As Hessy already vent a bit of her anger and she also knows that talking with Evren is pointless, she turned her back to return to her room

Anyway, from the looks of things, she can't do anything no matter how furious she was. Since that is the case, why continue to make things hard for herself? Might as well just change her clothes and go shopping outside to let out some steam

However, before Hessy can even take five steps, Evren already gave another order to the maids

"Get her! Don't let her escape!" Evren said loudly and as the hierarchy in the Manor was quite strict, the maids can only move forward and approach Hessy with an apologetic look on their faces

"What the... don't you dare!" Hessy shrieked as he glared at the devil still sitting prettily

"Oh yes, I would dare!" Evren replied before throwing a grape at Hessy

In the end, no matter how much Hessy resisted, the maids were still collectively stronger than her and she fell into Evren's hands


A few minutes later

"Waaaahhhhh!!! Noooooooo!!" A miserable wail rang inside the manor as if a pig was in the midst of being slaughtered??

When one looks at the wail's source, they will see Hessy with tears streaming from her eyes

Looking at her would make people think that she just received the biggest grievance in her life but the reason was actually not that big of a deal, well, at least to most people it was not

The only reason why Hessy cried like that was because Evren cut a small piece of her hair. It was so little to the point that it was negligible but Hessy still thinks that it made her a bit ugly

With her hair 'brutally' cut like that, how can she hold her head high in front of her arch-rival?

As such, Hessy can only cry miserably to the point that Evren's ears felt like he was listening to two pieces of metal scratching each other

"Gosh, you're so dramatic. Did your mother die or something?" Evren commented with an eye roll and he received Hessy's hate-filled glare

"Yes! My mother is dead, do you have a problem with that?!" Hessy questioned angrily and Evren can only cough awkwardly??

He was just speaking casually, he didn't mean to insult an already dead person

As Evren is still a human that can feel guilt, he whispered to the maid nearest to him??


Hours later

"Oh my God, this is the best!" Hessy commented as she can feel her body relaxing

To make up for Evren running his mouth off like that, he had the maids prepare a new sofa bed for Hessy and give her the same treatment that Evren received

There were also maids serving Hessy as they cut and groomed her nails both from the hands and feet

She was also being fed without needing to lift her hand. Although Hessy lived the life of the top 1% her whole life, she still wasn't as ridiculous as Evren to order the Manor's maid with every little thing she needs just like eating grapes!

This is her first time experiencing this and Hessy can't help but be amazed. Turns out that just sitting without doing anything while there are people serving you is so satisfying!

Hessy felt like she was an Emperor from ancient times where everything she needs would be provided to her even without lifting a finger

"I know right? This was my dream ever since I was a kid!" Evren agreed before consulting Hessy in a certain manner

"Anyway, where do you think is the best way to displace our priceless sculpture? Should it be placed in the middle or should we move it closer to the stairs?"??

At first, Hessy wants nothing but to throw that sculpture of a human penis away but she was already influenced by Evren

"Hmm, I think placing it in the middle is better. The stairs would block it from most angles" Hessy replied seriously and Evren nodded his head

"From the range of 1 to 10, how angry do you think your father would be after he returned?" Evren asked curiously as the more furious that old man was, the bigger his bonus would be

"Pfft, what 10? It would certainly be at least a hundred!" Hessy replied with a chuckle. She can already imagine the red face of her father while his saliva spits out from him because of his rage

"Then maybe I should order three more. We already have a black penis, to not discriminate, we should also have white, Asian, Latino, etc." Evren mumbled and the two continued chatting while doing nothing the whole day

When Azarel arrives after almost a week of being busy with the work he has done for the launch of his company, his sister and his husband talking like housewives from some comedy series was the scene that met him

However, with how tired he was, he do not have the energy to bother about that abnormal scene as he called out for Evren

"You, come with me!" Azarel said and when Evren looks at him, the latter creased his forehead

"For what? Is there a work I should do?"

Evren was currently having the time of his life. Not only did he have several maids at his disposal, but he was also even talking to a beauty!

Although Evren always bullied Hessy, he doe not have a choice. That's just his 'work'. But that doesn't change the fact that Evren likes beauties like most men out there

Evren is unwilling to let his leisure time be cut off without any good reason

"To fuck, what else?" Azarel grumbled while rolling his eyes

It has been more than a week already since he last slept with someone. Times like that were rare, extremely rare

It's just that his father forcing him into a marriage and also doing the work for the launch of his company took all of his time

Azarel doesn't have the time to sleep with anyone. But now that most of his work was already finished, Azarel badly want to have sex with someone??

With how pent up he is, Azarel doesn't have the energy to look for another guy to sleep with. Not to mention, with his father's means, he would know if Azarel slept with someone that is not his husband

If that happens, it would be Azarel that would lose

"W-what?!" Evren exclaimed in shock. His body jolted resulting in the fall of the face mask in his face

"You heard me clearly. Get up and follow me. I need that dick of yours" Azarel replied with a groan thinking that Evren was being too troublesome

It's just sex, why does Evren have to react like this?

Hearing her brother's words, the little bubble that Hessy lived in for the past hours bursts

Just what was she doing? Aren't Evren suppose to be one of her hated people? How come she happily chatted with him for hours while receiving the 'care' and 'attention' of the Manor's maids?

"Gross! Get a private room if you want to talk like that!" Hessy complained before standing up from her sofa chair

She hurriedly stormed off in fear that she would see something she should not if she stayed even for a single second longer??

"You hear that? We have to be in a private room. Although I am not opposed to having sex in the living room, I'm sure that you wouldn't want that. Now, stop acting like a teenage virgin and follow me" with that, Azarel head off to his bedroom, and without a choice, Evren can only follow him while making sure that there are at least ten steps distance between them

When Azarel entered his bedroom and saw the fidgety Evren, he groaned in annoyance before pulling the latter into the bed

"Serve me properly and I'll give you a hundred thousand bonus" Azarel offered. If there is something that would make Evren do even the most extreme thing, it would be none other than money

Evren didn't even feel bad for suddenly being treated like a prostitute. His ears only picked up the bonus that Azarel would give to him

Fuck it! It's just sex, right? If the offer is that big and the person he has to do the deed with was this handsome, what would Evren have to lose?

With a mindset like that, Evren drag his boss with a golden thigh to the bed as he positioned himself on top of him

"Boss, if I were to perform better than you expected, would you increase my bonus?" Evren asks excitedly and Azarel can only nod his head

Whatever, as long as his pent up frustrations can be released then all is good

"Alright! Then, do you want it soft, medium, or hard?" Evren questioned and Azarel chuckled at him as if the former was being silly for even asking such a question??

"Hard of course! I don't do vanilla, that shit is too boring for my taste!" Azarel replied

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