That being said, Fang Yue actually just wanted to save some money.

He didn't have much money on him, and he needed to stay in the county town for two months. He didn't have much to do here, so he had to save money.

So, renting a firewood house was good, with meals provided every day and cheap housing prices.

However, some of the diners around heard that Fang Yue had passed the Wu Xiucai assessment last year and was already a Wu Xiucai with 300 acres of tax-free land.

This was the county town, and those who could eat in the restaurant would naturally not be too afraid of Fang Yue, a Wu Xiucai.

It was inevitable that some people were unhappy with their words, and there were naturally some cynics.

"Although the room is simple, it has a high eaves, which means it is a high school entrance exam."

Fang Yue explained casually. There was no more affordable residence in the entire Xiahe County than this firewood house.

Did he really have to stay at Master Zhang's house?

Since the last incident, he couldn't come to his house anymore.

Before Fang Yue finished speaking, a fat white man was going upstairs on the stairs of the restaurant.

He slapped the stairs next to him hard, and under the powerful force.

A loud and dull sound exploded.

"I said, why did I fail the exam the first two times? It turned out that there was something wrong with the room I lived in."

The fat man came to Fang Yue immediately. He was fat and weighed at least 200 pounds.

He was wearing a brocade robe with gold threads, and his calloused hands were full of jade rings.

From inside to outside, from top to bottom, he was full of the aura of a nouveau riche.

"Brother, please make an offer and let me have that firewood room. How about ten taels of silver? Or twenty taels?"

The fat man was very enthusiastic. Well, it can be said that he was rich and powerful, or it can be said that it was hard to refuse such a generous offer.

In short, under the other party's "money" offensive, Fang Yue agreed to exchange rooms with the other party.

Sure enough, there is nothing in this world that cannot be done with money.

After changing the room, the fat man immediately asked the waiter to buy him some daily necessities and clean the firewood room.

It can be said that with the help of money, the firewood room was completely new.

However, the money spent by the fat man was enough to book another upper room.

Finally, the fat man ordered a table of good wine and food and insisted on inviting Fang Yue to have a meal.

It was hard to refuse the hospitality, so Fang Yue also drank a few glasses.

Later, when they were a little drunk, the fat man even asked Fang Yue to swear brotherhood.

When they returned to the upper room of the restaurant later, it was already late at night.

Fang Yue couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and at the same time sighed for the wealth (*****(sha)) of this fat guy named Bai Xingqiu (qian) and his audacity (duo).


It was dark, and Fang Yue had just finished digesting his food.

I don't know if he ate too much today, or if he lived in the upper room.

Fang Yue, who was lying on the bed, couldn't sleep, so he turned over and got out of bed.

He couldn't move here, couldn't practice boxing, and could only stand to consume his strong physical strength.

I don't know how long it took, it started to rain outside the window.

The autumn rain was cool at night, and it fell on the tiles, and the sound of dripping was endless.

Fang Yue felt the circulation of qi and blood in his body.

Standing practice is the foundation of all exercises. Although it is now It is difficult to improve Fang Yue's strength.

The slight increase is often only about one kilogram of strength in ten days or half a month.

But Fang Yue still does it every day. A little bit adds up to a lot, and there are always some benefits.

When Fang Yue finished his exercise, he took a bath in the room.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the upper room, and there is hot water supply even in the middle of the night.

After washing off the dust and sweat on his body, Fang Yue was about to rest.

At this time, the sound of roosters crowing came from outside.

It was the fifth watch.

The lights were on at three o'clock in the morning, and the roosters crowing at five o'clock, it was the time for men to practice martial arts.

If it were normal, Fang Yue would have gotten up early to practice in the morning, but today it really couldn't be done, and he had to rest for a while.

Martial arts practice also requires a combination of work and rest, and can't be forced to practice. If the intensity is too high, super If you exceed the limit of endurance, you will hurt your body.

"Hehe haha!"

Just as Fang Yue lay down on the bed, a strange sound suddenly penetrated the sound of wind and rain in the yard.

This sound was strange, and there was a familiar feeling that was very annoying.

Before Fang Yue opened the window to see, he heard the sound of the window next to him opening.

"That bastard, he was crying in the yard before dawn, and he didn't let people sleep."

The dissatisfied curse sounded first.

Well, it works.

The shouting outside really disappeared, leaving only the sound of wind and rain and the slight piercing sound of fists breaking through the air.

'It turned out to be Bai Xingqiu, this fat guy is so diligent, this 'Was he up at 1:00 to practice martial arts? '

Through the window, Fang Yue saw the fat but extremely agile figure in the backyard of the restaurant, practicing boxing over and over again.

This was beyond Fang Yue's expectations. He didn't expect this fat guy to be so hardworking.

But why can he still be so fat!

With doubts, Fang Yue fell asleep quickly.


Two hours later, Fang Yue got up.

At this time, the weather was clear and the sun was shining.

Fang Yue washed up, had breakfast, and went out.

Today, I will go to the White Tiger Boxing Gym to visit the owner Zheng, that is, the master, and get the subsequent practice method for the bone forging period.

First, I came to the nearby wood shop.

"Shopkeeper, what are some cheap wooden boxes? They don't need to be too big, half a foot long will do."

After walking into the shop and looking around, Fang Yue hesitated and asked.

Today I'm going to see Master Zheng to do some business, so it's always right to bring some gifts.

This is a matter of etiquette.


"May I ask what you are going to use it for?"

The shopkeeper looked Fang Yue up and down, and saw that although his clothes were clean and tidy, the fabric was average, so he knew what was going on.

He took a dark red box from the shelf beside him: "This is a box made of winter jujube wood, and it only costs one or two taels of silver."

"If it is used to hold precious things as gifts, it is a little insufficient, but if it is used at home, it is more than enough."

Fang Yue hesitated a little after hearing this: "Which one do you use for gifts?"

"This box made of huanghuali wood has its own fragrance, and it only costs three or two taels of silver, which is pretty good."

The shopkeeper smiled a little more, and his tone was much kinder, and he took down another wooden box with yellow patterns on the surface.

"Let's choose this one."

Fang Yue looked at the appearance of the two and found that the huanghuali wood box was obviously better.

Mr. Zheng was the owner of the White Tiger Boxing Gym. He was wealthy and was one of the top in the whole Xiahe County.

He had seen all kinds of good things. If he used a box made of inferior red dates wood, he might not even look at it.

He paid three taels of silver and bought the huanghuali wood box.

Fang Yue then poured some tea leaves from the porcelain jar he carried with him.

This was naturally fried tea.

The gift Fang Yue prepared for the boxing gym this time was the tea leaves he fried himself.

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