Daliu Shu Village,

The second son of Fang Mufang's family became Wu Xiucai, and Wu Xiucai was different from Wen Xiucai. Wu Xiucai seemed to be more noble, and he was exempted from the land tax of 300 acres and the Dingkou tax for ten people.

Their family only has a dozen acres of land, and there are four people in the family.

He can also be exempted from the land tax of more than two hundred acres and the Dingkou tax for six people.

The exemption from Dingkou tax is not much, and no one has thought about it yet.

The remaining two hundred acres of tax-free land have become the talk of Daliushu Village for more than ten days.

Among the people with the Fang surname, I don’t know how many people want to donate their fields.

In this way, you don't have to pay taxes for farming, and you only need to pay rent to Fang Yue's family.

Based on the situation of Mr. Liu's house in the village, the rent required for this kind of donation is only 30% of the previous talent.

Still, the court did not increase the rent by 30% of what it was before.

If they donate their land, they won't have to pay so much land tax in the future, and they won't have to live so hard in the future.

The Fang Yue family is of the same clan, so even if they donate their land, they will definitely not treat them harshly, and they don't have to worry about their land being 'snatched'.

It's just that something happened that day. Many people of the same clan with the Fang surname who were originally close to each other are now too embarrassed to go to the Fang family. Naturally, they can't talk about the land donation.

"Master, I heard that Fang Bazi next door donated all his twelve acres of paddy fields to Fang Zhi. Oh, Mr. Fang Yue's family.

I also saw that his family steamed a large basket of steamed buns today, saying he wanted to have a good meal. "

At Fang Liang's home, his mother-in-law was very envious, but then she thought of the current situation of his family.

Comparing the two, his neighbors who were not as well off as him are now able to have enough to eat.

She felt very uncomfortable in her heart, and immediately looked at her husband: "It's all your fault. If you hadn't joined in the fun one day, our family would have been able to eat cornbread today."

"But, but, that belongs to the Fang Suo Clan old man."

Fang Liang felt very regretful. Although he had some thoughts of taking advantage at the time, he didn't say a word at the scene.

Unexpectedly, Fang Yue, the second youngest son of the Fang family, turned out to be successful and came back as a martial arts scholar without a word.

He became a scholar, and a martial scholar whose status was not inferior to that of Liu Juren.

"It's forced. It's forced by others. The legs are on your own body and you can't stand them. How can they force you?"

"Shut up, stop talking!"

"You did something wrong and you dare to scold me."

As soon as Fang Liang's mother-in-law heard this, she immediately rushed towards Fang Liang.

Suddenly, the room was filled with howling sounds.


This kind of thing happened in Daliushu Village far more than Fang Liang's family. It can be said that similar scenes happened to many families involved that day.

However, these things have nothing to do with Fang Yue.

More than ten days passed and the weather became colder.

The north wind is howling, and winter is approaching.

Fang Yue's life returned to calm, and it was still the same as before. He didn't want to practice and exercise. He would go into the mountains to hunt wild beasts every once in a while, and pick some herbs and wild products along the way.

During this trip to the county seat to take the exam to become a martial arts scholar, his family experienced changes and his status improved in the village, almost as much as that of the old landlord Mr. Liu and his family.

Even the elder of the clan named Fang was dismissed by many angry clan members named Fang who held a clan meeting before he could teach him a lesson.

Then his father Fang Mu's brother from the clan was selected as the new clan elder.

In fact, this is because Fang Mu is determined not to be the clan elder, otherwise Fang Mu should be chosen.

It can be seen from this that in this ancient society, changes in status had a huge impact on life or status.

This day, early in the morning.

Little snowflakes fell in front of and behind the houses in Daliushu Village. Winter is coming, much earlier than usual.

"Yue'er, I called you here today because I have something to tell you." Fang Hu, who was holding a tea bowl at Fang Hu's home, said to Fang Yue who just walked in the door.

"Master, tell me." Fang Yue asked respectfully.

Although he became a martial arts scholar and his status was improved, he still respected Fang Hu as always.

"An old friend of mine from Fucheng sent a letter saying that he is the new captain of the city guard in Fucheng and he is interested in reorganizing the guard army. This is an opportunity and I want to take Ergou to see it." Fang Hu said.

The city guards of Fucheng, but if he goes.

With that old friend's relationship, there is no problem in running a mid-level officer.

If he can accumulate enough merits in the future and exchange them for the court's secret cultivation medicine, then Ergou's cultivation qualifications may not be unable to be improved in the future.

"Master, I have decided to leave today, and my things have been packed. This is the reason why I asked you to come this time. As for the White Tiger Boxing Gym, you are now a martial arts scholar, and your reputation is even greater than mine. , I don’t have to worry about your subsequent practice.”

Fang Hu sighed slightly. In fact, he also wanted to take Fang Yue to Fucheng.

It is a pity that Fang Yue is now a martial arts scholar, and he is more likely to be admitted to the martial arts examination in the future, or even go one step further.

There is no need to take him to Fucheng, as that will only delay Fang Yue's future development.

"Master, please take care of yourself." Fang Yue didn't expect Fang Hu to leave, and felt a little reluctant to leave for a moment.

In the Wei Dynasty, there were two capitals and thirteen prefectures, and Xiahe County where they were located belonged to Kun'an Prefecture.

Xiahe County is in the northwest of Kun'an Prefecture, more than two thousand miles away from Kun'an Prefecture.

Fang Hu might not come back in a short time after he left.

Even if they communicated by letter, the correspondence would be calculated on a monthly basis.

However, he could not stop Fang Hu.

After all, Fang Hu was going to seek a career.

"When I am not here, if there is anything in the White Tiger Boxing Gym, you can still ask your Uncle Zhang for help.

Although your relationship with Shu'er did not work out, your Uncle Zhang will definitely not mind."

Fang Hu continued to instruct.

In fact, he also knew that Zhang Boyang wanted to match Fang Yue and Zhang Shu.

However, he did not intend to do anything about Fang Yue's private life.

He only taught martial arts and did not intend to interfere in other matters.

Later, when Fang Yue came back to talk about this, he realized that it did not work out.

However, it was good, otherwise, he would not know how to refuse Fang Yue's personality if he was caught in the middle.

Afterwards, Fang Hu checked Fang Yue's martial arts skills again.

He also taught Fang Yue some tips on martial arts, and more than an hour passed unknowingly.

Then, under Fang Yue's gaze, Fang Hu and Fang Ergou left Daliushu Village. In the wind and snow, the two walked farther and farther away, and soon disappeared.


More than a month passed, and it was midwinter.

The weather was even colder.

[Time flies, God rewards hard work, aptitude +1]

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