"It looks like you guys have your hands full with the training," Aanya said, hearing most of their peril. "Looks like Elior already held you few with an iron hand. I won't have to be cruel now. All the training seemed practical and was to work on your weakness. Still, if you need my help, feel free to call."

Shin and Ileana both nodded at once. Perhaps their senior would not be cruel like Elior, and would teach them with care. 

"Seriously, I did not know there are students who work this hard," Enna asked with an empty plate. She had already finished her food, but the conversation seemed more interesting than her usual business, so she stayed there thinking it would be only a few minutes more. Her eyes peeked towards the boy with dyed blond and red hair. "He didn't look like the type to work that hard."

"You have no idea," Shin muttered at her, before whispering into Elior's ears. "Would you look at that? She already knows me so well." Shin moved to Enna again and said in a more audible voice, "Even with all the temptation, we still got to work hard. We are the guardian apprentice for god's sake. If we don't work hard, who would?"

Now with everyone else, Shin seemed to find his natural voice, though he was trying hard to impress her. Anyone could tell it easily what he was trying.

"That's rich," Enna said. "Though I heard, you sleep during the classes."

Shin coughed uncomfortably a couple of times. "That's a lie," he barked instantly. "Whoever told you that, they are a liar."

"Oh my sources are valid," Enna said, with her usual smile. Then her eyes drifted towards the entrance of the cafeteria, where a female a decade older entered. "Looks like I have to go. I have to train as well, though not masochistic like you guys. Good night to you all. I had fun talking."

She carried her body with the tray, as the other on the table looked at the newcomer. It was a familiar figure to them as well.

"Professor Sarah," Shin muttered, looking at the newcomer. He had a bad feeling about this.

"I see. Everyone is well-acquainted with Professor Sarah," Enna said, introducing. "She's my elder sister."

Shin swallowed a breath, remembering he had been a waste mostly in the classes of spell casting—the ones that were taken by none other than Sarah.

A curve appeared in Elior's lips as he nudged Shin's shoulder, telling him it's alright. Though Shin only glared at him, asking with the eyes, why Elior had not mentioned it to him if he knew it before?

The two sisters had some resemblance on the outside. Undoubtedly, Enna was the better looking one, while Sarah presented her stern self most of the time. 

"You are late, girl," Sarah said immediately to her sister, exchanging glances with everyone at the table. Her eyebrows arched a little at seeing Aanya here. Though she had seen the usual trio together on many occasions. That was an odd group indeed. A boy who was trying to piss everyone off, and another pissing everyone off without even trying. And then there were the girls, one born with so much wealth that even this academy held nothing to her, and the other. Her thoughts stopped for a moment.

Ileana could be the most normal kid in the group in her mind, while the other three were monsters of their own nature. There was not anyone in the academy that could hold a candle to Aanya's talent and background, while Elior was the new big thing in the academy. Every teacher has high hopes for things as he was solely of earth, unlike Aanya or Leroy, whom have backgrounds in the mother world.

Shin could have been normal in her opinions, but looking at that, she could not say that. He was in the mess most of the time and from his presence, she could tell he had no idea what he was doing. Why he was trying to be a guardian? Perhaps it seems cool to him, but she could not deny his talent either. That leaves with Ileana. Sarah had considered taking this girl as an apprentice, but that thought did not progress as she could only help her in one element.

Undoubtedly, this group will be the future of the earth and more if nothing goes wrong.

"I see you were in their company," she said to her sister.

"Yes," Enna said, peeking at them and her eyes lingered on Shin for a little more. "They are fun and interesting."

"I know. If only not this troublesome to handle," Sarah muttered, hearing her sister. Her eyes darted towards the three of the freshmen at the table before at Elior. "Professor Aleister agreed with your plea for a couple of dungeons travel before the tournament. Be ready. It will be within a couple of days."

"That's good to hear," Elior answered, and Shin jumped up in glee, though he sat back again. "Thank you, professor Sarah."

"You don't need to thank me," Sarah said while her sister went to deliver the trays. "All the freshmen who will be participating in the tournament will be there. Make most of it before the tournament."

"If you guys are in need of a healer after the tournament, feel free to call me," Enna said to the three of them, though it looked like she was only telling that to Shin. 

"One less thing to worry about," Elior muttered, though he did not know which matter he was talking about. The dungeon business, or the matter of Shin.

They watched the two sisters leave, when Shin said, "Looks like my magic has worked."

"I'll be damned if that is true," Ileana scoffed. "You and her? Do you think she will go with someone like you? At least look at yourself. You look like the cheap playboys from the 20s movies."

Shin was about to argue with her. Aanya mended it before he could even open his lips.

"Now, now, Ileana, don't say that," Aanya said, gesturing at Shin."Ignoring all his faults, Shin is a sweet boy. You haven't seen his sweet talks a moment ago. I can see the two of them together in the future."

Elior arched his eyebrow at her. Does that mean she had a vision just now? If it may, then it doesn't look that bad. Unlike him, the other did not know their senior was a seer herself, and get these visions now and then. Elior did not ask anything about that topic though, knowing it would not be any good if Shin learns it.

"That would have been, if he's not such a dolt." Ileana sneered.

"You're just jealous," Shin snorted back.

Ileana was about to argue, but looking at everyone's knowing smugness, she looked down. "It's nothing," she said.

"I would tread the water carefully if I were you," Aanya said. "Though it wouldn't help in much sense. Strings always found their way to untangle itself, even if you hide from it." she sighed after that.

Ileana knitted her brows at her white-haired friend. She did not know what Aanya meant but it, but it sure sounded profound. Was it directed at her? But she seemed to be talking about herself.

"How confident are you guys about the tournament?" Aanya asked next, looking at the three of them.

"I don't want to think about it," Ileana said. Even after all her progress, she was not sure about the tournament. Contesting with her classmates was a thing, but when it comes to the upperclassmen, it was another story.

On the other hand, Shin smiled hesitantly. "I might be able to get better of a few upperclassmen," he said in a low tone.

"You have no excuses now," Elior said. "I kept my end of the bargain. Now it's your turn to give everything to the training and tournament."

"But, I am already doing my best," Shin complained.

"Really, now?" Elior snorted. "Have you ever started training on your own? Have you counted how many times I have to drag you to the training ground?"

Shin flustered though he came to normal immediately. If Enna was here, he might be embarrassed for longer, but the two females here were not new to him. Senior Aanya was already a friend, much like a caring big sister, and his brother's girlfriend. And Ileana was the annoying younger sister he always liked to have when he was younger.

"I know these types of words don't work on you, so I have another tactic," Elior said, pondering a little. "If you could perform well, I will give you a big surprise that you will never forget in your life."

"How big of a surprise?" Shin asked, arching his eyebrows. "And how well do I have to perform?"

"You will at least have to satisfy me," Elior answered.. "Let's just say you have to stay in the tournament until you meet me."

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