Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang fought side by side. Their sword light was like lightning, piercing the sky and intertwined with the terrifying figure. Every collision of the sword blades stirred up waves of vitality, causing the surrounding rocks to tremble.

However, the figure's power seemed endless, and no matter how they attacked, they could not completely defeat it. Fang Yue was secretly anxious. He knew that continuing like this was not an option and he had to find the weakness of this figure.

While resisting the attack of the figure, he carefully observed its movements. Suddenly, he discovered that every time the figure launched an attack, a black mist would surge up from its chest, which seemed to be the source of its power.

Fang Yue immediately winked at Zhu Linlang and motioned for her to attack the black mist. Zhu Linlang understood, and in the next moment, her figure suddenly rose up, like a bolt of lightning, piercing the figure's chest.

Fang Yue also exerted force at the same time, his long sword rising out of the sea like a dragon, directly striking the black mist. Their attack finally worked, the figure let out a shrill scream, and the black mist began to dissipate.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang launched an even more violent attack. Their sword light fell like dense rain, cutting the figure into pieces.

Finally, the figure could no longer support itself, and its huge body fell to the ground. Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang looked at each other and smiled. Although they were exhausted, their hearts were filled with the joy of victory.

"Thanks to you, Linlang. Let's move on." Fang Yue said, putting away his sword and extending his hand to Zhu Linlang.

Zhu Linlang held Fang Yue's hand and nodded slightly: "Okay, let's get out of here quickly to avoid encountering other dangers."

The two took a short rest before continuing on their journey. There is still a mysterious and dangerous atmosphere in Shiwanda Mountain, but their eyes are full of determination.

They walked along the rugged mountain road, and the sun shone through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow. The surrounding birdsong and the rustling of leaves blended together, as if playing music to their courage.

After walking for a while, they came to a clear stream. The stream gurgled and made a pleasant sound. Fang Yue knelt down, picked up some stream water with his hands, washed his face, and felt the coolness.

Zhu Linlang also walked to the stream and looked at her reflection in the water, feeling filled with emotion. They have experienced so many dangers and challenges, but they are still firmly on the way home.

"Fang Yue, we must return to Wei Dynasty safely." Zhu Linlang said softly.

Fang Yue nodded, with a firm light shining in his eyes: "Don't worry, Linlang. We will definitely succeed."

They rested for a while by the stream, replenished some water, and then continued on. As they went deeper, the scenery in Shiwanda Mountain became more and more spectacular. They saw towering mountain peaks, cascading waterfalls and dense forests.

However, they also know that behind this beautiful scenery, there are countless dangers hidden. They are always alert and aware of what's going on around them.

As they were walking through a dense forest, they suddenly heard a low roar. Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang immediately stopped and observed their surroundings vigilantly.

"This there another monster?" Zhu Linlang said with a frown.

Fang Yue clenched his sword tightly, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes: "Be careful, let's find a place to hide first and observe the situation."

They found a secluded spot in the woods and hid.

As time passed, the roar gradually faded away. Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were about to breathe a sigh of relief when they suddenly heard a faint sound of footsteps in the distance. Their hearts tightened and they became vigilant again.

I saw a group of figures gradually approaching, and the person leading it was the champion Hou Yangchan. Yang Chan's face was gloomy, with a fierce light shining in his eyes. Behind him were a group of Da Chu masters, all of whom had stern expressions and exuded powerful auras.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang looked at each other and secretly said something was wrong. They didn't expect that they would be followed by Yang Chan and others in this hundred thousand mountain.

Yang Chan stopped, looked at where Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were hiding, and sneered: "Fang Yue, Zhu Linlang, do you think you can escape? Today is the day you die."

Fang Yue stood up, unsheathed his sword, and looked at Yang Chan without fear: "Yang Chan, you escaped last time, but you dare to catch up again this time."

Yang Chan narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Fang Yue, I was careless last time. This time, you are not so lucky."

Zhu Linlang also stood next to Fang Yue and looked at Yang Chan and others with firm eyes: "Yang Chan, you are so hard on each other, aren't you afraid of causing a war between the two countries?"

Yang Chan snorted: "So what if the two countries are fighting? As long as I can get rid of you, everything will be worth it."

After saying that, Yang Chan waved his hand, and the Da Chu masters behind him immediately rushed forward. Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang did not flinch, and went forward to meet them, and once again started a fierce battle with them.

The shadow of the sword flashes, and the vitality is everywhere. Fang Yue relied on his profound skills and agility to dash left and right among the enemy groups, defusing the enemy's attacks time and time again. Zhu Linlang used light steps and sharp swordsmanship to deal with the enemy.

However, there were many masters in Dachu, and they gradually fell into trouble. Fang Yue was anxious. He knew that continuing like this was not an option and he had to find a way to break out.

At this moment, Fang Yue suddenly discovered that Yang Chan was standing a little forward. Something moved in his mind, and he came up with a plan.

Fang Yue deliberately exposed a flaw and attracted a great Chu master to approach. Then, he suddenly exerted force, knocked back the master, and rushed towards Yang Chan.

Yang Chan was shocked and quickly backed away. But Fang Yue was extremely fast and was in front of him in an instant.

Fang Yue waved his long sword and pointed it directly at Yang Chan's throat: "Stop it! Otherwise I will kill him."

Upon seeing this, the masters of Da Chu stopped their attacks one after another. Yang Chan's face was pale, with a look of horror in her eyes: "Fang Yue, do you dare to kill me?"

Fang Yue sneered: "You are going to kill us, what else should I not dare to do?"

Zhu Linlang also took the opportunity to come to Fang Yue and held Yang Chan hostage with him.

"Now, ask your people to step back and we can spare your life." Zhu Linlang said.

Yang Chan had no choice but to order the Da Chu masters to retreat. Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang held Yang Chan and slowly retreated.

As the Dachu masters retreated, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang did not relax their vigilance. They knew that in this hundred thousand mountains, there were dangers everywhere and they needed to be cautious in every step. Holding Yang Chan, they continued to move forward, looking for a way to escape safely.

"We must leave here as soon as possible. Yang Chan's power cannot be underestimated. He may send more pursuers at any time." Fang Yue whispered to Zhu Linlang, with urgency in his eyes.

Zhu Linlang nodded in agreement. At the same time, she also noticed a hint of unwillingness and sullenness in Yang Chan's expression, which made her more determined to leave this place as soon as possible.

They passed through dense forests one after another, crossed several rapid streams, and finally came to a relatively open area. In the distance, there are undulating mountains and shrouded clouds and mist, as if nature is guiding them to a way out.

"Look, there seems to be a path over there, which may lead to the outside world." Zhu Linlang pointed into the distance, and the other party said more and more.

Fang Yue observed it carefully and felt that it was indeed a direction worth trying. So, they led Yang Chan and moved forward cautiously along the path.

The trail is winding, sometimes steep, sometimes gentle. They walked extremely hard, but the hope in their hearts was like the light ahead, getting brighter and brighter.

Just as they were about to walk out of the mountainous area, suddenly, a rush of footsteps broke the silence. Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang immediately became alert, and saw several Da Chu's followers appearing in their sights.

"No, they're catching up!" Zhu Linlang said nervously.

Fang Yue gripped the sword tightly with a firm look in his eyes: "Don't be afraid, I'm here. As long as we persist a little longer, we can escape."

They escorted Yang Chan and launched a final struggle with the pursuers. The sword light flashes, the vitality surges, and every confrontation is full of a battle between life and death.

Finally, after great effort, they succeeded in fighting off their pursuers and continued down the trail. As time passed, they finally walked out of Shiwanda Mountain and returned to the territory of Wei.

When they stepped out of the Shiwan Mountains and onto the land of Wei, there was an indescribable joy and emotion in their hearts. After many hardships and dangers, they finally returned successfully.

Fang Yue took a deep breath of the familiar air and turned to look at Zhu Linlang, his eyes full of relief: "We are back, Linlang."

Zhu Linlang also had a bright smile on her face, and she nodded: "Yes, we are finally home."

The two of them escorted Yang Chan and were vigilant all the way, and finally arrived at a small town on the border of the Wei Dynasty. Although this small town is not big, its walls are strong and well-guarded, giving people a sense of security.

They found an inn, locked Yang Chan in a secret room, and sent people to guard her closely. Then, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang breathed a sigh of relief and sat in the lobby of the inn, enjoying the rare tranquility.

"It feels so good to finally be back in Dawei." Zhu Linlang sighed, her eyes shining with the joy of returning home.

Fang Yue smiled and nodded: "Yes, this period of experience is just like a dream. However, we finally came back safely."

They chatted for a while and decided to rest here for one night before setting off again tomorrow. After all, they were all exhausted and needed to regain their strength.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang had just rested for a day in the small town inn. Before the morning sunlight completely filled the street, the tranquility was broken by the rapid sound of horse hooves and the scraping of armor.

They woke up suddenly and looked at each other quickly, feeling an ominous premonition in their hearts.

"The border garrison of the Wei Dynasty! Why are they here? Could it be that someone knows the news about us?" Zhu Linlang whispered, her eyes instantly becoming alert.

The dynasty's frontier troops cannot be mobilized easily.

As the empress of the Wei Dynasty, Zhu Linlang had strictly ordered the troops stationed in various places not to move lightly when she went to Dachu for peace talks. The arrival of the border troops now undoubtedly broke this ban.

"Could it be that someone got the news of your return and sent the nearest border troops to greet you?" Fang Yue said at this time.

"No, this is by no means a simple welcome. Our whereabouts have always been very secret, how could anyone know? What's more, I have strictly ordered the garrison troops everywhere not to move lightly, how could they come without permission?"

Zhu Linlang whispered, her tone revealing firmness and determination.

Zhu Linlang and Fang Yue looked at each other, and both saw solemnity in each other's eyes.

They quickly stood up and came to the window to carefully observe the situation outside.

I saw that the streets were already filled with border garrison troops wearing armor. They surrounded the inn, and the atmosphere was tense and depressing.

At this time, a man who looked like a general stood up and shouted: "People inside, listen, someone reported that you were pretending to be the Empress of Wei and Fang Yue, and claimed that you had died in Da Chu. Now, put down your weapons and come out to accept Check or we will force our way in."

Fang Yue frowned and said in a low voice: "Linlang, this is strange, there must be someone behind it."

Zhu Linlang's eyes were cold and she nodded slightly: "Yes, it seems that as soon as we returned to Wei, there were people who couldn't wait to kill us. But they underestimated us too much."

Fang Yue clenched the sword in his hand and said in a deep voice: "We can't sit still and wait for death. We must find a way to break out."

Zhu Linlang thought for a moment and said: "Let's see their movements first, and then look for opportunities. If it doesn't work, we will force a breakout."

The garrison outside began to slowly approach the inn, and the heavy footsteps seemed to knock on their hearts. Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang watched the situation outside nervously, ready to deal with possible attacks at any time.

As the garrison approached, the atmosphere in the inn became increasingly tense. Some guests fled in panic and the scene was chaotic.

"There is indeed a problem!"

Zhu Linlang frowned. She had many lucks in taking over the position of Emperor of Wei.

Within the Wei Dynasty, I don't know how many people want to replace him.

"That's right, Linlang, it seems we have to deal with it carefully." Fang Yue tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword, his eyes like a torch, scanning the densely packed garrison outside the window, and he already had a calculation in his mind.

Zhu Linlang calmly analyzed: "We have just returned to Wei, and the news cannot spread so fast, unless..."

"Unless there is a traitor!" Fang Yue said, his eyes more determined, "We must act as soon as possible and we cannot let them succeed."

At this moment, the border troops outside launched an attack. They were armed with spears and shields in front, approaching the inn at a neat pace. At the same time, the archers behind them had their bowstrings fully drawn, ready to fire at any time.

"Let's get ready to leave!" Fang Yue whispered to Zhu Linlang.

Although the border troops cannot compare with the two men in terms of force, they are large in number. Moreover, these people are also subjects of the Wei Dynasty, so they cannot kill them all!

At this time, the attacks outside had become more fierce, with arrows raining down on the inn. Many arrows even penetrated the windows and shot into the lobby.

"We have to distract them."

As Fang Yue spoke, he swung his long sword, split a piece of wood in half, and then threw it towards the window.

The plank was carried by the strong wind, roared out of the window, and hit the shields of a group of border soldiers. (End of chapter)

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