Chaotic Sword God

Vol 2 Chapter 101: 10,000 poisons do not invade the body (2)

Chapter 101—The Poisonous Invasion (2)


Jian Chen took off his clothes and jumped directly into the wooden barrel filled with the blood of the golden silk snake. At the same time, the snake galls that had been knocked over in the jade bottle was taken out and swallowed directly into the mouth.

It didn't take long for the snake to enter the stomach. Jian Chen immediately felt a burst of five flavors in his body, and the stomach began to be disobedient, and it seemed to be diarrhea.

The sword dust was sitting in a wooden bucket, and the blood of the gold silk snake in the wooden bucket had flooded his neck, revealing only one head outside.

Feeling the cold air from the blood, Jian Chen calmed down slowly, closed his eyes slightly, and began to absorb a special factor contained in the blood according to the method described in the book.

The blood of the silver silk snake contains a special factor, and it is because of this special factor that his blood has the ability to detoxify, but if you want to practice the poison, you will follow The book says that these special factors contained in the blood of the golden silk snake are absorbed into the body, and then merged with their own blood. Finally, the blood is warmed by the body, and finally the blood and body of the body are finally made. They all have superior anti-virus and even immune toxic ability.

Once you use the blood of the golden silk wire snake to practice the poisonous and inviolable body, you can immunize all the poisons that are weaker than the golden silk wire snakes. Even if you meet some poisons that are similar to the gold silk and silver snakes, although they can't Immune, but it can play a super-resistance effect, minimize the damage of the poison to your body or delay the spread of the poison.

Although the poisonous and invasive body can't immunize all the poisons in the world, it is enough to make the sword dust be the heart. After all, on the Tianyuan continent, the poison of the golden silk silver snake is famous all over the world. Gold silk silver snakes are still strong, and that is definitely one of the few, and these highly toxic are also very rare, just like the rare gold silk snake.

Jian Chen closed his eyes and sat in the wooden barrel. His stomach was screaming and his voice was very loud. If someone stood by Jian Chen, he could clearly hear the sound from his stomach. Call.

In the belly of Jian Chen, it is like a rough sea. It is very unsettled. At the same time, an extremely disgusting feeling comes from the bottom of Jian Chen’s heart, so that Jian Chen can't help but vomit.

"It is estimated that the gallbladder of the snake gallbladder has been melted, and the bile inside has been revealed." Jian Chen strongly endured the nausea feeling from the bottom of his heart, secretly thinking, from the book, said that if you want to practice the poisonous and inviolable body In addition to blood, the most important thing is the gallbladder, gallbladder and blood are both essential, because the special anti-toxic factors in the blood are guided by the gallbladder, in order to absorb these factors. Into the human body.

These anti-toxic factors contained in the blood are not the strength of heaven and earth. If you want to absorb it, you can absorb it. If there is no corresponding thing, you can't absorb the factor contained in it even if you have blood. Although drinking blood directly can also detoxify, but this Can only be used as a temporary release, and can not be long-lasting, a *** can excrete them, let alone practice a poisonous and inviolable body.

At this moment, a warm current suddenly appeared in the abdomen of Jian Chen, and the temperature continued to increase. For a moment, the belly of Jian Chen became hot, and there was a fire burning inside, but with With the abdomen and sudden changes, the pores of Jian Chen’s body seemed to have been implicated, and all of them were opened.

At the same time, in the bright red blood in the barrel, a strange and special energy is like a small fish, slowly swimming into his body along the pores of his body.

Just as this energy entered the body of Jian Chen, the original calm face of Jian Chen suddenly changed. I saw these strange energy entering his body, and instantly changed from the original gentle sheep to a group of fierce tigers. In the body of Jian Chen, he was crazy and confused, so that Jian Chen felt a severe pain in the whole body.

"Oops, it actually contains the violent factors unique to World of Warcraft, and it is even stronger than the violent factors in the magic core." To discover the changes in his body, Jian Chen instantly understood what was going on, and the energy of Warcraft contained The violent factors, this is no longer a secret thing on the Tianyuan continent, but these violent factors are almost hidden in the magic core, but what Jian Chen did not think is that this blood of the silver silk snake has actually The violent factor, and this violent factor is several times or even dozens of times more powerful than the energy he has absorbed in the magic nucleus.

Resist the painful pain of the body, and a very confused thought came out in the brain of Jian Chen. "Why did I feel this violent factor when I was drinking the blood of the silver silk thread snake?"

The body of Jian Chen sitting in the wooden barrel began to tremble slightly. The severe pain in the pores of the whole body made the muscles on the face of the sword dust unable to bear, and the original ruddy His face began to gradually shift toward white.

The singular and special energy contained in the blood of the golden silk snake has seemed to be attracted to the pores of the sword dust, and the energy that has poured into the body is increasing. The violent factors contained in it are also older and more powerful. The pain caused by the violent factors on the flesh makes the sword dust full of sweat, but he is still biting his teeth. .

At this moment, the purple and blue light spots in Jian Chen Dantian suddenly emitted a layer of faint purple and blue light. At the same time, the severe pain that came from Jian Chen’s body was suddenly disappeared. I saw the violent factor that was absorbed along with the strange energy in the blood of the golden silk snake. The Buddha was subjected to an inexplicable suction. Just entering the body of Jian Chen, he immediately went to the sword dust dantian. The purple and blue lights rushed.

Sudden changes made the face of Jian Chen a slight glimpse, but when he understood what was going on, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Jian Chen also knew that every time he absorbed the energy cultivation in the magic nucleus, it contained The violent factors in the magic core will be absorbed by the purple and blue light spots in Dantian, so it is not strange to see what is happening now.

Without the violent factors to afflict one's own body, the dusty look of Jian Chen was easily relaxed, but Jian Chen did not relax at all, and immediately calmed down to observe the situation in his body.

I saw the special factors that were absorbed from the blood of the golden silk snake. When I first entered my body, the violent factors contained in it immediately came out, and I was blinded by my own dantian. Absorbing the past, and the remaining harmless special factors are slowly gathered toward the snake's gallbladder at the abdomen, and finally gathered around the snake's gallbladder.

The speed of absorbing the special factors in the blood of the silver wire snake is very slow. The sword dust stays in the barrel for a day and a night, and finally the special factors contained in the blood are completely absorbed into the body. At the moment, in the abdomen of Jian Chen, a thick layer of strange factors has gathered around the snake.

After this day and night of absorption, because the essence of the blood was absorbed, the blood in the barrel not only faded a lot in the color, but also the original **** smell disappeared without a trace. .

Now, there is only one last step, and the most important step, from the invincible body. Whether it can be successfully practiced into a poisonous and inviolable body depends on this last step.

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