Chaotic Sword God

Vol 2 Chapter 109: Encounter robbery

Chapter 109, Encountering Robbery

Jian Chen continued to stroll in the street. Since he has successfully bought this strange white stone, now Jian Chen is not too eager to study the strange things in this white stone, and continue to wander around the street, see See if there is any chance to meet baby again.

However, one thing that is strangely different from Jian Chen is that since he bought the white stone, the two spots in Dantian have calmed down again, and there is no wave of ripples. For such a thing, now Jian Chen is not going to take care of him. Only when he has time in the evening, he will take Baishi out to study it and see if he can use Baishi as a breakthrough to find the trouble of solving the two spots in his own Dantian. .

Once the troubles of these two spots are lifted, the sword dust will undoubtedly go a lot better in cultivation. Although the existence of these two light spots makes the dust cultivation in the magic core absorb three times faster than usual, and it can still be Jian Chen solves the problem of absorbing the violent factor in the magic nuclear energy, but the consumption of the magic core is too big, and the sword dust is worried about the future cultivation road.

If you can, Jian Chen prefers his own cultivation speed to return to the previous one. The violent factors contained in the magical energy are solved by himself. I don’t want to have a variable in Dantian that I can’t control. After all, look at Jian Chen. Come, that purple and blue light spots, is completely an untimely bomb, will explode at any time, although this way their own cultivation is slower, but at least they do not have to worry about the magic core all day, and even if there is no Magic core, you can also cultivate by relying on the aura between heaven and earth. Moreover, the two spots in Dantian are lifted, and even if Jian Chen absorbs the energy in the magic core to cultivate, the consumption of the magic core will be reduced a lot. A third-order magic core is enough to support him for several days or even ten days. It’s consumed, so it’s counted that Jian Chen spends a day to hunt for Warcraft or Magic, which is enough for him to practice for a few months, and with the time to kill Warcraft, Jian Chen also has more time to spend. In the cultivation, if this is the case, even if the light spots of the purple and blue in the Dantian are lifted, the overall cultivation speed of the sword dust will not have much influence.

Jian Chen wandered aimlessly on the street, his eyes continually squatting on the stalls on both sides of the street, and even in some shops, he occasionally went in and took a look. There was something like singular white stone, which undoubtedly reminded Jian Chen, so now Jian Chen is completely wandering around the streets with Taobao’s mind, to see if you can find some strange things and feel for yourself. Something of interest, or something that can be met again can cause the two light spots in Dantian to be abnormal.

It is a pity that all the way to go around, Jian Chen is disappointing, and there is no gain at all.

"It seems that these things are all inevitable." Jian Chen gave a helpless sigh, looked at the sky is not too early, and then lost the mind to continue to wander.

Jian Mian’s eyes narrowed his eyes, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth. He whispered in a low voice: “It’s not too late now. If you solve the problem, you should find a restaurant to rest. I will be with the group tomorrow morning. Go to the World of Warcraft." Speaking, Jian Chen looked around and found a street with fewer people wearing it.

Subsequently, Jian Chen continued to shuttle in the well-connected streets. His pace was not fast, as if he was shopping at random, but the road he took was some relatively remote and less crowded.

After crossing a few quiet alleys again, Jian Chen finally came to a small, secluded alley, and at the end of the small alley, it was blocked by a wall that was more than four meters high. It is a dead end.

Jian Chen stopped and moved down. Then he turned and looked at the secluded person behind him. His face showed a sneer of sneer, and his tone said plainly: "Friends, followed me on such a long way. Don't you dare to come out and see."

The sound of Jian Chen’s voice just fell a long time. At the end of the lonely alley, there was a group of people coming out. There were more than a dozen people coming from the age of 20 or 30. The biggest one seemed to be close to forty. It is.

When more than a dozen people appeared, they immediately began to form a formation, blocking the only export of the small alley of Zhang Xukuan. It was obvious that they did not want to leave Jian Chen from the only exit. Then, this ten Several talents kept the formation slowly moving toward Jian Chen. Everyone stared at Jian Chen with a stern look. His face looked like a fierce look.

Jian Chen is still smiling and looking at the opposite side of a dozen people walking slowly. For a dozen people, the fierce look of the fierce **** seems to have nothing to see. With his eyesight, with the help of powerful God, The strength of the opposite party is clear and clear. Among them, the weakest ones are not even reached by the saints. In addition, there are three people with the strength of the great saints. The most unexpected thing is to see Jian Chen. Among them, the one who looks the most old, actually has the strength of the sage, and is even stronger than the head of the flames of the permanent group Kend, a middle priest.

This man is a middle-aged man. He is about forty years old. He is wearing a blue robes, his face is fierce, and his head is short in length. On both sides of his lips and under the chin, there is a large number of people. Beard

"Several people, following the road that has gone so far, I don't know what to do." There was still a smile on the face of Jian Chen, and the tone was plain.

The oldest middle-aged man with a middle-level sage looked at Jian Chen with a gaze, Shen Sheng said: "You have already discovered us."

Jian Chen’s hands slowly hugged his chest and smiled. “Of course, you followed me so clearly and boldly, and you still have such a long way to go. It’s hard to find people.”

After listening to this, the middle-aged man with the strength of the intermediate priest showed a faint look on his face and said: "It turns out that we are too negligent." Here, the face of the middle-aged man suddenly changed. A pair of sharp eyes stared at Jian Chen tightly, and shouted: "The kid, now the only exit of this road has been sealed by us. If you don't want to die, immediately put your space belt and all valuable items on your body. Throw it over, otherwise you will be ready to lie here forever."

"If you want something on me, it depends on whether you have the strength to take it." Although the tone of Jian Chen is plain, but the cold meaning contained in it, anyone can clearly hear it.

Hearing the words, the middle-aged people are no longer nonsense. They waved their hands and shouted: "Everyone gives me, take him, and everything on his body is ours."

After listening to the words of the middle-aged people, the dozens of people around him immediately rushed toward Jian Chen, and the sacred soldiers appeared in their hands at the same time. Among them, several of them had not reached the holy The strength of the person, holding a steel stick and iron chopper in his hand, rushed toward Jian Chen without fear.

Looking at the dozens of people who rushed to the front, the corner of Jian Chen’s mouth showed a sneer, just when the dozens of people were less than ten meters away from him, Jian Chen’s body leaped gently, and the whole body was like a swallow. The volley flew up, and the feet lent on the wall on both sides of the hutong. The tens of thousands of people leaped over the head and went straight to the middle-aged man’s position. At the same time, a silver-white sword suddenly Appeared in the right hand, and then turned into a silver-white lightning in mid-air, piercing the throat of a middle-aged man at a speed that is invisible to the naked eye.

As its own strength continues to increase, the body of Jian Chen is tempered by the power of the Holy Spirit in a special way, so that his body is stronger than before, and the physical strength and the increase of the power of the Holy Spirit make the sword dust The speed of the sword is also much faster than before. This is a common sword, and its speed is so fast that even the Great Saint is hard to resist.

After all, if you want to speed up the attack, you must not only rely on the powerful and honest power of the Holy Spirit to back it up, but also have very strict requirements on the body and body. Therefore, the sword of Jian Chen’s hand is not only broken in the rivers and lakes in his previous life, but even on the Tianyuan continent, unless it is stronger than his people, otherwise, People of the same level of strength can't resist the fast sword of Jian Chen. If Jian Chen is fully attacked, among the people in his class, I am afraid that there is no chance of reaction, and it has already been sealed by a sword.

Looking at the sword of Jian Chen, the middle-aged man showed a sneer on his face. Then a half-man high machete suddenly appeared in the right hand. The middle-aged man held the knife in both hands, and the powerful holy force flowed on the machete. Then, a violent drink, waving a machete, cut off the sword that stabbed the sword dust.


The light wind sword collided with the middle-aged man's machete, and a burst of crisp steel bells broke out. The two holy soldiers collided, and the anti-seismic force produced actually made the middle-aged man's footsteps slightly step back. Then I looked at Jian Chen’s eyes with a little surprise and an incredible look.

Because before the middle-aged man did not put the sword dust on his mind, from his point of view, Jian Chen, who is only a 20-year-old, is almost only the strength of the saints, even in the genius, At most, it was only the first time to enter the Great Saint. It was no threat to a team like him. But until this time, the middle-aged man was shocked to discover that although he had already seen Jian Chen in his heart, Jian Chen’s The strength is still far from his expectation, even if compared with him, it is not much weaker.

Jian Chen body volleyed a few times, easily unloading the body's anti-seismic force, and finally the body fell steadily on the ground, just after landing, Jian Chen did not pause, the body quickly toward the middle-aged man several meters away Rushing away, the light wind sword in his hand suddenly exudes a layer of sturdy swordsmanship, wrapped around the entire blade, and then turned into a silver-white light to pierce at a speed that is indistinguishable to the naked eye. The target is a middle-aged man. throat.

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