
Yuan Ying had already closed his eyes and waited for death.

He had just experienced the power of this Moshan tribe mountain man.

It was no less than the Yi Sui warrior he had seen before.

At this time, he was caught in a flaw. If the opponent hit him, he would be disabled if not dead. At this time, if he was injured, it meant that he would definitely die.

The result did not change, it was just a matter of dying early or late.

But at this moment, he heard a scream.

The opponent's arm, which was thicker than his thigh, was pierced with an arrow with a trembling tail feather.


Then, Yuan Ying saw that the mountain man threw him out.

Then he ran to the side of the execution ground, where a young man had bent his bow and shot an arrow again.

"It didn't penetrate. Sure enough, the five-stone bow is still a little weak."

Fang Yue looked at the Moshan tribe mountain man rushing over, his hands moving non-stop, and another sharp arrow shot out in a breath.


The sharp arrow cut through the air, bringing a sharp whistle.


The arrow instantly shot into the chest of the Moshan tribe man.

The powerful force hit him, causing him to stagnate.

But that was all.

The man stared at him with scarlet eyes, still rushing like a madman.

"This guy, already..."

At this time, Fang Yue felt more and more that the man seemed to have completely lost his mind.

It seemed that only the instinct to fight was left, and even that instinct to fight seemed to be inherited from some kind of beast.

There was no method, just relying on speed and strength, and attacking rudely without any skills.

The most primitive, the purest, the simplest, whatever is practical.

Like a beast, like a madman.

Fang Yue's eyes condensed, and then another arrow was shot.

Then, without even looking at the result, he immediately flew to the side.

He was determined not to fight with such a beast-like man in close combat. If he was really injured, it would be a waste.

Fang Yue moved around and kept dodging around the execution ground.

The mountain man behind him had three arrows stuck in his body at this moment, and blood was flowing, which had already dyed this man into a bloody man.

If this amount of blood happened to an ordinary person, he would have fainted due to excessive blood loss.

However, this person seemed to have no feeling.

However, after all, he was still a flesh and blood body.

After about a quarter of an hour, the mountain man of the Moshan tribe behind him finally couldn't hold on.

His body began to shake, and he stumbled when he walked.

"Good opportunity!"

Yuan Ying, who was dodging beside him, saw this opportunity and took action directly.

There is a generous reward for killing this "little giant".

Ten sets of secret medicine, 1,000 taels of silver.

So, at this time, Yuan Ying came to grab the credit.

The government records the merits, looking at the process and the results.

Now Fang Yue dragged this mountain man to this extent, so naturally he has the corresponding credit. But if he succeeds, then killing the thief is also a credit.

At this time, there were quite a few people who had the same idea as Yuan Ying. At least among the martial arts candidates who had just been "called out" to help, there were two people who came from the east and west to kill.

They were obviously also preparing to snatch the head of the mountain man.

In this situation, Fang Yue did not rush forward.

He shot the mountain man with three arrows and seriously injured him. He had already made a contribution. Under the watchful eyes of the public, he was not afraid of anyone stealing his credit.

Instead of going to snatch the last spoils, it would be better to take this opportunity to shoot a few more.

Then, Fang Yue looked for the next target.

He bent his bow and aimed at a mountain man from the Moshan tribe who was being entangled by two warriors.

He shot an arrow first.

Then, between the vibrations of the string, Fang Yue bent his bow and shot again.

There was no pause in the middle, the movements were smooth, and the sharp arrow was shot out with his left hand pulling the string in a breath.

Two arrows, one on the left and one on the right.

They were shot in an instant, almost without order.

One arrow hit the mountain man's kicked thigh, and the other arrow hit the mountain man's lower abdomen.

"What a good archery!!!"

Liu Xianzun, who was entangled with the third elder of the Moshan tribe, naturally paid attention to the situation here.

He couldn't help but admire it immediately.

Fang Yue's archery is accurate.

Archery is not just about having the strength to draw the bow, and shooting at a fixed target is different from shooting at a warrior.

It is extremely difficult.

Some martial arts candidates got the first grade in archery during the assessment, but it is difficult to hit the enemy when they are really on the battlefield.

This is difficult to perform in actual combat.

What's more, this person can actually shoot with both hands, almost shooting at the same time, which is simply amazing.

"If there is a chance, I must recruit this boy into the army to encircle and suppress the Moshan tribe."

A sharpshooter is enough to match two or three warriors of the same level.

Especially on the battlefield, it is more useful.

"Damn it, damn it!"

At this time, the third elder of the Moshan tribe also noticed Fang Yue.

Because of this man, two beast-blood warriors in the tribe died, but the other warriors were not killed.

He wasted the sacred beast blood, this man deserves to die!

The third elder of the Moshan tribe had a murderous intention in his heart, and he actually punched Liu Zheng back.

Then he did not chase, but directly abandoned his opponent and killed Fang Yue.

For this, he was even punched by Liu Zheng.

"Why are these mountain people so stubborn? Why are they all rushing towards me!"

Fang Yue also noticed the third elder of the Moshan tribe who attacked him, and he called him a good guy in his heart.

Can't you, Liu Zheng, stop this guy?

The dignified county magistrate, at least one of Yisui Perfection, may have already felt his anger, so why can't even a savage stop him.

Could this guy be planning to kill someone with a borrowed knife?

Fang Yue thought that when he was admitted to the martial arts examination, he had lost the face of the county magistrate.

The other party might be a vengeful person, and now he is preparing to trick him.

Fang Yue would definitely not fight head-on with the third elder.

He didn't even fight those 'crazy' mountain people, let alone the third elder of the Moshan tribe who still had sense and was obviously stronger.

"Don't run away, come and fight me if you have the guts! Are all the Wei cowards?"

Bang bang bang~

The third elder of the Moshan tribe ran rampant, like an armored tank, and the terrifying force directly tore the wooden execution platform to pieces.

The scattered tables, chairs and benches around were even damaged.

And regardless of whether it is in your hands or not, as long as you can hold it, it becomes the weapon of the third elder of the Moshan tribe.

"Die to me!"

At this time, the third elder shouted loudly.

I didn't know where I grabbed a stone lion weighing three hundred kilograms.

He shouted angrily, swung the stone lion hard, and threw it in the direction of Fang Yue.

The shout of the third elder of the Moshan tribe was very sudden, and the sound was harsh and seemed to have a strange power, making the ears of everyone present ringing.

His mind was seized by it, and he was stunned for a moment.

Others are like this, let alone Fang Yue who bears the brunt.

Aroused by the strange shout, his mind went blank, and his body only moved forward with inertia.

It took him three breaths to come back to his senses.

At this time, Fang Yue heard the harsh sound of the air being torn apart from his ears.

Suddenly a strong feeling of crisis came to my heart.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a group of shadows crashing towards him at lightning speed.

Fang Yue was so frightened that he had no time to think about how to deal with it. At this time, he instinctively used the Thousand-Jin Plunger. His rapidly running body suddenly stopped, and then he dodged sideways.

Between breaths.

There was a loud bang.

Where he had just been standing, a stone lion hit the ground hard, creating a crater about a foot in diameter and a foot deep.

At the same time, Fang Yue had not yet remembered to be grateful that he had escaped the attack.

Then he felt a dull swelling and pain in half of his body, and he looked down.

I saw bruises on the left side of the body, and even part of the flesh and blood had been torn off.

He is injured.

Just now, he didn't completely dodge the blow, and the stone lion hit his body.


The next moment,

Fang Yue fell to the ground, half of his body was numb and he couldn't use any strength at all.

His injuries were more serious than he imagined.


At this time, Zhang Boyang's mansion.

Zhang Shu, who used to be careless and disobedient to her father and liked to confront her father, was very well-behaved today.

"Dad, do you think Junior Brother Fang Yue really has hope of advancing to Qi Sensing Realm in the future? His family now owns thousands of acres of land and has a manor in the countryside?"

"Junior Brother Fang Yue hasn't gotten married for so many years. Do you like me?"

Zhang Shu blinked her beautiful eyes, looked at her father and said.

Zhang Shu has actually gotten older in the past two years, and has begun to think about finding a suitable man to entrust her to for life.

But after searching around, I found that there was no suitable one.

Moreover, in the past two years, there are always people in her circle saying how Fang Yue is and how good she is.

This made her feel uncomfortable and also made her feel a little regretful. Maybe she shouldn't reject Fang Yue.

Finally, I heard that Fang Yue came to the city again.

So he went to his father and wanted him to facilitate this matter.

"Huh, why are you talking about this now? It's too late, it's too late." Zhang Boyang shook his head. Only now did he regret it, his silly girl.

Is it still useful?

Fang Yue is a very independent junior, and his current strength is probably not weaker than his own.

He couldn't be the other person's boss before, and he can't do it now.

Even though he really wanted to bring Zhang Shu and Fang Yue together, he couldn't speak anymore now.

If you open your mouth again, I'm afraid this bit of affection will be gone.

"Dad, just try again. The more naughty my nephew is, he will listen to you the most." Zhang Shu said coquettishly.

Zhang Boyang just shook his head and did not agree.

Just when Zhang Shu was about to continue to be coquettish and entangled, the servants of the Zhang Mansion were clueless and rushed in in a hurry.

"Master, something has happened, something big has happened." The servant exclaimed in panic.

"Don't be anxious, speak slowly."

Zhang Boyang's expression became solemn. In Zhang Mansion, the servants knew the rules very well.

You would never enter his study without knocking.

Now, since this rule has been broken, something extremely important must have happened.

"Master Fang, Master Fang is seriously injured. I heard from the people in the Yamen that he will be disabled from now on."

"What did you say? Junior nephew Fang Yue is useless?!"

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