This sudden proposal made Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang stunned.

The bandit leader's eyes swept back and forth over Zhu Linlang, and it was obvious that he had some intentions towards her.

Although Zhu Linlang was angry in her heart, she remained calm on her face, and just quietly leaned towards Fang Yue to show her vigilance.

Fang Yue quickly calculated in his mind, he knew that he could not fight head-on, he had to use his wits.

So he pretended to hesitate, sighed and said:

"Good man, this is my wife, we have been dependent on each other all the way, and we really can't be separated. Do you think we can change the conditions, and we will give you some more property?"

The bandit leader smiled and seemed quite playful: "Although the property is good, it is not as interesting as a beauty. If you really want to protect her, take double the property in exchange!"

"It seems that there is no room for negotiation!"

Fang Yue's expression did not change. He didn't want to make a move at first, but now he had to make a move.

He quickly observed the surrounding environment and made a plan in his mind.

He immediately looked at Yang Chan who was standing aside and said:

"Yang Chan, go and get rid of these people!"

Although Yang Chan's vitality was sealed, he was a grandmaster after all, and his physique was still extremely amazing. It was no problem for him to deal with a few petty thieves.

When Yang Chan heard Fang Yue's order, although he was a little surprised, he immediately understood Fang Yue's intention.

Although he was unwilling in his heart, he had to bow his head under the eaves at this moment.

He nodded, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Although his vitality was sealed, as a grandmaster, his physique and fighting skills were still far superior to ordinary people.

He walked slowly towards the bandits, and every step seemed steady and powerful.

The bandits saw this and showed anger on their faces. These two-legged sheep dared to resist.

However, they would soon find that Yang Chan's strength was far beyond their imagination.

Yang Chan was not afraid because his vitality was sealed. He strode towards the bandits, and every step seemed to step on their hearts.

His eyes were cold, revealing an inviolable murderous intent.

He was captured, and he had nowhere to vent his anger. These bandits were just the right way to vent his anger!

The bandit leader saw this, smiled, and tried to intimidate Yang Chan with words: "Hmph, a skinny kid dares to show off in front of us? Brothers, come on, let him know how powerful we are!"

"Asshole, you're looking for death!"

Before the bandit leader finished speaking, Yang Chan had already pounced on the bandits like a tiger descending from the mountain.

His movements were swift and powerful, and every strike was extremely accurate. Even without the assistance of vitality, he showed the fighting skills of a grandmaster.

Although the bandits were numerous, they seemed so vulnerable in front of Yang Chan.

They tried to suppress Yang Chan with their numerical advantage, but found that they could not get close at all. Yang Chan's figure was like a ghost, shuttling through the crowd, and every time he attacked, a bandit would fall down.

Yang Chan was like a ghost in the bandit group. His fists and feet were like steel, and every attack could make the bandits fall to the ground and groan in pain.

However, the bandits were not completely powerless to fight back. They relied on their numbers and constantly besieged Yang Chan from all directions.

Although the bandits were numerous and constantly besieged Yang Chan from all directions, he was like an unstoppable gust of wind. Wherever he passed, the bandits fell one after another.

His fighting skills were so superb that even without the blessing of vitality, he could still exert amazing fighting power.

Fang Yue watched the battle from the side and admired it secretly in his heart. He saw that Yang Chan could still show such amazing fighting skills even without vitality, and he couldn't help but have a new understanding of the strength of this grandmaster.

"This Yang Chan's fighting skills are really well-honed. If he is not careless, it will be really not easy to capture him!"

Fang Yue thought secretly in his heart, and admired Yang Chan's strength even more, but at the same time he was more determined not to let this person go.

He knew that if a powerful person like Yang Chan could not become his ally, he would become a great threat.

In this dangerous world, he could not leave any potential enemies.

Zhu Linlang also stared closely at the battle between Yang Chan and the bandits, and was also filled with emotion. She understood Fang Yue's concerns and was well aware of Yang Chan's danger.

Yang Chan fought more and more bravely among the bandits, and his eyes were full of determination and anger. Since he was captured, the frustration and anger in his heart broke out completely at this moment. Although the bandits continued to attack, they could not resist Yang Chan's crazy counterattack.

As time went by, the bandits began to become timid, and their attacks became more and more powerless. Yang Chan took the opportunity to increase the intensity of his attacks. Every time he attacked, he was full of powerful momentum, which frightened the bandits.

Finally, the bandits could no longer withstand Yang Chan's attacks and began to flee. Seeing that the situation was over, the bandit leader could only helplessly flee the battlefield with his remaining troops.

Yang Chan looked at the fleeing backs of the bandits, and the anger in his heart subsided a little. He turned around and looked at Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Fang Yue stepped forward and said to Yang Chan: "Thanks to you, we were able to escape this time. But don't think about running away. As long as you are obedient, we will not treat you unfairly."

Yang Chan snorted slightly and said nothing. He knew his current situation. Although he was reluctant, he could only obey Fang Yue's arrangement temporarily.

"Fang Yue, we have to leave here as soon as possible to prevent the bandits from coming back." Zhu Linlang said in a low voice.

Fang Yue nodded. He looked at Yang Chan with a hint of warning in his eyes: "Let's go, let's continue on our way. Remember, don't make any small moves."

Yang Chan remained silent and followed them forward.

Everyone in the caravan was still frightened after experiencing this battle, but seeing Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang so calm, they felt a little more at ease.

They quickened their pace, hoping to reach the capital as soon as possible.

Along the way, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang remained vigilant and paid attention to the movements around them.

Although Yang Chan was obedient on the surface, she was thinking about how to get rid of their control.

I don’t know if those escaped bandits can pass on his news!

Yang Chan secretly thought that those escaped bandits might be his hope of delivering the message.

Although he was captured, he did not completely lose contact with the outside world.

As long as there is a chance, he will seize it and try to let his companions know his situation so that they can formulate a rescue plan.

At the same time, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were also paying close attention to Yang Chan's every move.

They know that a great master like Yang Chan is by no means easy to control even if his vitality is sealed.

Therefore, they are always vigilant in case Yang Chan suddenly attacks.

However, as the days passed, Yang Chan never made any unusual behavior.

On the surface, he was obedient and acted according to Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang's instructions, as if he had completely surrendered to them.

This made Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang gradually relax their guard.

The caravan moved forward and finally arrived at the outskirts of the capital. Looking at the bustling city, everyone felt excited.

But at this moment, a group of cavalry in bright light armor came quickly.

"No, it's Yun Xiaoqi! Isn't this a subordinate of King Chen, guarding the east? How could he appear here?" Fang Yue's heart tightened.

Fang Yue's expression instantly became solemn, and Zhu Linlang also frowned. They knew that Yun Xiaoqi's appearance was no accident and must be coming for them.

Everyone in the caravan also panicked when they saw Yun Xiaoqi. Fang Yue quickly thought about how to deal with it. He knew that he couldn't fight head-on and had to find a way to deal with it.

"Don't panic, everyone!" Fang Yue whispered, trying to stabilize the emotions of everyone in the caravan, "Let's see what their purpose is first."

Yun Xiaoqi quickly surrounded them, and the leading general scanned the crowd with sharp eyes.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" the general asked loudly.

Fang Yue took a step forward and replied in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "We are an ordinary caravan going to the capital to do business. I wonder what the general does?"

The general sneered: "Ordinary caravan? I don't think so. There has been some unrest near the capital recently, and we were ordered to patrol. You'd better tell the truth, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

Fang Yue groaned secretly in his heart. He knew that he could not reveal his identity easily, but he had to find a way to get rid of Yun Xiaoqi's suspicion. He had an idea and said: "General, we are indeed a caravan. Here is our cargo list and pass. You can check it."

The general waved his hand, and his soldiers stepped forward to inspect the goods and passes. Fang Yue looked at them nervously, praying in his heart not to reveal any flaws.

Fortunately, their disguise was successful and the soldiers noticed nothing unusual. The general frowned, seeming a little suspicious.

At this moment, Zhu Linlang suddenly said: "General, we have worked hard all the way, and we just want to enter the capital as soon as possible to do business. If there is nothing else, please let the general go."

Zhu Linlang's voice was calm and firm, making the general slightly stunned. He looked at everyone again, and finally waved his hand, signaling Yun Xiaoqi to let them go.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang breathed a sigh of relief and led the caravan to continue moving towards the capital.

However, their hearts were extremely heavy.

The Wei Dynasty is probably fighting for power again!

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were worried. They knew that the struggle for power in the dynasty would often bring endless disasters and turmoil. The caravan continued to move forward in silence, and the atmosphere was oppressive and tense.

Fang Yue whispered to Zhu Linlang: "It seems that the situation in the capital is more complicated than we imagined. We must be more careful, return to the palace as soon as possible, master the formations of Shenjing, and subdue all those with ulterior motives. Go down."

Zhu Linlang nodded slightly, with firmness in his eyes: "Yes, we must act as soon as possible to prevent the situation from deteriorating further."

The two looked at each other with determination and determination in their eyes. They knew that every next step was crucial, not only related to their own safety, but also related to the fate of the entire Wei Dynasty.

The caravan continued on, but the atmosphere was more tense than before. Everyone was tense, fearing another accident. Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were always vigilant, their eyes constantly scanning the surroundings, looking for any possible threats.

Finally, after a difficult journey, the caravan arrived at the gate of the capital. Looking at the towering city walls and busy city gates, everyone felt an indescribable excitement in their hearts. They knew that as long as they entered the city, they would be relatively safe.

However, just as they were about to enter the city, an unexpected situation happened. There was a sudden commotion at the city gate, and a group of people in gorgeous clothes hurried over, seemingly looking for something.

"Look, who is that?" Zhu Linlang whispered to Fang Yue.

Fang Yue looked closely and his heart tightened. There was a familiar figure among the group of people - a senior official of the Wei Dynasty and one of King Chen's confidants. How could he be here? Could it be that King Chen had noticed them?

"No, we may be exposed." Fang Yue whispered.

Zhu Linlang also realized the urgency of the situation, and she quickly thought about how to deal with it. She knew that if she forced her way through the city gate at this time, she would probably be discovered by the group of people. Once discovered, the consequences would be disastrous.

"We must find a way to get in." Zhu Linlang whispered.

Fang Yue nodded, and he began to observe the situation at the city gate. He found that due to the busy flow of people at the city gate, the guards did not conduct strict inspections on everyone. This gave them an opportunity.

"Listen, everyone, we are going to get into the city. Remember, you must stay calm and don't reveal any flaws." Fang Yue whispered to the caravan.

Everyone nodded, and they knew that they had to follow Fang Yue's arrangements at this time. So they began to act according to Fang Yue's instructions.

With Fang Yue's clever arrangement, the caravan successfully sneaked into the city. They passed through the bustling streets and came to a relatively remote corner. There is an ancient house here, which is the base of Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang in the capital.

"We are finally back." Zhu Linlang said softly. There was a firm light in her eyes, "Now, we have to start the action."

Fang Yue nodded, knowing that every step forward was crucial. They must master the formation of Shenjing as soon as possible and suppress all those with ulterior motives. Only in this way can the peace of the Wei Dynasty be ensured.

So Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang began to prepare intensively. They summoned their trusted men in the house and began to make detailed plans. They had to ensure that every step was foolproof in order to win in this game of power.

At the same time, inside the palace of the Wei Dynasty.

King Chen was sitting in his magnificent palace, his brows furrowed, and his eyes flashed with uncertain light.

His fingers tapped lightly on the armrest, as if he was thinking about some important decision.

"Report--" A guard rushed in, breaking the silence in the palace.

"Why are you so panicked?" King Chen raised his head unhappily, with a majestic tone.

"Your Highness, our people found a suspicious caravan at the city gate, and Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang seemed to be among them." The guard knelt on one knee and reported.

Upon hearing this, King Chen's eyes flashed with surprise, and then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Humph, they actually dared to return to the capital? They really walked into a trap. Immediately mobilize the Yun Xiaoqi and block the city gate. I will personally arrest them and bring them to justice." (End of this chapter)

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