White Tiger Boxing Gym.

In the living room of the owner, Mr. Zheng.

"Chen Tong, look at this."

Mr. Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, with a faint sparkle shining in them.

Chen Tong, the second disciple of the martial arts school and now in charge of the daily affairs of the martial arts school, took the letter and read it carefully.

"Well, this shouldn't happen, Master. Is there some misunderstanding?"

"Although this fried tea was handled by Zhang Boyang, it was brought out by Fang Yue. How could he take the initiative to leak the secret?" Chen Tong asked in confusion.

He taught Fang Yue boxing for a few days, and he had a good impression of this hard-working nephew.

Besides, Fang Yue's talents may not be the best, but among the next generation of martial arts disciples, he is very promising to become a martial arts master.

After all, he was young enough and had already begun to forge his bones.

At this level of progress, there are only two or three disciples in the next generation of martial arts schools.

How could such a talented person do such a thing?

It’s really puzzling.

"Haha, you should check this matter again and don't make it public. Regardless of whether it's him or not, there must be a traitor in the martial arts hall."

In fact, Hall Master Zheng didn't believe that Fang Yue was the one who leaked the secret, but what was written in this letter made him have to be cautious.

Huang Kee Tea Shop shouldn’t just be a fried tea bar that appeared out of thin air.

If no one told me, this kind of thing would definitely not happen.

"Yes, Master."

Chen Tong accepted the order and then slowly exited the room.

Only Mr. Zheng was left in the room.

"Hey, none of these disciples are useful, they have to calculate and calculate just such a small thing.

If all this thought is used in martial arts, it is unlikely that we will be able to add a few more Qi-sensing realm martial artists. "

Master Zheng sighed slightly, then closed his eyes and rested his mind.


Another seven days passed.

Finally it’s time for the Juren Examination.

Early in the morning that day, Fang Yue finally woke up naturally and did not hear the sound of the fat white man practicing martial arts.

Just when Fang Yue was still wondering why this fat white man didn't get up to practice today.

I saw the fat man Benpang coming from the backyard of the restaurant to the hall in high spirits with his body swaying.

"Brother Fang, good morning, good morning, haha. Yesterday I had my fortune told. Today, my auspicious stars are shining, and I will definitely pass the exam."

Fatty Bai laughed loudly, holding an amulet in his hand and showing it to Fang Yue.

"There is also this lucky bead, but it cost ten taels of silver and was bought from the Empress Temple, and this one, and that one."

Fatty Bai took more than a dozen kinds of items in a row, all kinds of items that were said to be able to increase his luck.

After careful calculation, these dozen items cost almost two hundred taels of silver.

Well, Fang Yue was slightly shocked by Fatty Bai's bold behavior.

"It seems that Brother Bai will definitely be able to reach high school this time." Fang Yue immediately said with admiration.

This is also the first person he has seen in this world who does not treat money as money.

So much money was spent, enough for a family of three to live for ten years.

But I just bought a lot of ‘IQ’ products.

This fat white man is actually not stupid at all. He doesn't know whether these things are useful or not.

Just asking for some psychological comfort.

But he is still so arrogant and arrogant, which is really eye-catching.

"Haha, to borrow Brother Fang's words, last night, I thought about it all night and gave myself a nickname, which is called turning over. Haha, I will definitely succeed in this test and turn over completely!"

Bai Xingqiu laughed, feeling very confident.

When Fang Yue heard this, of course he applauded again and again.

"Haha, you two, you don't even know what time it is, and you are still bragging here. If you brag too much, you might even get on the list!"

"That's right, that's right, I've never seen anyone so good at bragging before the exam. The people who take the martial arts exam are testing real materials, not just bragging."

In the restaurant, several others who were having breakfast seemed to be displeased with Bai Xingqiu's exaggerated words.

He couldn't help but sneered.

These people also looked strong and exuded a strong aura. They were obviously going to take part in the martial arts examination.

"Haha, this brother doesn't understand. What I call confidence is self-confidence. You will know it when the test comes."

Fatty Bai wasn't upset and instead laughed.

The tone was calm and joking, but it was a challenge to these people who were going to participate in the martial arts.

"Huh, let's see."

Several people, being so excited by Fatty Bai, agreed without hesitation.

Fang Yue looked young and did not look like a candidate for the martial arts examination.

Therefore, Fang Yue was directly ignored.

As for Fatty Bai, he looks fat and white, so he is obviously a rich man.

Most of these wealthy young men seem to have good cultivation, but their cultivation realm is basically achieved by relying on a large amount of secret medicine.

If it comes to actual combat, he is no match for martial artists from the same realm.

"Okay, time is running out. Brother Bai, let's go in first."

Fang Yue saw that Bai Xingqiu was going forward to argue with these people, so he immediately stopped him.

One thing these people are right about is that time is indeed running out.

At most, if the two of them are allowed to have breakfast, they will have to enter the venue quickly.

Follow the usual routine.

Mr. Liu Zhengliu of the county government will preside over the exam and it will be held in the main campus of the government office. However, this year is somewhat different from previous years.

Because the civil and military examinations were held at the same time.

The space in the main campus is somewhat insufficient.

So it was decided that all candidates would go to the city guard barracks.

There are more than ten towns under Xiahe County, and there are more villages under the towns.

This year the liberal arts examination and the martial arts examination happened to be on the same day.

Therefore, there were quite a few candidates who came to take the imperial examination.

In particular, the number of scholars who passed the Liberal Arts Examination in previous years, plus those who just passed the exam this year, is almost five to six hundred.

As for those who came to participate in the martial arts competition, the number was much lower, with double digits and less than a hundred people.

Adding the two together, there are almost more than 700 candidates.

When Fang Yue and Fatty Bai arrived at the gate of the city guard barracks, the place was already crowded with candidates.

There was a lot of people talking and talking everywhere.

As they approached the gate of the military camp, the scholars taking part in the liberal arts examination could no longer walk.

There were too many people, and their little arms and legs couldn't squeeze in.

The fat white man, on the other hand, still strode forward with his head held high.

He was so fat that he could hold up three talented people on his own, and his strength was equally huge.

It was very easy to open a way for Fang Yue to come out.

"Why should you squeeze? Be reasonable. If anyone squeezes you again, I won't be able to spare him."

Liu Chuanzhi was relatively at the front of the queue, and he came quite early.

At this time, being squeezed in front of the fat white man, he naturally felt it.

"Whatever you look at, it's crowded!"

The fat man's face was full of fat, and he looked even more sinister than the evil spirit.

Liu Chuanzhi, a weak scholar, had never seen such a scene, and he immediately hesitated and dared to speak.

"Fang Yue, you, why are you here?" Liu Chuanzhi didn't dare to offend Bai Xingqiu. He was about to get out of the way, but he saw Fang Yue.

Dang even felt guilty because he had 'stole' Fang Yue's poems.

Although, he felt in his heart that Fang Yue must have copied it from somewhere else.

But Fang Yue definitely knew the truth, so he was also afraid that Fang Yue would expose him.

So when I saw Fang Yue at this time, I felt very guilty.


These days, since the last poetry meeting.

The two pairs of shoes on the floor were like sentences tailor-made for him.

After all, although the woman memorized the poem in a mess, the other two sentences were revised very well, which was much better than Liu Chuanzhi's own 'composition'.

Therefore, some people even began to question whether the poems Liu Chuanzhi recited were actually written by him.

"Haha, isn't this Liu Chuanzhi with two pairs of shoes? Brother Liu is also here to take part in the imperial examination this time. It seems that he is a sure winner, so I wish Brother Liu a good start!"

Fang Yue laughed, the matter of two pairs of shoes was so interesting.

It just happened to be about Liu Chuanzhi, who was at the height of his power. Others in Xiahe County who were dissatisfied with Liu Chuanzhi would definitely not miss this publicity opportunity.

Naturally, the commotion spread throughout the city.

Of course Fang Yue heard about it, and then discovered that Liu Chuanzhi was very courageous and dared to imitate him in plagiarizing poems.

Moreover, he continued to follow the example and changed a few words of the poem to make it his own.

Haha, now Li Gui meets Li Kui.

Naturally, he wanted to ridicule Liu Chuanzhi.

If it weren't for the fact that the Liu family was very sensible, he was afraid of trouble and didn't want to reveal too many abnormalities.

Otherwise, Fang Yue wouldn't mind exposing Liu Chuanzhi's face.

"You, you are rude! I don't have the same experience as a vulgar warrior like you." Liu Chuanzhi held it in for a long time and could only choke out these few words.

After finishing his words, he quickly turned around and squeezed into the crowd.

This is just a small episode.

Soon, as time passed, the morning sun rose in the eastern sky, and the blood-red light gradually turned into gold.

At the gate of the Xiahe County Guards barracks, hundreds of serious-looking sergeants and dozens of government officials filed out of the barracks.

The chilling air came over, causing the noisy square to become quiet instantly.

Under the guidance of the yamen servants, the candidates were divided into literary and military talents.

However, the warriors were arranged at the front, and the literary scholars were at the back.

According to the usual practice, martial artists who participate in the martial arts examination can enter first, while literary scholars have to line up behind.

Seven tables have been placed at the entrance of the city guard barracks.

There are officials behind each table, taking the roll call and checking the candidates who will take part in the examination.

Age, place of origin, roadmap, appearance, etc. are naturally more important to register the guarantor's information, followed by a series of signatures and pledges.

This is to confirm whether the examinee is himself or not, otherwise someone will impersonate his or her identity, and it will be difficult to prevent cheating in the exam and examination.

After these people checked and checked the registration, further inside, Mr. Liu Zheng, the examiner this time, was sitting on the chair in the middle. Next to him, there was a martial arts examiner who provided security for all the martial arts examinations.

This is another layer of insurance.

The officials called the roll call, and the candidates whose names were called came forward.

Then the person who is the surety for him has to speak out. This person is the surety for him.

If something is wrong, the checking official must be notified immediately.

The process is cumbersome, but it just shows how much the official uniform attaches importance to the imperial examination.

After all, after taking the martial arts examination, it was enough to be a low-level official.

Have to be cautious.

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