The class did not progress for long. Only after mentoring him for a few minutes, the professor was gone. But Elior stayed in there for an hour more, hammering and trying his best to adapt with the newfound [Emotion].

On that note, blacksmithing did not just help him build weapons and equipment, but buildup his stamina and strength as well. Though he had not found the perfect ratio for all the physical attributes, he was arriving there with the hard work. he reckoned only his body was limiting from reaching the Unity Realm.

Leaving the thick apron, Elior picked up his stuff and left the Aftifacing department. His face and body were all sweaty, and he did not like that. He might not be a clean freak, but he was not far away from there. On average, he showered at least three times a day. Well, he did get sweaty a lot with all the training and stuff.

He was walking nonchalantly on the corridor of the second floor when a few students appeared before him. The uniform indicated they were second-year students—at least most of them, but a few third-year students were there as well.

"Look at him, thinks he's the best after coming first in the stupid test," one of them shouted as they all walked towards him.

"Did you hear?" another one of them yelled, laughing. "He wants to be the student president. Do you ever see such arrogance in some freshmen who did not even come one month to have such greed?"

"He's probably shooting with the good relationship he had with Senior Aanya, or do you think, he stands a chance?"

Those phrases came into his ears, but Elior ignored them. Not that he could not do anything about them, it was just he was giving them another chance. He walked, not giving them even a single spare of a gaze. But that seemed to piss them off even more.

One of them came from his side and pulled him by the collar of his shirt. It appears they were truly trying to cause trouble.

"I'll give you one chance to walk away," Elior said, not even looking at them. With the talk he had with his old mentor, he finally managed to put away the terrible feeling he felt after killing the man, but their appearance pissed him off again.

"Say what?" the one that pulled his collar laughed and so did the others, as if they could not comprehend what they just heard.

Elior shook his head and the next moment the guy who was pulling his collar was on the ground, bellowing with pain. Elior moved so fast that none of them noticed a thing at first and when they noticed it was too late.

All Elior did was twist the arm of the guy while using his leg to slam him on the floor. But things did not stop just with that. They were upperclassmen. How could he get beaten up by a freshman who was not even here for a month?

The one on the floor ran his leg towards Elior while the others came at him with the intention of ganging up on a freshman. Elior was already pissed with all these, and it appeared he could not avoid it anymore.

He left his bags on the floor before bringing his arms up, welcoming all of them. These upperclassmen were quite cocky. Only two of them came at a time while the others surrounded him, thinking two were more than enough. No way in their imagination they would have imagined, all of them would not be enough.

Elior did not use mana, nor did the upperclassmen. They were here to show him his place, and he was about to show them their place. The more ruckus they made, the more they would be punished for.

Elior slapped his bare palm at the side of the neck of one while his leg kicked the knees of the other one. They grunted in pain while Elior threw one of them with the elbow and the other one got on his four limbs just after another kick.

"There is still a chance to walk away," he said again. After all, they would be punished for the mess they make here with the penalty of the points. Though Elior did not care about them, it would be a good waste of his precious time.

"Bastard." Yelled one on the ground and the others came at him. They did not seem to get it. Having more time to progress on abilities did not make them smart, but just conceited.

Elior wondered if it was better to break the conceited mindset of his upperclassmen. If he did not help them, then who would.

He threw slaps, knuckles, punches and kicks all over as the students grunted in pain. Some even went as far as bellowing. There were less than a dozen of them and they were in no way part of the elite of the academy, so they could barely warm up Elior with their attacks.

"What's happening here?" a voice called.

Elior looked back to see it was professor Aleister with a couple more upperclassmen. It appeared they had staged this incident to make him look bad, but it did not matter much to him. After all, he was never trying to run for president in the first place.

"Professor," one of the guys, whose arms were wrapped around his stomach, said as if he had rehearsed it a couple of times. "We were just conversing with this junior. He did not seem to like what we said and attacked outright out of the blue. When the others tried to stop him, he beat them all. We have not used any of our skills so that we would not accidentally injure him."

Professor Aleister looked carefully at the handful of figures on the floor and then looked towards Elior. He recalled what Aanya told him when she asked why Elior did not show all of his power: 'If I was to show my full strength then others would not be able to show their ability at all.' At that time he thought his student was a bit cocky, but seeing these scenes he had a headache.

There had been other students like this who were drunk on his strength and got into trouble with the upperclassmen. He recalled another student who had an upfront personality like Elior. His talent was just below Aanya and could have been a tremendous asset for the association and Earth, but alas!

He got into such trouble that a few upperclassmen had to gang up on him and beat him so badly that he had to be hospitalized for months. In the end, he decided to pull out of the academy.

At that time, Aleister regretted it very much, and seeing the scene before his eyes, that flashback played in his mind. Talented students with the upfront personality suffer most at the academy. After all, politics were everywhere, even he or the dean were not free from it.

The last thing he would like to see was such a talented seed to get wasted again.

"In my office now," he said, eyeing everyone.



I have two pieces of news to make. First apologies for the break I took without any warning. But in no way I'm dropping this. I already planned the next two arcs of the book and from January, I'll be back with regular updates.

And the next news may not be good for everyone. This book will go premium in a few days (I don't know the actual date, a couple of days probably), meaning all the chapters after 50 will be locked. you need to use coins or free pass to read it.

Thank you.

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