Chaos Cycle: The Eye of Genesis

Chapter 20 - Rewards (2)

"Then give me the Water of beginning."

In the end, Elior chose the Water of Beginning. The Ability was good, but he had to wait for the future, and besides, he had his hands full with the Abstraction of Void. Mastering the ability would not be easy even if he had the experience of past life. Getting more ability would only delay his progress further.

The water of Beginning was the key ingredient for a potion that would be extremely beneficial to him. All he needed now was to find a few other key ingredients and make a connection to a dear friend who was also a brilliant alchemist.

"The item would be delivered to you in two days," Yemrmix said. "And now for the last reward. It is the best reward I have seen in such a low-level trial."

"What?" Elior was a little startle. Why he was getting such great rewards from the lowest level of trial? Though he was not complaining. "There is still more."

"If it was a usual case, there should not be more, but this time it was a special case." the pixie flew around his head and continued. "For coming first in the trial zero, Guardian Apprentice Elior is awarded a legendary Class, Knight of Faith."

Just as Yemrmix finished her phrase, the information about the class Knight of Faith appeared before his eyes. Elior frowned at the instance.

[Class: Knight of Faith.

Grade: Legendary

In ancient times there was an order of Knights called Knight of Faith. They were like the apostle of the Deities. The champion of the seven Deities. Even then, very few could be chosen as knights of Faith. There are many legends about the Knight of Faith, and in all of them, they fight for the good. They are the arch-enemy of Chaos Fiend and the Father of Chaos.

Abilities: -The Knight of Faith is a class closely related to the deities and faith. The further the faith and belief, the faster the guardian will grow.

- Transcendence level resistance against any unholy attribute, curse, poison.

- Light of Faith: Knight of Faith has the attribute of Light. They grow twice as fast as any other light attribute class.

- Faith sacrifice: Knight of Faith could use some of the Deities' faith power in the battle against evil.

- After each advancement, the guardian could not change their class. The abilities grow further after each advancement.]

"Why did you go silent?" the pixie said with a smirk. "You did not think there would be such a reward, right?"

"Is this the reason why Renal and the princess of the Mauhar Empire entered the trial?" Elior asked, exhaling a deep breath.

"Probably," Yemrmix said. "I think they don't know the exact reward but should have gotten leaked news from somewhere."

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore," Elior said. "I don't want this class. Can you compensate me with something else?"

"What?" the pixie cried. "Are you out of your mind? Didn't you read? It is a legendary class. Even people would go crazy if it was a unique class, much less it was a legendary class. Do you know the growth of a guardian depends on the level of Class, like a legendary class like this would grow at least 3 times if not more than a normal class?"

"I know," Elior said in annoyance. Who could know better than himself about this legendary class other than him? It was his sixth class, after all. None knows better about it than him. That was the reason also he was reluctant to advance to a knight of Faith.

Yes, it was a legendary class that would give him the power he needed, but he had to sacrifice a lot for this. He thought this class as a trap that would bind him again with the Deities again. He would lose his freedom with too many things that needed to be done, and being a Knight of Faith would only shackle him more.

'I won't make the same mistake again,' he thought, 'I won't bound myself with the deities, even if it was my Godmother.'

"People would go crazy if they know about this," the Pixie muttered. "They would even laugh at you."

"Let them laugh," Elior said. "But I won't be shackled by anything."

Elior might have chosen for this class if not for those shackles, as he was extremely familiar with its abilities. But he could not let himself bind again.

"So is it possible to get a refund for this class?" Elior asked again.

"No," Yemrmix said, shaking her head. "This is a reward for the trial. If you reject this, you get nothing."

"I guessed that much," Elior nodded, having no second thoughts or regrets about the class. "Fine, then."

"I don't get you human," the Pixie frowned at him again. "Now tell me what you want?'"

Elior was lost for a moment, then recalled about the bet. "Oh, about the wager," he said, with a wondering expression. "To be honest, I haven't thought about it."

"I guess you would not be satisfied with anything of low level. A human who rejects legendary class," Yemrmix said with a snort. "Think fast, your time here will end soon."

"Right." Elior put his mind to work and came up with some options like asking Yemrmix to create a meeting with his godmother, but decided it was not time for it. He could ask for other things like wealth, artefacts but do not hold much appreciation from him. "Let's just delay it further."

In the end, he chose nothing. He made the bet with her on a whim. He had no idea what he needed the most at the moment. Elior made a mental note to think about that when he returned to earth.

"Fine then," the little pixie agreed. "Did not you say you wanted to buy something?"

"Yes," Elior nodded. "I needed a Mana Engineer's kit. How does it cost again?"

"The basic one?" Yemrmix asked. Seeing the nod from Elior, she continued, "It's about 6 million credits. Should I make the purchase?"

"Wait a minute," Elior said. He had close to 13 million credits and could earn more with his ability. There was no need to buy just the basic level kit.

"How about you cancel all the basic helping items, and purchase the only important things," he said. "And change the rune handler to an advanced one."

"Are you sure? Using advanced equipment with your lower level was quite tricky."

"Just tell me the price." Elior asked with annoyance. How could he not know how difficult it would be? Even though he had not reached the level of Grandmaster in Mana engineering in his past life, he was not far from there. All he lacked was time to cultivate it.

"I was just asking out of my goodwill," Yemrmix snorted cutely. She calculated the price within the translucent window again. "It's nine million and seven hundred thousand credits. The Advance Rune Handler itself cost 8 million credits."

"Make the purchase."

"It will also be delivered within two working days," the pixie added in a business-like voice. "Anything else you need?"

Elior thought for a moment and said, "Body Cleansing potion. Give me three of them."

One for him, and the other two for Ileana and Shin. His only worry was that those two are stupid enough to choose the body cleansing potion through the rewards for coming in the top ten.

"Three body cleansing potion worth one and a half million credits. Should I confirm the purchase?"

"Yes," Elior nodded. With this, He could clean the path of mana, blood vessels and his entire body clean of impurity. Though it was far from the perfect thing, it was better than nothing. With the help of this potion, he could skip at least two months of practice.

"Anything else?

Elior shook his head and looked at the sword in his arm, the one he took from Renal. He could not take it with him by teleportation. "Deliver this with the items as well," he said, pointing towards the sword.

"Five thousand is the charge for the delivery." The pixie nodded. "Your time here is almost over. Goodbye, strange Human."

"Good bye, Yemrmix," Elior said. "Be seeing you."

Light emerged after that, and Elior was transported back to the earth.


The opening act ends here, and back to Earth again. If you did not like the story till now, you probably won't like it in the future. This is not an antihero, edgelord story, but about a boy (or man should I say, considering his mental age) overcoming his fear, fighting for others. His personality is flawed, but that was a given nobody's perfect. But you can still stick around because there will be more comedy, character growth, stupid romance and good fight scenes.

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50 power stones for one bonus chapter.

100 for 2; 200 for 4 and so on.

And 5 reviews for 4 bonus chapters, 10 for 8.

thank you for reading.

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