Chaos Fiend

Chapter 264: Veins appear

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

"Maybe. (((Catino Novel Network ))) but there is Better than nothing. "

After speaking, Ye Chen went to the position of the valley and the valley, and began to approach the mantis demon.

Because there are many shrubs and forests, Ye Chen also has cover. Of course, he is squatting on the half, plus the hidden breath, he will not be found by the mantis demon. When he arrives at a relatively safe position, Ye Chen stops.

However, the distance between the mantis and the demon is very close, plus the height is about three or four meters, it is almost impossible to kill one without any movement and then search the body.

But Ye Chen ca n’t help, because Ye Chen still has spiritual power. Since the praying mantis and demon have only the consciousness of killing, in this way, they should be able to forcefully occupy the other party ’s consciousness with their spiritual power. Just follow along.

Thinking, Ye Chen used virtual magic skills to simulate his own spiritual villain, and instantly attacked a mantis demon closest to him, also the mantis demon in the most marginal position.

When Ye Chen attacked, the praying mantis demon in this area felt it, but after the Yechen spirit villain got into the mantis demon, no other praying mantis demon could find the attacking Ye Chen. They were already Without consciousness, he couldn't find Ye Chen, so he didn't continue to search for Ye Chen, and even explored the veins of Yuanshi.

And Ye Chen's spirit villain has a lot of his own mental power. After entering the mantis demon's mind, he was surrounded by a blood-red killing consciousness.

The killing consciousness was very strong, and he directly strangled Ye Chen's mental power.

Ye Chen was astounded. He didn't expect that the killing consciousness was so strong that his spirit man almost missed.

Even if it is still defensive, it is still shrinking.

There was no way, Ye Chen used the spirit villain to defend with all his strength, resisting waves of killings like waves.

Ten minutes later, Ye Chen finally resisted the killing consciousness of the killing consciousness, leaving only a small part of the spirit villain, occupying the flesh of the mantis demon.

But even if it was resisted at the time, this killing consciousness had been assimilating Ye Chen's spirit. As long as it had been so corrupted, Ye Chen's spiritual power would be assimilated by the killing consciousness.

Ye Chen knew that time was running short, and quickly used his mental strength to sweep the whole body of the mantis demon, and found a tube-shaped signal transmitter on the mantis demon.

But his focus is not here, but looking for something that can explore the Yuanshi mineral veins. Fortunately, the consciousness of the mantis demon is extremely simple. The thing that searches for the Yuanshi mineral veins is next to the signal transmitter. Was laid down.

Ye Chen was a little surprised. I didn't expect that the leader of the praying mantis and the demon had such ability, but he could still play the formation. This is too strong. At least I don't know how many times he is stronger.

The farther inside, the greater the number of praying mantis demon, plus the fact that so many praying mantis demon did not find the orestone veins, Ye Chen also controlled the praying mantis demon to look towards the edge, or there will be a special discovery on the edge.

However, after searching for a while, Ye Chen still did not find the veins. On the contrary, his spirit villain was almost corrupted by the consciousness of killing.

"No, in this way, the spirit will be eroded. Since they are all sure that the Yuanshi ore veins are here, but they can't be found, then I will go to the center! Cut the ground!"

Thinking that Ye Chen controlled the mantis demon and entered the center of the valley.

Control the four arms of the praying mantis demon, waving his fists toward the ground and begin to attack.

"Boom boom!" The powerful force bombarded the ground like an earthquake.

The surrounding praying mantis and demon were all made by Ye Chen's movements, all gathered their eyes here. Their only consciousness of killing did not understand what Ye Chen was doing. However, because the mantis monsters controlled by Ye Chen are their kind, even if there is noisy movement, they will not attack the same kind.

Ye Chen didn't care about the surrounding praying mantis and demon, and continued to attack the ground. Although the ground was hard, he couldn't hold Ye Chen to attack like this, and soon made a big hole ten meters deep.

And the top-quality Yuan Shi on his body was lit up. Similarly, the Yuan Shi on all the mantis and demon around him lit up. The Yuanshi vein is really here, and it is at the bottom.

Ye Chen knew something. Where did these praying mantis demon know how to dig a burrow, they only knew the brainless surface search. In this way, they would not be able to search for a lifetime. Although Ye Chen felt very weird, because the leader of the praying mantis demon was obviously conscious and not stupid. How could such a simple thing be unexpected? Is there any conspiracy? But now he had broken the ground and hit the veins of Yuanshi, even if there was any plot, it had nothing to do with him.

As the ground was smashed open, Ye Chen's spirit villain controlling the mantis demon has also been completely assimilated by the killing consciousness.

But Ye Chen didn't matter. It only consumed part of his mental strength and solved all the problems. He said that he made money. Next, he had to take a look. After discovering the Yuanshi mineral veins, the two sides reacted.

After all the top stones of the praying mantis demon lighted up, the praying mantis demon seemed to be excited, one by one began to learn the appearance of Ye Chen at the beginning, bombarding the ground, it seems that Ye Chen became smart because of Ye Chen.

Soon the mantis demon hit the entire ground for twenty meters, and the Yuanshi ore veins finally revealed the tip of the iceberg. The crystals of the top-quality pebbles were exposed, and the spots were embedded in the ground.

Similarly, the closer to the adjacent mountains, the deeper, the higher the number of top stones and the denser the branches.

Of course, this is still the outermost Yuanshi vein. If it is internal, I am afraid that the weakest is the best Yuanshi, and even the core Yuanshi is the grade, Ye Chen would not dare to imagine, but if he gets it, There is a source of energy for Haizhou, and he can use it at will.

With the reveal of the Yuanshi mineral veins, a mantis demon finally turned on the signal transmitter, and a signal went straight to the sky.

On the other side, Mu Linger has been paying attention to the situation here. When one of the praying mantis demon was weird, she found the fault and immediately thought of Ye Chen.

However, she also had some doubts. Is Ye Chen capable of controlling the mantis demon? Just when she was in doubt, she found that the ground had been smashed open.

After the ground was smashed open, the other mantis demon blasted the ground as if crazy, and as the ground blasted open, the Yuanshi mineral veins were finally revealed.

When the mantis demon sent a signal, Mu Linger also sent a signal as soon as possible.

Suddenly, the entire island of death moved.

On the other side, Ye Chen also returned to Mu Linger. Although he wanted to hide in the dark to look for opportunities, but with that black leaf, the magic sky could feel his situation, and he didn't want to expose himself now.

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