Elior gritted his teeth and clasped his palm into a fist. He still could not make sense of these clouded memories in his mind.

'Why do I have the memories of others?' h questioned in his mind, but found no answer.

Nothing like what happened in the evening when he first saw Leroy happened again. But he did feel a splitting pain in his mind the more he dug deeper into those memories.

The [Eye of Genesis] did not cause any problem either other than restricting him once when he was almost drowning in the memories of the past.

"I need more answers," he muttered.

His godmother would know about this ability and could make clear why his memory was like this. But by the time he will be able to converse with her again, it will be quite long. Moreover, he had a bad feeling about this.

What if his godmother intentionally bestowed this ability on him so that he would not do something drastic without her consent.

"No, she would not do that," he thought out loud. "Would she?"

What about the other deities? They could do it.

Elior sighed. Other than that, he had two hypotheses. First was simple, his young mind or soul could not reserve all the memories of a person who had seen so much, heard so much, experienced so much. That was quite right, as far as he was concerned. That means the further he grows, the more memories would untangle themselves little by little. He just needed to strengthen his mind and soul.

If this hypothesis was true, then he had to make the potion faster. Not only would it make him grow faster, but it would also make his soul far stronger, too.

The other hypothesis was based on the faint memory he could still remember. He was not so sure about that.

In the universe, there are some things, some beings of so much higher order that only thinking about them would corrupt one's mind. Like one of the scariest things he had learned was never to name the Chained One.

The Darkone could sense someone uttering his name in the farthest corner of the universe, even if he was bound in the depth of the Abyss, the pit of Sha'eol.

He had some faint memory of the last battle in the pit of Sheol. Even the faintest aura from the Father of Hatred there would make low-level guardians mad and question their sanity.

Elior shuddered at the thought. He emptied his mind immediately.

Both of the hypotheses might be true, but it did not give any answer to why he had the memory of someone else's in his brain.

There's something more to it than he knows. Fortunately, he had time to grow.

"No, the time I have is not enough," he muttered. "I need to make a plan. Let's make a plan first."

With that thought, Elior opened his hollowbook. The device was as hollow as the name suggests. You can see through the screen. It was a computer, but way expensive than a common laptop and easier to use too. A hologram appeared on the wall and on his desk. The monitor on the wall, and the keyboard on the desk.

Elior already set it up with his quarter, so now he only opened a document and started to write. He was writing partly to organise stuff and partly in fear. He feared he might lose these memories again if something goes wrong—the chances of that were close to nothing—but he knew better than to take chances.

He wrote everything he remembered, from his start to the death, everything he remembered and refrained from writing the name of the Father of Hatred.

Abruptly, Elior found it quite startling. He had memory clear for the next two years like crystal, and then it was all clouded, but he still recalled some memories. The horrifying attack on earth that destroyed the vanguard, wreaked havoc and utterly destroyed the first three rings—the securest place on earth.

Elior felt chills just remembering it. "I have to stop it," he muttered, making a fist.

In the past, when this happened, he was powerless, could only help from the sidelines, but this time, it would be different. This time, he would stop it even before it began.

Other Than that, he had the memories of the Motherland. The Tower of Wisdom, the destruction of the Archangel, the empires, the Devarians, and her.

Fortunately, he did not forget her. He still remembered her face, her scent. She was like the soothing dream in his despair, only the light in his void of emptiness.

Elior sighed, remembering her. He had to wait a year or more to see her again.

It did not take long to write out all the important occurrences, only about an hour. Now it's time to make the plan.

The day of the doom was still two years away. In this time, he had to grow well. Not just him. All of them have to grow as fast as they can.

Leroy was not a problem. He always works the hardest and does his best to help. The problem was Shin.

In his previous time, even after Shin entered the academy, he still acted like a black sheep. Even now his way of presenting himself, the dyed hair and piercing, asked for attention from others. He gets attention, good or bad, but not from the ones he likes. His parents. All this drama was just to get the attention of his Mom and Dad.

Apparently. The Olwyn family was well off. Both of Shin's parents were Guardians—they had little time to spare for their only child. Even when Shin was admitted to the Guardians academy, that did not change.

Shin was talented, but never tried his best until he lost something. Until he lost his parents.

"I have to change that," he said, writing the task on the hollowbook. He could tell how difficult it was going to be just by thinking about it. He was never a good relationship consultant. He preferred fighting Chaos Fiend rather than that.

Next was Ileana. Remembering the Buff she played on Renal in the trial, he could see his friend have the potential—but he did not know too well yet. He left the spot for her empty, thinking he would help her however he can.

The next plan was to grow some Guardians and help them with his ability. Alone he could solve nothing—that was the reason he helped anyone he could in the trial. He needed to make an elite team that could stand against the doom two years later.

Lara and a few others from freshmen and upper-year come to his mind. He had to get help as much as he could from already established Guardians to the apprentice.

And the last of his plans were for him. How could he grow faster and stronger? The answer was simple: he needed to use all his experience of the previous incarnation and devise an ultimate training plan.

Other than that, he had to prepare weapons to arm guardians. His experience in Mana Engineering would be helpful there.

And last but not least, he had to find a way of sneaking out from the Academy now and then.

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