Chaos Cycle: The Eye of Genesis

Chapter 129 - Strangeness (3)

"I walk on water, but I ain't no Jesus."

Inari raised her eyebrow, making out what she was hearing and seeing. It was clearly a figure walking on water, with a fishing rod in hand. Even with the torrent of the water, the figure did not seem to sway even a little.

"I walk on water, but only when my mana releases."

A knit appeared in her eyes, as the figure kept on wandering with the fishing rod, as if really fishing on this water. Inari could make out the figure was no older than her, about her height, and human. As for how he was walking on water, the song says a little about it. There seemed to be some ability at his foot that glued him to the water as if it was not a solution, but solid.

What intrigued her was why was this person here. More importantly, why was she here? Shouldn't she be on her way home after giving up?

"Why, are expectations so high?

Is it the bar I set?

My arms, I stretch, but I can't reach—"

The figure did stretch his arms as if he really caught something on the water. Though he still kept on singing, positioning to lurch back the rod. Other than the weird song which changed its rhythm rapidly, she can't help but think if this guy was a retarded.

"—A far cry from it, or it's in my grasp, but as/

Soon as I grab, I squeeze—"

The figure jerked back the rod violently as if struggling against something on the other end of the rod.

"—I lose my grip like the flying trapeze/

Into the dark, I plummet—"

The rod lurched hard as a silhouette of a huge lump of a figure crept out of the water, with a horrifying jaw, full of chainsaw-like teeth in rows. The other person who was singing the song seemed to have been expecting its arrival, he lurched the rod again and this time, a violent force awakened from it, piercing the jaw of the horrifying fish into two pieces.

Blood sprayed all around, tainting the water. Some part of it sprayed at the fisher, but surprisingly somehow there was not even a single drop staining his figure. It was as if there was an invisible barrier stopping it.

"Now the sky's blackening—" The figure stopped in his weird song and turned. Only then did the figure notice she was looking at him, knitting his brows.

"Excuse me," Inari said, getting his attention.

The youth gave her a look that told her to wait for a moment as he wandered off to collect the corpse. Inari looked at the scene carefully to see the youth bringing out a gem core from the head of the fish before dropping it on the ground.

Of course, it was for the gem core, she thought, Or else why would someone bother to even fish here. With the heavy current, this way of collecting the gem core was horrifyingly inefficient, but the guy did not seem to care.

Collecting the gem core, the figure washed it with water, before walking towards her.

"You seem to be in fine shape after sleep," the youth said to her as he came towards her.

Her frown deepened. The one before here was actually younger than her, though it could be just how normal humans grow. What was odd was the eyes. Those eyes seemed to have experienced eternity, yet still remained the same with their innocence. Odd.


Only hearing the cough, Inari learned she was staring at the face for a longer time than its adequate. "Are you the one who saved me?" she asked. "Am I still in the trial?"

"Yes you are," the youth said and jumped into the deck. Resting the rod along with the paddle, he unlocked the spatial storage bag to throw in the gem core he collected just now.

"You saved me?" she asked again, and her voice had suspicions. "How? Why?"

The youth lifted his head and smiled. "Saving young ladies from trouble is one of my side hustle," he said with a laugh. "I can't help it at times."

The frown returned on her brows. She could not make out if this youth was joking or not, but she did get the confirmation, though she did not know how he saved her. She was at least two hundred metres underwater. Even an actual guardian would not have the thin sense about it if she drowned like that.

She was about to thank him, then her eyes wandered off the other suit on the boat, it was torn in places and blood stained in places. wait, isn't that her? That should be the one Leroy gave her, but the one she was wearing was a different one in fine condition. 

"Wouldn't you happen to have to change my suit when I was unconscious?" she asked incredulously. her voice was dry and lost all the gratefulness it should have.

"As a matter of fact, I did," the youth said. "Your condition was quite severe and the foul stain would have a dire effect on you than any other on such state." The youth paused and looked at her eyes for a moment to notice the wrongness in them. A grin appeared on his lips. "Don't worry, I did not do anything funny when you are unconscious. In my defence, a rather naughty pixie would vouch for me." 

[No, I will not.] just then a voice transmitted on their head as well as a notification appeared.

Inari continued with her short glare.

"Yermrmix is not good when she's at the losing end, that means, my companions are in the better state already?" the youth laughed at the notification.

[Hmph, It's only the beginning.] The voice faded and a silence hovered between them as Inari stared dagger at him.

"Seriously, do I look like a sick maggot to take advantage of wounded ladies?" he scoffed. he looked at her, with clear eyes that seemed to have no falsehood in them. "I have changed your suit, and tended your wounds, but my actions were all honest."

Inari stared at those innocent, but deep eyes, and could not help but believe him. "Wait, you tended my wound?" she asked and touched her left thigh to find no open wound there. moreover, other than a  little uncomfortable there, she found no problem there. "Are you a healer?" she asked. or else how could he heal so easily with her such state when she had already overdraft her blessing.

"No, but I have my ways." the youth paused and looked at her as if he wanted something. "Well, I think I deserve at least a thank you."

Inari frowned. Why was this youth so odd. Well, he did save her. She should be grateful for that. at least she did not have to die falsely and give up on the trial. "Thank you. I don't know how you did it, but I'll try to return the favour when—"

"Welcome," the youth said easily. "Now wouldn't you happen to have a name, would you?"

Inari raised her eyebrow at this peculiar youth but answered. "Inari."

"Ahh," the youth said as if it all made sense. Really this person was peculiar. "Nice to meet you, Inari. You can call me Elior if you like."

Inari nodded and found lost with words. Should she greet again? "Thank you for saving me earlier."

"You would be fine even without it, as far as I know."

"Still, thank you for saving me even if it's not saving me. That sounded weird. What I meant was—"

"That you are grateful," Elior said, lifting his head from checking the suit in his hand. "Curious, can you tell me what happened to you on the ship?"

Inari let out a self-conscious sigh. "It's not that dramatic," she said. "Yesterday, someone attacked me in my sleep and after waking up I found myself bound in a ragged position with my clothes torn, muscles throbbing and mana sealed . . ." she explained how she thought this was all real as nothing was working for her. In response, she heard from him that, something like that happened to him and almost most of the participants.

"Almost?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"For some, the treatment as a slave would not be adequate, and some are too good to be in this trial. Don't worry, you will have them soon enough." His voice seemed to have the natural tone that told her that he knows many things that she never wanted to learn, and he was only teasing her.

"You didn't say how you manage to get free?" she asked with evident curiosity in her eyes.

"For me it was complicated," he said, trying to avoid the topic. "Basically, I have some shortcuts, and played them well."

"I guess that explains how you are in better shape," she said, sighing. "Leroy, a cousin of mine, the one who freed me, had torn off his arm to free himself."

"Wait, Leroy?" A gleam of surprise appeared on the mysterious youth. "He saved you?"

"You know Leroy?"

"Tall dude, blond head with not-so-handsome looking face, and a sneaky personality as if always hiding something shady underneath?"

Inari almost laughed out loud, hearing the description. "I don't know about the not-so-handsome part, but yeah that's him," she said. Clearly, Leroy was probably far better looking than the youth before her eyes, and not that just. "You know him?"

"Unfortunately, yes." The boy made a face as if it was really unfortunate on his part.


Courtesy: Walk on water - Eminem.

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