The fierce battle between Fang Yue and the black-robed grandmaster continued. Every collision made the surrounding air tremble, and the vitality fluctuated like substance, making the master masters watching the battle tremble with fear. They had never seen such a fierce battle. Although Fang Yue was young, the strength he showed was incredible.

However, as time passed, Fang Yue's injuries began to affect his performance. He already had old injuries, and going head-to-head with a strong man like the black-robed Grand Master undoubtedly increased the burden on his body. Every breath became heavy, and every swing of the sword was accompanied by bursts of pain.

"Hmph, Fang Yue, your strength is indeed impressive, but unfortunately, you are destined to be defeated by me today." The cold voice of the black-robed Grandmaster sounded again, and he seemed to have seen through Fang Yue's predicament.

Fang Yue gritted his teeth, knowing that he couldn't fall here. Zhu Linlang's safety, his own mission, and his dedication to the strong all made him unable to give up.

"So what about Grand Master? I, Fang Yue, am also a Grand Master!" Although Fang Yue's voice was a little hoarse, the determination in it cannot be ignored.

"Humph, you call yourself a grand master? You, a young junior, really have a lot of words." The black-robed grand master sneered, with a trace of ridicule flashing in his eyes, "But how can a seriously injured body like yours not be able to support the status of a grand master? Today, I will let you understand that the gap between great masters is huge."

When Fang Yue heard this, a stubborn smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He took a deep breath and endured the pain to stand firmer: "The gap? You have to try to know. I, Fang Yue, never believe in fate, let alone fate." Not afraid of challenges. Today, even if I am shattered into pieces, I will show you that my will is no less than that of any great master!"

"What an indomitable boy." There was a hint of approval in the black-robed Grand Master's tone, but then it turned cold, "However, appreciation can't change anything. In battle, strength will speak for itself after all. What happens next One blow will decide your fate."

Fang Yue's eyes were fixed on the black-robed Grandmaster, with unyielding fire burning in his eyes: "Come on! I, Fang Yue, never avoid any challenge. In today's battle, either I will win or I will die, but I will never say anything easily. defeat!"

The surrounding air seemed to freeze, and the duel between the two great masters was about to reach its climax. The masters and masters watching the battle waited with bated breath. They knew that in the next moment, they would witness the birth or death of a legend.

At this moment, the black-robed Grand Master suddenly moved like a ghost in the night, bringing up a gust of wind and swooping towards Fang Yue. The black sword in his hand shone with a strange light, as if it could swallow all light and reach Fang Yue's vitals.

Although Fang Yue was seriously injured, there was no fear in his eyes. He held the sword tightly, mobilized all the remaining vitality in his body, and in a flash, he avoided the fatal blow of the black-robed grandmaster at an incredible angle.

"Hmph, he is quite capable." Seeing that the attack failed, the black-robed Grand Master's tone became more solemn. He did not stop his offensive, but instead attacked Fang Yue more fiercely. Every move and every move was full of deadly murderous intent.

Fang Yue gritted his teeth and relied on his tenacity and extraordinary talent to avoid the attacks of the black-robed grandmaster again and again. Although his body was exhausted, his eyes became more and more determined, as if to declare to the world that he would never fall easily.

"The gap between the great masters? Humph, our Fang Yue will break this gap today!" Fang Yue suddenly let out a thundering roar after a dangerous dodge. The vitality in his body seemed to respond to his will and boiled at this moment, temporarily suppressing his injuries.

Fang Yue swung his sword to fight back, the sword light was like lightning, and every blow was full of determination and power. He no longer defended, but chose to confront the black-robed Grand Master head-on. Even though every collision caused his body to suffer tremendous pain, he did not flinch.

When the black-robed Grand Master saw this, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He has never seen such a tenacious opponent. A young junior can actually burst out with such amazing fighting power despite being so seriously injured.

"Good! What a great Fang Yue!" The black-robed Grand Master couldn't help but admire. He put away his previous sarcasm and coldness and began to take this young opponent seriously.

If the two people were not in two countries and had opposite stances, maybe they would become close friends who cherish each other, explore the secret of vitality together, and talk about the true meaning of martial arts. But fate made them become life-and-death rivals at this moment.

A complex emotion surged in the heart of the black-robed Grand Master, including admiration for the other party's tenacity and regret for this helpless duel. He took a deep breath and his eyes became cold again: "Fang Yue, you really impressed me. But war is ruthless and our positions are different. Today I must take your life."

When Fang Yue heard this, a wry smile appeared on his lips. He knew that what the black-robed Grandmaster said was true. But he has no regrets. He is willing to pay any price for the beliefs in his heart and the people he loves: "Grand Master, I have no regrets either. In today's battle, regardless of victory or defeat, our name as Fang Yue will surely resound throughout this land." mainland!"

The atmosphere between the two became tense and solemn again. The masters watching the battle could feel that this battle was not just a simple duel, but also a collision of will and belief between two martial arts masters.

The black-robed Grand Master no longer hesitated, he dodged and launched another fierce attack on Fang Yue. And Fang Yue showed no sign of weakness. He held the sword tightly, mobilized all the energy in his body, and faced the attack of the black-robed grand master.

The battle between the two became more and more fierce, and every collision made the surrounding air tremble. The masters who were watching the battle were dumbfounded. They had never seen such a fierce and shocking battle. They knew that no matter the outcome of this battle, it would become a legend.

In this fierce battle, both Fang Yue and the black-robed grandmaster used their actions to interpret the dignity and belief of the warriors.

They may be in different countries and have different positions and missions, but at this moment, they are all true warriors, fighting for the beliefs in their hearts.

at the same time.

In the distance, Dachu champion Hou Yangchan stared at the fierce battle on the battlefield, with a look as cold as a knife in his eyes.

As the top warrior of Dachu, he could naturally feel the heaven-shaking energy fluctuations between Fang Yue and the black-robed grandmaster, as well as the amazing strength they displayed.

Yang Chan was no stranger to Fang Yue. He had heard about the legendary deeds of this young warrior and knew about his talent and persistence in martial arts.

Now, after witnessing the fierce battle between him and the black-robed Grand Master, he deeply admired Fang Yue's tenacity and courage.

This is the variable in his plan!

Only in this way will it be interesting!

"Fang Yue, you really did not disappoint me. It's a pity that you will die here today!"

Yang Chan muttered silently in his heart, his eyes locked on Fang Yue's body, as if he could penetrate the din of the battlefield and directly touch his soul.

There was a trace of regret in Yang Chan's tone, but he also knew that this was a war, and it was the difference in stance that made them life-or-death rivals.

After all, who made Fang Yue go against him again and again.

And he wanted to unify the two countries of Wei and Chu and become an emperor with supreme power.

It seems that Fang Yuezheng and other warriors who hold their own and possess martial arts are also the targets to be eliminated.

"Fang Yue, your name will definitely resound throughout this continent after today."

Yang Chan said silently in her heart, "Even if you die, your legend will be passed down forever."

Fang Yue on the battlefield didn't know that someone in the distance was watching his life-and-death battle. He was completely immersed in the battle at the moment.

Every swing of the sword, every collision, is full of determination and power.

He knew that he could not fall. For Zhu Linlang's safety, for his mission, and for his dedication to the strong, he had to persevere.

The black-robed grandmaster also went all out, knowing that this battle was of great significance.

Not only does he want to win for his country, but he also wants to prove his strength and the supreme glory of the Grand Master realm.

Therefore, every attack he makes is merciless, and every move and every move is full of deadly murderous intent.

The duel between the two great masters became more and more fierce, and every collision made the surrounding air tremble.

The masters who were watching the battle were dumbfounded. They had never seen such a fierce and shocking battle.

They knew that no matter what the outcome of this battle was, it would become a legend in the history of martial arts.

At the same time, in a well-defended house in Zhenbei City, the masters of Dachu's internal guards sneaked in quietly like ghosts. Their movements were swift and silent, avoiding the sight of all guards.

This house is said to contain the unknown secrets of Hou Yangchan, the champion of Chu.

The purpose of this trip by the masters of Da Chu's inner guard is to explore this secret.

They knew that the fierce battle between Fang Yue and the black-robed Grand Master had attracted the attention of the entire Zhenbei City, and this was the best time for them to act.

After sneaking into the house, they quickly moved forward in one direction.

After sneaking into the courtyard, the masters of Da Chu's inner guard shuttled between the courtyards like ghosts. Their bodies were light and their steps were vigorous, and every movement seemed so calm and unhurried. They seemed to know the layout of the house very well, and every corner and door seemed to have a clear map in their minds.

They quickly came to a seemingly ordinary room. However, this was the most critical place in the entire house. There are no special guards outside the room, but internal defense experts all know that the defense here is the most stringent and has many mechanisms.

One of the masters gently opened the door and saw that the room was filled with various complex mechanisms and traps, and a seemingly ordinary wooden box was placed in the center. This wooden box is the target of the Da Chu inner guard's operation. It is said that it contains the unknown secret of the champion Hou Yangchan.

They carefully avoided the mechanism and walked towards the wooden box step by step.

Finally, they came to the wooden box. An expert gently opened the lid and saw an animal skin placed inside.

The animal skins are painted with complex totems and symbols, which seem to hide some profound secret. The masters of Da Chu's inner guard looked at each other, their eyes shining with curiosity and excitement. They knew that this animal skin might be the key to uncovering the unknown secret of champion Hou Yangchan.

One of the masters carefully took out the animal skin and unfolded it gently. There seemed to be an ancient map hidden between the totems and symbols. The map was marked with some special places and symbols, making it temporarily difficult to grasp its true identity. meaning.

"What...what is this?" A master couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. The more you know, the faster you will die! We have obtained the thing, let's leave quickly!"

Another expert responded in a deep voice, with a flash of alertness in his eyes.

They knew that the longer they stayed in the house, the greater their risk of exposure.

So, they quickly put away the animal skins, flashed out of the room like ghosts, and evacuated silently along the route they came from.

The night was deep, and there was silence outside the house. Only the occasional sound of wind and the roar of battle in the distance broke the silence. The masters of the inner guards of Da Chu were evacuating quickly and silently with the mysterious animal skins obtained from Yang Chan's house.

However, they did not go too far. Just as they were about to leave the house, a burst of hurried footsteps suddenly sounded, and then a team of elite soldiers appeared in their sight. The leader was the champion of Da Chu, Hou Yang Chan.

"Humph, I really didn't expect you to dare to come to my house to steal things." Yang Chan's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he stared at the masters of the inner guards, as if he wanted to see through them completely.

The faces of the masters of the inner guards changed. They didn't expect Yang Chan to appear in person, and they didn't expect their actions to be discovered so quickly.

"Marquis Guanjun, we are just following orders and don't want to be your enemy." One of the inner guard masters said, with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Following orders, what do you mean by following orders.

If they can take the things back safely, then everything will be fine.

But now they have been discovered by Marquis Guanjun, even if they are killed here, they can only blame their bad luck.

"Following orders? Humph, is your order to steal my things?"

Yang Chan sneered, and the long sword in his hand shook lightly, making a burst of sword sounds, "No matter what your orders are, today, you will pay the price for your actions."

As he said, Yang Chan moved his body and pounced on the inner guard masters like a ghost.

His swordsmanship was sharp and swift, and every blow was full of deadly murderous intent.

Although the inner guard masters were also extraordinary, they seemed a little stretched under Yang Chan's fierce attack.

They waved their swords to resist, but Yang Chan's swordsmanship was as continuous as a storm, making it difficult for them to resist.

In just a few breaths, all the elite masters among the inner guards, except for the leading inner guard general, died under Yang Chan's sword! (End of this chapter)

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