Chaos Cycle: The Eye of Genesis

Chapter 117 - Cruelty And Devarian (1)

Leroy lifted his head, hearing the noise. The door opened after the 2 hours the assailant promised, and upon that time, entered the same assailant with him, another person more in a full bodysuit.

His eyes narrowed at the two of them. Perhaps this will be the chance to be freed. He had been working on freeing his mana from the ceiling for the time he was here. And he would have succeeded if only he had an hour more. But it seemed his free time was over, though he would not give in without a fight. He had used his good fist a dozen times, before did she managed to immobilise him? 

Either way, it didn't matter; he was still captured. What's mattered was what he will do from here on out.

"Such a waste to make a dog out of you," the female kidnapper said in her condescending voice. Her face had some pity looking at his haggard face, but Leroy would be a fool to believe it. His wounds are clear of it. Even though this woman before him was no more than five feet tall, had no muscles to be shown off, she abuse like no other. One would be gravely mistaken if one judge her by the frame. Then again, he did not just stand still when she beat him.

"Don't worry though, I will take extra care of you," she said again.

"What do you want now?" Leroy glared at her intensely.

"Why, of course, to meet your friends," the lady beamed and gestured at the man in a full bodysuit.

The scientist fella nodded and brought out chains and cuffs to bind him.

"Don't resist, dear," the female said again, as the man approached. "I really don't want to abuse you now."

Leroy grunted at her words and watched the man approach with the chains and cuffs. He stooped to chain his leg first, though Leroy did not make his jobs easy. His hands were on the back—still in that uncomfortable position with the pool. Legs were only something he could move freely, and he used to stick both of them together so that the man could not cuff him.

"Really, dear?" the barely five feet lady said with a pained expression, though with the vertical scar on her cheek, could only make like she was scowling. "Why are you making it hard for yourself? Didn't I say I will take care of you? If I had my ways, I would have freed you long ago, but you know, we all are slaves to something. How about you make it easy for both of us?"

The frown on Leroy's face softened as he looked at the female, who was talking to him as if he was really her brother. There was something wrong with her—some mental problem, most likely. "Alright, I will make it easy," Leroy said, and grinned. "For me."

Next, his legs—the two god-given legs moved like a bolt of lightning, twisting around the neck of the guy who was trying to cuff him. The man in the suit struggled, but he was never a combat type. More, Leroy worked his muscle to jerk further.

The lady with the scar shook her head as if she was disappointed in him. "You leave me with no choice," she mumbled and crept towards him.

But just as she was a stride away from him, Leroy let go of his legs, lurching towards the give feet tall female. Yes, he lurched, and moreover, he had freed himself hours ago for this.

The kidnapper lady started, but Leroy half her neck by his good hand by that time, squeezing hard. Their eyes met for once and he saw the horrifying look on her face that was asking: How?

Leroy did not answer and jerked her against the sidewall violently. The lady crashed against the metallic wall, but Leroy did not get back on her. This was him taking advantage of surprise. He would not like to test his strength now with her. Especially when his mana was sealed and one of his arms was of no use.

He took advantage of the bilwilderment of the suited man, and dashed out of the small room.

"Stop him," the kidnapper lady said, but by the time, he was already out.

Leroy breathed out, pushing the hard metal door with his back. Before him was a narrow corridor went further for a couple of metres. He breathed in and out, twisting the lever to lock the room.

Then did he look at his other arm. Blood had already dried there, with him having the blood of Devarians. Still, he could not help but sigh looking at it. The throbbing pain was still there in place of where his palm should have been. There was no palm in his left arm—he had used his everything to tear it from the bound to free himself.

Just as he was signing in relief, he felt a short tremor on the metal door he was leaned against it with some voices, though they were too faint for him to recognise. The two inside would not be able to free themselves so easily—if it were so easy, he would have fled hours ago, and did not have to wait for this stunt.

Either way, he was free.

Then he heard some disturbance on his left side, and then a yell. "Shit," he cursed, finding a group of the men there, coming out of a similar chamber like the one he was imprisoned. Moreover, there were four other students with them chained in all four limbs, as well as the collar chained in the neck.

He was free, but for how long?

Looks like he had sighed in relief too early. Without considering for a second, he crept in the other direction. He had torn his arm just for the sake of freeing himself. In hell, would he give in so easily! 

. . .

Ileana's cry finally went numb in Shin's ears, but he was gritting his teeth so hard that his mouth was already bloody. Though the few fist he got in his chin were also reasons for him to get bloody in his mouth.

His mind was full of fury, stomach beaming with indignation, but he could not do a thing. Currently, he was against the ground with a heavy leg, storming on his back again and again. He could not hear Ileana's cry, so he tried to lurch his head right to watch her go—not that he could see it clearly.

Just an hour ago, he was telling Feldan that cursing will do no good than just getting beaten, but here he was getting beaten nonetheless. He had cursed them, alright, but it's more because of how he jumped at them when they were trying to bring Ileana somewhere else.

He would have done none of the things. He would have given in to their slavery like a good boy and planned for something later. He knew messing here was a bad choice—other than being beaten with getting himself left of no strength, it would do little good. But he could not stop himself. He could not stop himself from hearing Ileana's cry.

They might only be taking her for other examination in another place than him, but hearing her cry of horror he could not stop himself and lurched at the suited men who were taking her.

Stupid. All that for nothing. Nothing but getting another round of beating.

He did not struggle anymore as he could not stop them for taking Ileana. The man in charge named Loke give him a couple more kicks before leaving him in care for the suited man.

"Dogs. You are all dogs," Loke said again, giving him and the other two another look. Feldan and the scowling guy were only bystanders in this stunt. "Dogs bark, but you will only bark when it is asked of you."

Shin did not hear whatever he said clearly, but he could make out it was not something gentle. Then he felt a lurch at the collar he was wearing.

"No time to rest here," said the man with the chains, lurching his one to stand him up—this kind of treatment was no less than treating animals.

Feldan or the scowling guy did not help him to stand up, though, and Shin had to muster all of his willpower to stand up between the cracks of his back bones. It hurts, he screamed inwardly, gritting his teeth. Even simple walking became a challenge. Loke had abused him well and seemed to have given Feldan's portion of beating as well.

The slaver gave him no time, pulled the three of the chains in the narrow corridor. Shin limped the whole way, forgetting everything about collecting information about the place they were in. After all, he have to watch where his foot was going or else he might crash by himself to fall down.

Was this really a trial?


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