Changsheng: My qualifications improve a little bit every day

Chapter 60 Wu Earth? Sensing Qi? (Please read on!!!)

"Oh, from now on, those three hundred acres of farmland will be exempted from land tax forever, and corvee taxes will no longer have anything to do with being at home."

Fang Yue was naturally happy to cooperate with his mother, satisfying his mother's little desire to show off, and spoke.

Fang Yue said something, and the ladies and aunties around them exclaimed, obviously shocked by what Fang Yue said.

As for her mother, Mrs. Chen, the smile on her face became even stronger.

There is more pride in his eyes, sweeping around and looking at each neighbor. His eyes seem to be talking. Look, this is my pig, how capable he is!

"Also, I am now a Wu Xiucai, and the yamen still gets a subsidy of two taels of silver every month. Although it is not much, it will be paid for three consecutive years." Fang Yue continued.

Although two taels of silver is really nothing in his eyes, but it is issued by the yamen. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a huge benefit.

With two taels of silver, you can eat a lot of meat.

"No wonder, no wonder so many boys in the village have been clamoring to learn martial arts this year."

"It turns out that Mr. Wu Xiucai is so capable!"

"Fang Mu's family, you are truly blessed."

"Yes, yes, I'm so jealous. My second aunt is from Zhoujia Village next door, and her little daughter is..."

Several aunts and ladies around praised Chen and Fang Yue.

In the end, someone inevitably got involved in Fang Yue's marriage. After all, if Fang Yue is such an outstanding person, who has a daughter who doesn't want to marry him.

Even if you don't have one in your own family, it's okay if your relatives have one. As long as you can become relatives with the Fang Yue family, then you won't be able to fall behind in the future, right?

"Stop it, stop it, my little pig wants to marry a fairy in the sky."

Fortunately, just when Fang Yue was feeling embarrassed, Mrs. Chen stopped the enthusiastic aunt and aunt around her.

Although in fact, she also wanted to arrange a marriage for Fang Yue as soon as possible, so that the old Fang family could continue the family line and be full of descendants.

However, what Fang Yue said to him before was naturally remembered by her.

Wu Ju people did not talk about marriage before.

However, the praise and envy of people around her kept the smile on Chen's face from changing. Even after she finally returned home, she still smiled for a long time.

"Damn it, what happy thing happened today?" Father Fang asked.

"Huh, what are you doing here? You haven't seen Shi'er come back. Why don't you hurry up and light the fire? I have to cook for Shi'er."


Not long after, a meal specially prepared for Fang Yue was served.

The meal is very rich, with four dishes and one soup.

There are two more meat dishes.

Of course, they are all made of cured meat jerky. They are all preserved meat jerky from the prey that Fang Yue hunted.

After all, this is a relatively remote countryside.

No one kills pigs every day. If you really want to eat fresh pork, it is still difficult.

While eating, Mrs. Chen watched from the side and asked Fang Yue whether this dish was delicious and whether that dish was too salty. Every word was filled with concern and love.

Well, in the end Fang Yue ate all the food alone.

"Mom, I'm hungry too."

But it was the eldest brother Fang Cheng who was stimulated by Fang Yue.

"You can eat whatever you want. I ate four pieces of bread for dinner, which is more than our cows eat. You can eat whatever you want. Don't you see that you are getting fat?"

Chen immediately glared and frightened Fang Cheng into choking back the rest of his words.


At night, Fang Yue was in the room.

An oil lamp was on.

The window was half open, and the gentle evening breeze blew slowly.

It had just rained a few days ago, and the fragrance of the soil was wafting. The sounds of crickets and crickets were heard one after another, and occasionally there were a few barks of local dogs.

Fang Yue was currently looking through the animal skin book in his hand.


"Induction...qi pulse..."

"Aggregation becomes the Qi of Wutu..."

Fang Yue flipped through the secret book "Wu Tu Zhen Gong", and the more he flipped through it, the more surprise and doubt appeared in his eyes.

This technique has absolutely no resemblance to the White Tiger Fist he is currently practicing.

The starting point of this skill is to sense some kind of strange power called "power of Yuanling", which is gathered through the energy veins of the whole body to become the energy of Wu earth. Then under the influence of this energy, one's body is refined into Wu earth. body.

"The Qi-sensing state should not be after the marrow is transformed, the Qi and blood flourish, and then are refined into 'Qi'. This is the Qi-sensing state."

"It's just that this technique requires Qi training at the beginning, but it is not derived from Qi and blood, but can directly refine some kind of strange power called 'Yuanling Qi' in the void?"

Thinking of this, Fang Yue's heart jumped.

Because some of the descriptions in this secret book, the power of Qi Veins and Yuanling, feel like the spiritual roots that I have seen in those novels in my previous life.

Could it be that this secret book is actually a secret book for cultivating immortals.

Or perhaps, the state of feeling Qi is just like this.

It was him who made the fuss. After all, Fang Yueke had never read the Qi-sensing secret book at all.

Moreover, I have never seen a martial artist in the Sensing Qi Realm.

Therefore, he was not sure what this technique was, but he instinctively felt that this technique was not simple.

"However, since there may be 'monsters' in this world, then maybe you can really become an immortal!"

Although Fang Yue has a golden finger, human lifespan is limited.

Therefore, if he could live forever, he would be able to use his natural abilities to a greater extent.

"However, it is too early to say that now. Maybe I just have little experience. This is how the Qi Sensing Realm in this world is practiced."

Fang Yue gradually calmed down and looked at the secret book carefully.

Then memorize the contents of the cheats thoroughly to ensure that nothing is forgotten.

Fang Yue lit the animal skin book on fire, and soon the fire was radiating. The animal skin book burned easily and soon turned into a puddle of ashes.

"No matter what, you will know once you try it."

After eliminating all the thoughts in his mind, Fang Yue began to practice according to the contents in the secret book.


A few hours later, a faint golden scale glowed in the sky.

Not long after, the sun jumped over the top of the mountain, revealing a little fiery red.

"Huh, no, it still doesn't work. It seems that my qualifications and talents do not meet the minimum requirements for practicing this technique."

Fang Yue shook his head in disappointment and tried seven times in total.

But without exception, nothing happens at all.

He cannot enter the 'sensing' state, and naturally cannot sense the so-called 'power of the soul', so he cannot continue to practice.

Thinking of this, even with Fang Yue's character, he couldn't help but feel a little slack in his heart.

But he soon came to his senses.

He can't practice immortality now, maybe it's just that he hasn't met the conditions for cultivation yet.

The qualifications are not enough, or the level of cultivation is not enough.

And as long as he has time, Fang Yue believes that he will definitely be able to master this technique.

After all, his qualifications are increasing every day.

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