Chaos Cycle: The Eye of Genesis

Chapter 49 - Night Adventure Went Wrong (2)

Shin remained sitting at his desk with a complacent expression, looking at Elior coming in.

Elior's face turned ugly, but he turned to his regular expression immediately. "What are you doing here, Shin?" he asked. "Wait, that is not important. Why did you break into my room? You do know, it is prohibited by the academy?"

"There are many rules in the academy," Shin answered. "And one of them is not to wander off after eight outside the academy ground."

Elior squinted his nose. "You know what, let's fu*k the rule, you should have a moral ground to not break into someone else's room."

"Especially when that person is hiding something fishy," Shin said, snickering out.

Elior sighed and shook his head. He went to his bed and dropped his bag there, and removed the hood from his head. He was blaming himself for not thinking about hiding his track. If only he had made some cryptic locks with runes, he would not have to confront Shin this early.

Now he was considering if the hormones in his teenage body were affecting him as he took few radical decisions on impulses. 'That's probably it,' he thought. 'Or was I an impulsive person all along?'

"How did you secretly sneak out of the academy?" Shin asked with a somewhat curious and excited expression. If it was someone else, they might have been yelling or scared still, but Shin was not like that, fortunately.

"It is one of my abilities," he answered. It appeared his Shin was not satisfied with his answer, so he used the [Void Stealth] in his arm and made it invisible to the normal vision.

Shin's eyes widened as if popped out. He stood up from his seat and came closer to inspect it. But before he could test it properly, Elior eliminated the stealth.

"Brother, you have the ability I have dreamt to have," Shin said with an envious gaze.

"So that you can go into the girl's washroom?" Elior snorted.

"You know me too well," Shin gave a little perverted laugh. Then his eyes regained his excitement again. "By the way, Brother, did you ever sneak into the ladies' washroom?"

"I'm not a pervert like you." Elior paused suddenly. "Wait, technically, I sneaked into the ladies' washroom a few hours ago, though my purpose was something else."

"We all say that," Shin laughed lewdly. "I can't believe, bro, you unravel one of the top ten mysteries since ancient time without me."

Elior shook his head. There was no way he could make Shin understand what he was doing without spilling the beans. "So how did you find out I was away?" he asked, curious.

"Well, it was a coincidence, actually," he said. "After my mom left, it was quite late. I was quite bored and after hearing all her blabbering, and when I'm like that i make food. I made one for you and checked on you, but you did not answer my calls or messages.

"So then I knocked on your door for a few minutes and that's when I felt something wrong. I knew you were secretive about some of your business and I could not break my impulse, so I broke into your room with my profound skill." Shin finished,n showing his fingers as if it held magic.

"You hacked into the academy's system?" Elior asked, raising his eyebrow. Other than hacking the door, there was no other way to open it other than breaking and then it would alert many in the institute. He cursed himself again for forgetting how skilled Shin was at this kind of thing.

"Hehe," Shin only laughed. "So where did you go? What did you do?"

"Do I have to answer you?"

"You would not answer your only brother?" Shin pouted his lips.

"I was . . ." Elior considered for a moment if he came clean about it now or not. Shin was really like a brother to him, but it did not seem good to talk about all the things. 'Shin is not prepared, Heck! I'm not prepared as well,' he thought and answered, "I was spying."

"About what?" Shin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I can't tell you that now."

"And you will sneak out again?" Shin seemed to have half a dozen questions ready.

"If the situation appears, then I have to," he answered, sighing.

"Can you sneak another person with you?"

Elior's lips twitched. "I can't," he said.

"Pity," Shin said. "I wish I could come along with you to the spying."

"Shin, I'm not really sneaking around the girl's washroom," Elior said in a serious tone. "And as for your interest in sneaking out. I could help you there as well, but it's not possible with my ability."

"I guess that counts," Shin said. "And you want me to keep this secret too, right?"

"Yes," he said. "And I need your help somewhere else as well. And you have to keep that secret as well."

"The secrets seemed to intensify," Shin replied. "And it appears I'm weaving into the web as well."

"Of course you will," Elior said unconsciously. "Either you want to or not. That's the path of a guardian."


"Nothing," Elior said, shaking his head. "Now, the task I'm about to give you should not leave this room or between us. I need you to find a few people for me."

"People? What type of people?" he asked.

"Dangerous people, corrupt people," Elior said. "You should hide your best ability to hide your track as well. Can you make it as none have found your location?"

"I'm not sure, but I've to see what I can do," Shin said, arching eyebrows. "By the way, what you will do with these people?"

"Secret," Elior said. "I'll tell you when you're ready."

"Well, I can say you are not up to something bad, so I'll help you."

"Thanks, Shin."

"Brother, one thanks is not enough." Shin gave a knowing smile, as if Elior knew what he wanted.

"What are you talking about?" Elior asked, bewildered. And now he could guess what his dear brother would ask of him.

. . .

Only after an hour after the conversation ended between Shin and Elior, the two of them rushed to the training field again. Well, technically it was Elior who rushed and on his back was Shin, who was shouting and crying.

"Brother, why are you so cruel?" he cried pitifully. "I even gave you my exclusive dish, yet you did not let me rest for an hour."

"Stop yelling, people are sleeping."

"That's what I'm saying, let me sleep."

Elior did not listen to the plea of Shin and brought him to the field. Only when he reached there did, he put the guy down from his back.

"Now let's start our training," Elior said and found some people were coming towards them. He recognised one of them with just the silhouette in the mist and the others appeared to be familiar as well.

"My juniors are harder working than I have imagined," said the maiden with silver hair.

"What are you two doing here?" Elior asked, looking at Ileana and Aanya. Both of them were wearing tracksuits like him and appeared to be in for morning-jogging. Their hair was bound in a braid with running sneakers on.

"Well, Lara said yesterday, you guys train together in the morning and I'm not going to miss out on that chance," Ileana answered. "And besides, Senior Aanya said, she has time in the morning and would help me in my training."

Elior frowned and looked at the female with silver hair who had a little excited expression on. His eyes asked her what's the matter with her.

"I don't have . . ." Aanya seemed to struggle in completing her sentence. "I don't have many friends."

Elior's frown softened as he recalled, all Aanya had were fans or worshippers, what she had said was somewhat true. Heck! She might not even have a single friend and his heart softened even further, recalling the situation about her family.

"What happened to this guy?" Ileana said, coming closer to Shin. "Is he sleeping on the ground?"

Elior rubbed his forehead looking at the future Storm Summoner.


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