Chaotic Romance

Chapter 79 - NOT EDITED YET

"Is there really no other thing I can do to earn your forgiveness? Must this really be the cost?" Liza asks pitifully. Their position was now completely reversed

As of right now, it was Azarel that is sitting at the chair that was originally Liza's. And in the table was the contract that would transfer a quarter of the Evergrand Restaurant's ownership to Azarel

"You are getting too ahead. This is merely the cost to retain your life. My forgiveness is another matter to be discussed" Azarel said coldly and the poor woman pursed her lips

It was a quarter of her successful restaurant's ownership yet it was just for her life with forgiveness excluded? Just how far Azarel would extort her?

"Tsk, just where did your conscience go? Was it eaten by dogs?" Liza mumbled as she forced herself to sign the paper, forever giving Azarel a share of her beloved restaurant

"Where was yours when you mislead me?" Azarel asks back

His original plan was to give up on the war with his father and push Evren away from him before his feelings could further deepen. But since Evren showed his 'affections' to him, Azarel thought that that cheap bastard also have feelings for him

He does not know that it was just for the sake of being his secretary to earn millions. That bastard! If he just likes Azarel wouldn't he already be set in life by now?

In the end, Liza can only shut her mouth from that retort. Not only was her conscience eaten by dogs when she deceived Azarel, even with things escalating to this point, she still does not feel the slightest bit of guilt

In fact, if not for the fear that this time, Azarel would throw the entire table towards her, she would have burst into a fit of laughter already 

"But anyway, does he really not like you? The Great Azarel Lancaster was actually friendzoned? No, it's more like, fake husbandzone or sugardaddyzone" Liza said with a giggle. After all, countless men and women were seduced by Azarel just by existing but he does not care about any of them

For the first time ever, Azarel likes someone yet that someone actually doesn't like him back?

"Do you want this quarter to increase and become half ownership?" Azarel questioned with a hint of a threatening tone and Liza hurriedly zip her mouth before she thought of something

"Anyway, what is your plan now? Would you start pursuing your husband or something?" Liza asks curiously and Azarel gave her the finger

"What pursue?! I would never pursue anyone!" he replied angrily and Liza can only shrug

"Then what are you going to do now?"

"Kick him out of course! How dare that bastard not like me back?! Just thinking about it is already enough to make me explode with anger!"

"Wow, kicking him out right of the bat. That's harsh of you but also the Azarel that I know"


When Evren returned to the Manor, he received a text message and also a notification. Since the text message was from Azarel, he checked it first

As soon as he read the message, his face flushed with sadness before his expression returned to normal. Well, he already anticipated that something like this would happen soon. It was just a matter of time

He is now being kicked out of the Manor and also Azarel's life as if he was a toy that does not have any value anymore

Fortunately, Evren is the type of person that always know his position. He is not the type of person to daydream and think that he could stay in the Manor forever

Being kicked out is a pity but there is still a silver lining to it. Azarel gave him more money which could be considered his severance pay. With this amount and the ones that he already has, it should be enough for him to buy a private island

When Evren entered the Manor, the servants already have his suitcases ready and the only thing he has to do is take them and go find himself a new home

It can be said that Azarel was really decisive on his decision of removing Evren away from his life

Evren can only shrug his shoulder, feeling a bit sad but since he knows that this world would not last forever, the sadness only lasted bit

Without him, the maids of the manor would find their job easier. They must have been gloating by now

Evren took the suitcase from them before he heard a familiar voice

"What's happening here?" it was the voice of a woman and possibly the only friend that Evren has in the Manor

"What's with the suitcase? Where are you going?" Hessy asks, having a bad feeling about this

"To where I belong!" Evren joked as an answer. He would really miss bull--, no, being with Hessy

"And that is in?"

"I'm going back to my previous life. I was kicked out" Evren replied with a shrug as if he does not feel anything about it

It feels as if it was just yesterday that the two of them were talking about Evren being kicked out of the Manor and now, it is happening in reality. Did they jinx things by talking about it?

"What?! No! I need a drinking buddy, I messed up real bad!" Hessy cried out. She doesn't want Evren to go out of the Manor

Despite being bullied by Evren, he was also the person that Hessy can be who she really is. They can also somehow say the things burdening them although they would be always sarcastic. Her other friends were just the shallow kind wherein they don't bring their problems with each other

Evren is her only genuine friend and Hessy doesn't want him to be gone

"Nah, this is probably for the best" Evren replied. With how decisive Azarel is in kicking him out, what would that man do if Evren were to stay?

In the almost a year of time that he spends with Azarel, he knew better than to become that man's enemy. That would be the last thing he should do. Azarel is completely heartless to his enemies and Evren does not plan on being enemies with him, which is almost akin to suicide

"What? Noooo! Even if my brother is kicking you out, you could still be my guest!" Hessy cried out but Evren just shook his head

"You have my number, you can contact me or I will contact you once I have settled. We can drink after that then" Evren said as he patted the teary Hessy in her bed before he walked out of the Manor, not even giving the place one last glance as if this was not a place that he spends almost a year of his life


October 15 the Year 2022

1 month later

"Oh god, you look absolutely horrible" Liza mumbled after seeing the state of her friend

The once dashing and shining brightly Azarel is gone. He was replaced by an Azarel with large darkened eye bags. His radiant cheeks were also paled and his reddish lips were also in the same state

"Gosh, are those dry lips I am seeing? How can you not apply lip balm? Dry skin is a turn-off when kissing someone!" Liza continued and Azarel groaned at her

"Why are you here?"

"I have not seen you for a month and you were reduced to this workaholic and without a care for the world state. Is this because of a certain man that we should not name?"

After saying that, Liza instantly received a dangerous glare and she knew that she hits the bullseye

"Just spill it, why are you here?" Azarel asks with a frown and with a shrug, Liza went straight to business

"Well, as you have a quarter share of my restaurant, should you not help me in making it prosper? You are much better in business than me so why don't you give me some ideas?" Liza sais

That was one of her goals in meeting Azarel today but there was also another reason. She knows that after kicking Evren out, this man has focused all of his time in the company. He even almost never went back to his family's Manor

It was like everything in his mind was work, work, and work. Even his employees were already complaining as they can't keep up with him

Of course, Liza did not check for Azarel because of concern. She might not be showing it but she was laughing inside of her

Who would have thought that the Azarel that rejected countless men and women would be reduced to such a pitiful state?

This greatly satisfied Liza. The pain from giving part ownership to Evren does not feel that painful anymore after seeing how her friend looks like right now

"I got it, I will send you a development plan as soon as I finished making it

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