her. The reason why we seek cooperation with you is precisely because we believe in your ability and determination. We are willing to provide all possible help , including information, materials, and even manpower, we will try our best to meet your needs. "

When Fang Yue heard this, he knew that this was the greatest help the other party could do.

But he continued to speak: "It's still not enough. I also need to enter the Dachu Royal Library Hall to watch Dachu's magical power of conquering the country, "Spring and Autumn Immortal Cicada"!"

When the senior official of Da Chu's internal guard heard Fang Yue's request, his expression changed slightly. He obviously did not expect that Fang Yue would put forward such a specific and sensitive condition. "The Immortal Cicada of the Spring and Autumn Period" is Da Chu's magical power to control the country. Its preciousness and confidentiality are self-evident. Even members of the royal family are not qualified to have access to it.

He pondered for a moment, seeming to weigh the pros and cons, and finally said slowly: "Grandmaster Fang Da, your request is indeed very important.

"The Spring and Autumn Immortal Cicada" is one of the top secrets of our country. Only the core members of the royal family and a very small number of ministers with outstanding merits have been qualified to access it.

However, considering the current situation and your potential contribution to our country, I can promise you to report the matter to His Majesty and strive to obtain a dispensation.

But you also need to understand that this will not be easy, will take time, and may require more sincerity and cooperation on your part. "

Fang Yue nodded, expressing understanding.

He knew that it was indeed presumptuous to make such a request, but if he didn't ask at this time, he would ask for it anytime.

I'm afraid if I miss this opportunity, I will want to watch this magical skill in the future.

"Yes!" Fang Yue nodded slightly.

A country's magical power to control the country is naturally extremely precious, and it is extremely difficult for outsiders to watch it.

Therefore, even if the other party really wants to use this opportunity to get rid of Yang Chan.

His request is not something that this person can agree to now. It is normal to ask for instructions from someone above.

If this person agrees, then Fang Yue will definitely doubt the authenticity of what this person said.

"However, even if my emperor agrees, he will have to wait until this incident is over. I hope Grandmaster Fang understands."

"That's right!"

After the discussion was completed, Fang Yue took some information and then headed towards Zhenbei City.

Looking at Fang Yue's leaving figure, at this time in the valley, a sergeant wearing armor came to the senior internal guard official:

"Mr. Chen, the magical power of conquering the country is of great importance. How can you agree to this?"

Master Chen, the senior official of Da Chu's internal guard who had just talked with Fang Yue, looked at the sergeant in front of him and nodded solemnly.

He fully understands the importance of "Spring and Autumn Immortal Cicada" and also understands the meaning of the promise he just made.

But he knew better that under the current situation, cooperation with Wei was crucial, and Fang Yue, as an important ally of the Empress of Wei, his value and role cannot be ignored.

"Of course I understand the preciousness and secret of the magical power of Zhenguo."

Master Chen said slowly, "But you also know that the current situation is also a test for us, Da Chu. The power of a grand master is what we need. However, Yang Chan is by no means easy. uniform, so it is normal for one or two great masters to die! As long as Fang Yue dies in Zhenbei City, this agreement will naturally not count!"

Having said this, Mr. Chen's eyes shot out with a cold and cruel light.

If Fang Yue was the great master of Da Chu, he would risk his life to get the emperor of Da Chu to agree to watch the magical power of subduing the country.

But it turns out that this person is from the Wei State, so it is better to let him die in Zhenbei City.

Mr. Chen's words revealed a cold and realistic consideration.

He knows that in the current tense situation, every decision needs to be made with caution, and every promise may become a bargaining chip in the future.

Regarding Fang Yue's request, although he promised verbally that he would report it to His Majesty and seek a concession, he already had other concerns in his mind.

As long as Fang Yue dies in the end, there is no need to fulfill his promise.


But somewhere in the deep stream of Shiwanda Mountain, the eldest princess of Chu was standing quietly on a protruding rock. Her eyes were haggard and resentful, and her heart was filled with endless humiliation and unwillingness.

This time, Yang Chan forced her to propose marriage, but her father did not dare to refuse, so she had no choice but to take the risk of escaping from the marriage and ended up living here.

She clenched her fists tightly and dug her nails into her palms, but she couldn't feel the slightest pain.

There was only anger and despair in her heart, for her incompetent father, for the powerful Yang Chan, and for her own fate.

"I will never give in!" She swore secretly in her heart, "I will never let that disgusting Yang Chan succeed, and I will never let my destiny be controlled by others!"

In the deep stream of Shiwanda Mountain, the eldest princess of Da Chu was immersed in endless anger and unwillingness. Her eyes were like torches, burning with unyielding flames. At this moment, her attention was attracted by a faint and strange sound, which seemed to come from the mountain stream.

She turned quickly and glanced sharply at the source of the sound. I saw a figure floating slowly along the stream in the stream. It was a woman. Her face was pale, her breath was dying, and she was completely unconscious. She was obviously in great danger.

The eldest princess didn't hesitate at all. She immediately jumped into the stream and swam towards the woman.

Her movements were agile and powerful. She quickly approached the woman and hugged her tightly.

She used all her strength to drag the woman out of the stream and put her on a flat rock.

She carefully examined the woman's injuries and found that she had many scars on her body, obviously after a fierce battle.

"Who is she? Why is she here? Who beat her like this?" The princess frowned and thought in her heart.

Under the careful inspection of the princess, she found that the woman not only had many scars on her body, but also had luxurious clothes. She was definitely not an ordinary person.

Just as she was about to investigate, a loud noise came.

Chu Qingping, the princess of Da Chu, frowned, her heart was full of doubts and vigilance. She quickly hid the unconscious woman in the bushes nearby and covered her with branches and leaves to ensure that she would not be easily discovered. She quietly hid behind the rocks and quietly observed the direction of the noise.

She saw a group of black knights galloping in this direction, their attire and breath revealed an ominous premonition. Chu Qingping's heart tightened. She knew that these black knights were Yang Chan's minions. Their appearance at this time was definitely not a coincidence.

Damn, these black knights who were like dog skin plasters, how could they catch up so quickly!

Chu Qingping looked angry, thinking that her whereabouts were tracked by these black knights again, and she didn't expect that these people were chasing Zhu Linlang.

Chu Qingping cursed in her heart, but she knew that she couldn't panic at this moment. She had to stay calm to come up with countermeasures to deal with these black knights.

She observed the movements of the black knights and found that they didn't seem to directly find her and the unconscious woman's hiding place. They just searched around in this area, obviously looking for something.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of a plan. She quickly took out some powder from her body, which was some poison she prepared during her escape. She carefully sprinkled the powder on some leaves, then blew gently, blowing the powder in the direction of the black knights.

The black knights did not notice this subtle movement, and they continued to search for Chu Qingping and the woman's hiding place.

However, when they approached the leaf sprinkled with powder, they suddenly felt dizzy and then fell to the ground.

Chu Qingping couldn't help but feel relieved when she saw this scene. She knew that the black knights were only temporarily unconscious, but at least now her and the woman's safety was temporarily guaranteed.

She quickly walked out from behind the rock and came to the black knights. After she confirmed that they were all unconscious, she quickly collected their ships and weapons and destroyed them.

Then, she took Zhu Linlang to the last ship, and then went downstream, feeling both relieved and worried.

She was glad that she had temporarily escaped the pursuit of the black knights, but she also knew that this was only temporary safety. Yang Chan's power was huge, and she had to be more cautious.

Chu Qingping cast her eyes on Zhu Linlang. Although her face was pale, her eyebrows revealed an extraordinary temperament. Chu Qingping was curious, who was this woman? Why was she here? Who hurt her like this?

However, now was not the time to explore these questions.

Chu Qingping knew that she had to find a safe place as soon as possible to heal Zhu Linlang.

At the same time, she also needed to consider her future.

She must not succumb to Yang Chan's power. She must find a way to change her fate.

The boat went down the river, and Chu Qingping's thoughts were as chaotic as the water.


When Fang Yue arrived at Zhenbei City, it was almost dusk. This important border town located in the northern border of Da Chu is particularly important because of its special geographical location. The towering city walls and strict guards show that Da Chu attaches great importance to border security.

Fang Yue was among the crowd entering the city. Although his face was not very impressive, his deep eyes revealed an extraordinary temperament.

He knew in his heart that this trip to Zhenbei City was not only for the cooperation agreed with the senior officials of the Dachu Internal Guard, to rescue Zhu Linlang, but also to explore the legendary national magic skill "Spring and Autumn Immortal Cicada".

After entering the city, he did not go directly to the agreed location, but first found a remote inn to settle down.

He understood that every step now needed to be cautious, after all, he was in the heart of the enemy country.

In the room of the inn, Fang Yue carefully studied the intelligence he had obtained from the senior officials of the Dachu Internal Guard.

This intelligence described in detail the deployment of Zhenbei City, the distribution of troops and possible weaknesses.

He knew that this information was crucial to his next action.

As night fell, Zhenbei City fell into silence.

However, this silence was only superficial, undercurrents were surging, and various forces were competing secretly.

Fang Yue stayed in the inn until late at night. After making sure that no one was paying attention, he changed into a nightgown and prepared to take action. He first went to the place agreed with the senior officials of the Great Chu Internal Guard according to the plan, which was the key for him to obtain further intelligence and supplies.

The agreed place was a seemingly ordinary house, but it was actually a secret base of the Great Chu Internal Guard in Zhenbei City. Fang Yue easily avoided the guards and sneaked into the house. Someone was already waiting in the house, and when he saw Fang Yue, he immediately handed over a sealed package.

"Grandmaster Fang, here are the supplies and intelligence you need, please check them." The man whispered.

Fang Yue took the package and quickly opened it to check. There were not only the detailed maps and defense maps he needed, but also some special hidden weapons and medicines, which were obviously used for stealth and combat. He nodded with satisfaction and put the package away.

"Tell Lord Chen that I will act according to the plan." Fang Yue thanked him in a low voice, then turned and left, disappearing into the night.

Next, Fang Yue followed the map and quietly sneaked in the direction of the Champion Marquis' Mansion in Zhenbei City.

Fang Yue knew that the Champion Marquis' Mansion was a heavily guarded place in Zhenbei City and the key to this operation. He had to sneak into the Marquis' Mansion, find the location where Zhu Linlang was imprisoned, and rescue him.

The night was as dark as ink, and the streets of Zhenbei City were particularly quiet under the moonlight. Only the occasional patrol footsteps broke the tranquility. With the cover of the night, Fang Yue shuttled through the alleys like a ghost, avoiding teams of patrol soldiers.

Following the instructions on the map, he came to the outskirts of the Champion Marquis's Mansion. The walls of the Marquis' Mansion were high and full of lanterns, which made the outline of the mansion clearly visible. Fang Yue observed the layout of the Marquis' Mansion and thought about the best way to sneak in.

He knew that it was impossible to break in directly, and he had to find a place with relatively weak guards. After some observation, he found that there was a corner in the backyard of the Marquis' Mansion that seemed to be less guarded, and there was a dense bamboo forest there that could be used as cover.

Fang Yue approached the bamboo forest quietly, and with the cover of the bamboo, he easily climbed over the high wall and entered the backyard of the Marquis' Mansion. The backyard was empty, with only a few lanterns swaying in the wind. He quickly crossed the backyard and came to the main building of the Marquis' Mansion.

He pressed against the wall and listened to the movement inside. From time to time, the footsteps of the guards patrolling came, but he cleverly avoided them. He knew that Zhu Linlang, as an important hostage, must be held in the most secure place in the Marquis' Mansion.

After searching for a while, Fang Yue finally found a heavily guarded courtyard. The gate of the courtyard was heavily guarded, and there were also sounds of chains coming from the courtyard. His heart tightened, knowing that this was where Zhu Linlang was imprisoned.

He observed the guard's shift change time, found a moment when the guard was negligent, and quickly subdued the guard at the door.

He changed into a guard's uniform and sneaked into the courtyard. (End of this chapter)

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