Chaos Cycle: The Eye of Genesis

Chapter 135 - Nightmare Sea (3)

The sky cracked, swirling clouds clashed, releasing a deafening roar of thunder and lighting. Darkness loomed the very moment and wind rose into a tempest as high waves started to form in the great sea. Each roar of the thunder seemed to rupture the sky, disrupting the natural flow of things, and shudder the heart of men.

Inari shuddered, crouching on her knees, looking around. Her eyes drifted from the sudden changes to the youth who finally stopped working with no indication of surprise in his eyes. It was as if he was waiting for it to start.

Elior exchanged a glance with her and that seemed to surprisingly comfort her. The suit had not been repaired yet, but Elior did not seem to be discontent about it. As the sky roared, he opened his storage equipment to store the suit first, and then brought out a Sleek spear a couple of heads taller than him. 

"Do you have anything I can use?" Inari asked, not knowing what kind of threat she would be in other than the tempest and storm. But since Elior brought out a spear, there will likely be something to fight. It had been about four hours since she was up, and in that time with the external help, her external wounds were taken care of. She could use her superhuman strength to some extent, which was somewhat weird.

Inari did not know what happened but after that incident, something changed and she was healing quicker. Perhaps accessing her status window would be off help, but that could not seem to be an option for this ordeal. Though she was incapable of using any mana for any few days, she could use the strength.

"Must be good to have such a resilient body," he commented.

"You have no idea," Inari said and found him tossing an orb first, and then a sleek sword.

"Stay here like a good girl, and protect my bag," he said and gave her a smile to walk out in a storm.

Inari oddly found herself staring at him for a longer time, ignoring the two items he had just given her.

[ Item: Orb of Protection

Grade: Rare.          Defence: 120.

Durability: 50/50

-      Orb of protection can create a sphere of the protective barrier within a 2-metre radius for 30 minutes.

-      The item needs to be charged again for next use.]

[Item: Elior's Sword B07

Grade: Rare.          Attack: 42.

Durability: 12/20

-      Can augment mana usage by 27%

-      Can self-destruct by triggering a certain safety net input, releasing attack power over 500 degrees.]

Inari was genuinely surprised to find the specification of the orb. Though the sword was good, creating something like the orb was almost ten times more difficult.

'Did he create these himself?' she wondered and the swirling cloud showered in heavy rain. The sword actually had his name in it and was a good item, not anything fancy she had seen or used, but she could use that here. Unfortunately, she would not be able to use any of the two abilities of the sword without her mana. She wished she didn't have to use it now.

Elior did not move far after telling her to sit like a good girl. She did not know why, but she felt this uncanny youth had some hero complex. He was standing in the water currently in his shorts and casual vest, but by the way, he was standing, looking around with the tall spear in his right, he looked unfazed.

"Can you fight a storm with a spear?" Inari could not help but yell, standing up balancing on the staggering boat.

"The storm will not be the only ordeal," Elior said and a lightning bolt loomed behind along came the deafening roar of thunder. Water burst into upheaval, wind churned strangling them. "Stay alert of the water. If you need help, give me a signal."

Abruptly something moved underwater and struck her boat, raising it above water to almost drowning her. Elior moved first, charging with his spear, lurching right at the sea creature. A sharp shockwave passed right there, moving through the water to cut the flesh of the sea monster.

The sea monster was about two metres in size, and seemingly carnivorous with the sharp set of chainsaw teeth, unfortunately, with just a single move, ELior pieced it into two halves, before it dropped into water. 

'That monster was at least level 40,' she thought. she could have killed it with one move if she was in a fair state, but she have to use a heavy attack for that, but Elior seemed to do it effortlessly. 'Or he makes it seem effortless.'

"Not going to collect the core?" she asked, as in all the time she spent here, ELior seemed to have only a few particular interests. Such as, acting mysterious, fixing the suit, and collecting origin cores. She have to give it to him he had aced the first two best, but for the last, it did not seem that urgent.

[Side quest: Survivor of Nightmare Sea I

Objective: Survive your tribulation in the nightmare sea until the storm recedes.

Rewards: Origin cores, Recover potions, Mysterious tiffin box.]

Inari let out a breath, reading the quest. There was seriously no information on it other than telling them to survive the storm.

"The storm will not be for long," Elior yelled at her. "Half an hour to a couple of hours at best."

"I don't think the boat can last that long," Inari replied, climbing back on the boat. Even though the small boat was made of fine wood it would not be able to handle more than a few more attacks. Perhaps she could reinforce it with her mana, and keep it still usable for the next day, but that was not an option currently. "Perhaps you should come back to the boat, and protect it."

"That would not be possible," Elior said though he still walked towards the boat, ten feet high waves building behind them. "But I can help it withstand more than just a few blows."

Mana swirled out of Elior's body, forming a simple circle of runic pattern, before turning complicated. It did not stop with just one circle. Four complicated magic circles out of her understanding formed and infused with the infrastructure of the boat. Inari was never good at this kind of magic stuff, but she could tell all those four spells were intermediate level, though, on the lower end, it could very well protect the boat easily.

"Feel free to use the orb, while I go hunt some fishes," Elior said as his body loomed into the water. "And don't lose my bad, all my fortune is in it."

Before Inari could utter a word, the figure was gone. Lightning bolted again, as the wind swirled, creeping her mind. Calming her mind, She stood still on the body reinforced by the spells, the sleek sword in one hand while the crystal orb on the other.

The boat swayed, twisted and turned along with the waves but with two spells especially balancing its potion, it did not sink. With all the disturbances around her, she could not make out anything under. Elior went underwater to hunt, seriously how much she thinks she could not make it out to be a good idea. Ignoring the negating effect and heavy water which crushed the body any better than a block of stone, he could not breathe underwater. They were still low-level apprentices, until the third rank, there was no good change in their body. Even with the body of a Devarian, she would not be able to stay underwater more than like this for five minutes.

Shaking her head, Inari turned vigilant, looking around for any discomfort. Seriously other than the storm, lightning and high waves, no monster came. Perhaps Elior was doing his job adequately.

Just then something shot out of the ocean with a three-meter body with a huge mouth holding chainsaw-like teeth, looming at her. Inari's heart skipped but balance studied. The sword forms integrated into the body for years of rigorous training awoke as she waited for it, narrowing her eyes.

Holding the back foot back, she shot at the abomination, lurching her sword at its head. Raindrops head harder on her face, and blood sprayed on her body like a freaking fountain. What was surprising was that it did not spray from where her sword stuck.

Inari's move was to pierce the head of the sea monster, which it should have done, but before it the three metres tall sea monster halved into two, dropping into the water.

Inari wiped the blood from her face as a silhouette lurched out of the water again, though not closer to her.

Elior looked at her strangely at her with a smile on his lips. "Sorry," he said, seeing her bathing in filthy blood. Perhaps as a devarian she was never disgusted like this. "We should form a team."

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