In a camp in the wilderness.

A group of green-skinned orcs are hunting a huge black wolf.

Despite the fact that the black wolf is tall and has sharp teeth.

But in the face of hordes of green-skinned orcs, it can only die with hatred.

After killing the black wolf, the green-skinned orc happily carried the black wolf and prepared to return to the camp.

While walking through a wood.

A dry branch fell on the head of a diminutive green-skinned orc.

The green-skinned orc was smashed by the dead branch, and suddenly cried out in pain.

His howl of pain soon attracted the eyes of the surrounding greenskins.

After seeing that the green-skinned orc was fine, they continued to carry the black wolf home happily.

But the road was not peaceful.

Their squad either stepped on thorny plants or was blocked by boulders.

By the time we got back to the camp, it was almost nightfall.

As soon as they entered the camp, a green-skinned orc taller than they were a brain rushed out of the camp.

He brandished a huge iron rod and roared incessantly.

“How did you bunch of waste go for so long to come back!”

“Delayed our meal, damn it!”

The hunting squad carrying the black wolf was scared.

Delaying a meal is a big deal to lose your head.

Seeing that the huge iron rod was about to smash into them.

One of the short green-skinned orcs said desperately

“We encountered all kinds of obstacles on the road, and we thought that someone was going to attack us.”

The words of the short green-skinned orc immediately made the surrounding green-skinned faces startled.

“No wonder they came back so late, and someone was trying to attack us.”

“Think they’re trying to take our food.”

“So is Thought.”

The tall green-skinned orc lord was also shocked.

He roared, quieting the surrounding green-skinned orcs.

“Shut up! Since someone is on the road against them, let’s think they will soon come to attack us! ”

“Take up arms and get ready to fight!”

The words of the green-skinned lord seemed to be the golden rule, and all the orcs put down their work.

They went back to their houses and took up arms.

Wait until everyone is assembled.

All the green-skinned orcs had only one thought in their minds.

“Let’s think that the enemy is coming, hurry up and finish fighting, and we have to eat.”

“Don’t be out of food.”

Just when everyone the green-skinned orcs were waiting in a tight position.

In the forest, a bomb blasted into the camp of the green-skinned orcs at great speed.

The explosive bomb instantly pierced through more than a dozen green-skinned orcs and exploded in the crowd.

The green-skinned orc lord saw an enemy attacking them, and a strange syllable came out of his mouth.


All the green-skinned orcs shouted along with them.


As soon as the war roar came out, all the green-skinned orcs were like chicken blood, and their eyes became fierce, different from the stupidity just now.

They only have their enemies in front of them, and anger will allow them to destroy everything they can see, leaving only chaos in its purest form.

Thousands of green-skinned orcs charge the forest.

And they were greeted by furious bullets.

Three shotguns opened fire in unison.

The hundreds of green-skinned orcs charging at the front were torn to shreds.

The blood in the sky could not stop the green-skinned orcs behind.

The green ocean is like a rolling wave crashing into the woods.

Standing in the woods, Ryan was a little confused.

When he leads 2 Astarte warriors out in search of Chaos creatures.

I always felt that there was a feeling that was guiding him in this direction.

It didn’t take long to meet a group of green-skinned orcs who were ready to go.

Preconceived, he immediately ordered the other two Astarte fighters to open fire.

Wait until the green-skinned orcs are about to rush in front of them.

Behind them have left a thousand corpses of their own compatriots.

Ryan drew his lion sword from behind.

A cloud of fire instantly swirled on the sharp blade.

This is the ability carried by his exclusive sword.

Two Astarte warriors also pulled out chainsaw swords from behind.

The chainsaw spun fast, ready to cut.

The green-skinned orc, which is generally only 1.5 meters tall, is like a toy in front of the three-meter power armor.

Ryan can easily hack down a group of green-skinned orcs.

Shotguns and melee weapons work seamlessly together.

Every Astarte warrior is a battlefield veteran.

They are very familiar with team battles.

The cooperation of the three made the green-skinned orc troops completely unable to get close.

Occasionally some sharp arrows fell on them.

It was also easily bounced off by the terracotta steel armor.

The genetically modified Astarte warriors have extremely high stamina.

The green-skinned orcs’ human sea tactics were useless in front of them.

The green-skinned orc lord was very angry when he saw the one-sided battle situation.

He bumped away from the green-skinned orc in front of him and strode towards Ryan.

Lane also saw this green-skinned orc unlike any other.

He broke away from the battle formation alone and rushed towards the Greenskin Orc Lord.

The two just got in touch.

The lion sword and the iron rod slammed together.

The green-skinned orc lord was even more angry when he saw that his proud power was actually blocked by Ryan.

He roared in his mouth and kept attacking Ryan.

“Wagggh!!! Die! ”

Ryan calmly faced the attack of the green-skinned orc lord.

“Death is the compass of Ru!”

“Let the will of the emperor become your torch and break the shadow in front of you!”

Ryan swore an oath, quickly drew a shotgun from his waist and fired a shot at the chest of the green-skinned orc lord.

The hot blaster instantly melted the armor on the green-skinned orc lord’s chest, opening a large hole in his chest that was deep in the bone.

The surrounding green-skinned orcs saw this terrifying scene.

They exhaled in unison.

“Lord Xunsi Lord is going to die!”

Sure enough, in the next second, the green-skinned orc lord seemed to have been drained of his body, and his strength dropped by a lot.

He was soon beheaded by Lane’s sword.

After Lane cut off his head, he looked at the headless corpse of the green-skinned orc lord and said silently.

“Repent! You will die tomorrow! ”

After saying that, he rushed towards the green-skinned orc troops.

The green-skinned orcs were shocked to see that their lord had been killed.

Every green-skinned orc exclaimed loudly from his mouth:

“I want to be annihilated!”

Sure enough, not a single green-skinned orc escaped.

All died at the hands of Lane and two Astarte warriors.

And the price they pay is that the power armor is slightly worn.

Lane ordered two Astarte warriors to clean up the battlefield.

He went to the camp of the green-skinned orcs to harvest the spoils.

He walked straight into the largest house in the green-skinned orc camp.

After a sword split the door, he walked inside.

A totem with an antique shape stands in the center of the room.

After looking around, Lane half-knelt down and prayed for peace in his heart.

“The Supreme Emperor, the loving father, your son Lane prays hereby and hopes that you will hear my humble request…”

PS: Ask for flowers!!! Evaluation Ticket !!!! Tipping !!!! Big guys, please smash at me like crazy!

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