"Did Fang Yue really write that poem?"

"Impossible, definitely impossible!"

"How could such a crude warrior write a poem!"

Since returning home that day, Liu Chuanzhi has searched through the books in the old house, but he couldn't find the few verses he heard, so he wrote a letter to Wen Donglou, the headmaster of Xiahe County College.

Wen Donglou is a famous scholar, even in the entire Shanyang Prefecture.

He is well-educated, especially in his early years when he traveled to the two capitals and thirteen prefectures of the Wei Dynasty, and what he saw and heard was far beyond ordinary people.

The verses heard from Yu Guafu, and they are such poems that can be regarded as famous poems throughout the ages, if they were written by ancient people, then Wen Donglou, the headmaster of the college, would definitely know.

But today, the headmaster's reply surprised Liu Chuanzhi.

Wen Donglou didn't know where the verses came from, and after checking, he said with certainty that the verses must have been written by modern people, and even asked who the poet was, saying that he would visit him in person.

After reading the letter, Liu Chuanzhi felt bad.

Who did Wen Donglou want to visit in person?

Fang Yue, the peasant from Daliushu Village?

Thinking of Fang Yue, he had become a Wu Xiucai and had achieved more than him.

At the same time, the status of a Wu Xiucai was higher than that of a Wen Xiucai, and to some extent, it was not inferior to that of a Wu Juren.

Even his father had always told him to maintain a good relationship with the Fang family and resolve the previous misunderstanding.

Moreover, he had given the Fang family generous gifts several times.

It was like a top student who had always been the top student in the class since childhood, but was surpassed by a poor student in the class during the college entrance examination.

Moreover, this poor student had been beaten because of him before.

However, the education he received since childhood made him understand how to be "smooth" in dealing with people and maintain superficial kindness.

Liu Chuanzhi felt depressed whenever he thought of Fang Yue.

Today, he went out to relax while it was snowing.

Before he knew it, he came to this lake.

As soon as he stood still, he saw a solitary boat floating on the lake, with a fisherman sitting on the bow of the boat.

The man sat upright, motionless, with snowflakes covering his body, like a layer of snow clothes.

This scene made him feel poetic, and he wanted to take advantage of this excitement to write a poem.

But at this moment, a five-character quatrain floated over.

"Fishing alone in the cold river snow"

"This is another poem that has been passed down through the ages, and this scene is right in front of you."

Liu Chuanzhi was stunned for a moment, the scene in the poem happened right in front of him, it must have been written by that person.

This person must be a great sage and scholar living in seclusion in the countryside! ! !

And he happened to meet this person and heard about it, which is the so-called chance meeting, this is opportunity.

If he met this person, wouldn't it be a good story? If it is spread out in the future, his reputation will rise with the tide.

If he is lucky, maybe he can also worship a famous teacher today, which would be even better.

Thinking of this, Liu Chuanzhi's mood instantly improved.

"I can't disturb the great sage now. I have to be respectful. In the future, I will definitely spread the good name of Liu Chuanzhi standing in the snow by the lake."

Liu Chuanzhi thought to himself, and even put his umbrella aside, letting the snowflakes fall on him.

Soon, he also became a snowman.


I don't know how long it took, Liu Chuanzhi felt that he was almost frozen.

However, in order to make a good show, he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

It would be worth it if the great sage saw that he was so sincere.

Finally, the boat in the middle of the lake moved.

It rowed towards him.

"Teacher, please accept your disciple." Liu Chuanzhi was trembling with cold, and his eyes were a little blurry.

He saw the man in the lake coming, and before he could see his face clearly, he knelt down quickly.

"Hey, Master Liu, what are you doing?"

"You can't do that, why are you kneeling down."

A familiar voice came, and Liu Chuanzhi felt as if he had heard it somewhere before.

And the voice was immature and young, totally different from the great scholar with gray beard and noble temperament in his impression.

"Master, why did you kneel down to Master Fang?"

At this time, the voice of the servant reached Liu Chuanzhi's ears.

It was because he saw Liu Chuanzhi had been out for a long time and didn't come back, so he came out to look for him.

When he came here, he happened to see this scene.

Liu Chuanzhi was struck by lightning, and Fang Yue gradually became clear in his blurred eyes.

He actually knelt down to Fang Yue!

And, he was seen by his big-mouthed servant, so it wouldn't take long for the whole village to know, which was really embarrassing.

When Liu Chuanzhi thought of this, his blood rushed up and he fainted.


"Have you heard that a few days ago, the young master of the Liu family wanted to become Master Fang's apprentice, and stood in the snow for two hours."

"Guess what, in the end, the young master of the Liu family fainted from excitement."

In the alley of Daliushu Village.

The women who were basking in the sun and doing manual farm work were naturally busy with their hands and mouths.

That's how rural women are, they love to gossip about the family affairs of the east and west.

During this period, Fang Yue has always been the protagonist.

Today, the young master of Mr. Liu's family was added, which naturally made it more attractive.

"This can't be true, right? Didn't the young master of the Liu family go to school? Why did he become the disciple of Master Fang?" A woman asked in disbelief.

"Why not? I tell you, don't tell anyone else. This is from the Liu family, how can it be false?"

Seeing that she was suspected, another woman quickly explained.

Hearing that it was spread by the Liu family, they all believed it immediately.

At this time, a carriage passed by these women.

It was Liu Chuanzhi sitting inside.

He was wrapped in a quilt, drinking ginger soup, and the few words outside the carriage still fell into his ears.

At that time, a mouthful of ginger soup spit out.

There was only shame, anger and resentment on his face.


However, all this had nothing to do with Fang Yue.

After moving into the new house, the Fang family's life was getting better and better.

During this period, more and more people came to Fang Yue to propose marriage.

Most of them were wealthy families in several surrounding villages.

But how could Fang Yue get married now, even though he had always disagreed.

But Chen, who doted on him very much, didn't buy it at this time.

"Zi'er, you are not young anymore. The seventh son in the village had a son when you were this old." Chen said naggingly.

Well, Fang Yue couldn't help but have a headache.

These days, he has been told by Chen many times. Only now did he realize the horror of being urged to get married in his previous life.

"Mom, my brother hasn't married yet."

Fortunately, Fang Yue brought up his brother Fang Cheng in the end.

He said that his elder brother hadn't married yet, and if he married first, it would be against etiquette and disrupt the rules.

With that, Chen's firepower output target immediately became Fang Cheng.

"You, Fang Cheng, what are you eating, why don't you quickly marry the daughter of the Fuquan family!"

"If it doesn't work out within a month, you won't eat in the future!"

Fang Cheng, who was eating, was stunned immediately. How could the fire burn him!

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