Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1207: Father and son

Hearing the voice of Xiao Bao, the face of Jian Chen suddenly showed a happy color, and there was a little bit of excitement in it. Now he will display a thousand shadows of the instant, and step out, leaving a slowly dissipating afterimage. Has been rushed to Sanshengshan as fast as possible.

Qin Shengtian witch reacted and looked at the sword dust that was approaching Sansheng Mountain. The eyes were struggling. She was confident that she could stop Jian Chen from boarding Sansheng Island and even block Jian Chen from Sansheng Island. However, it is bound to fight with Jian Chen, but in her heart, there is also a thought that does not want to stop the sword dust. For a time, this makes the Qin Shengtian witch become somewhat contradictory.

The speed of Jian Chen is very fast. The distance between 20 and 30 miles is fleeting. So hesitated for a while. Jian Chen has already stood on Sansheng Mountain. At this time, Qin Shengtian Witch is too late to stop it. .

"Hey, hey, you are finally here, I want to be embarrassed." Xiaobao gave a happy cheer, and he jumped from the big stone dexterously, jumping to the front of Jian Chen and holding his hands up, saying: "Hug and hug."

Looking at Xiaobao’s chubby and very cute face, Jian Chen’s face showed a kind of kindness that had never appeared before. He grabbed Xiaobao and the excitement in his heart made him say nothing.

Qin Qin’s eyes were staring at Jian Chen and Xiao Bao, who was held in his arms. Although she once guessed that Xiao Bao’s identity would be the result, it was speculation, when the result really became real. There was a faint pain in her heart.

Originally, the arrival of Jian Chen was a happy thing for Qin Qin, but the result was exactly the opposite. Qin Qin is now happy anyway, but the mood has become somewhat low.

Xiaoqian and Xiaoyue did not notice the change of Qinqin. At this moment, the two of them have been stunned by Xiaobao’s words. They are staring at the sword dust and holding them in their arms. The intimate little treasure, the brain stopped turning.

After half a ring, Xiaoqian finally recovered. She did not believe that Jian Chen would be Xiao Bao’s father anyway. She thought that Xiao Bao called the wrong name and quickly corrected it: “Xiao Bao, you should call it The sword dust son is a brother or an uncle, not a beggar. You can't just scream these words."

Xiaobao clenched the neck of Jian Chen tightly. He felt that being held in his arms was more comfortable than being embraced by his mother. It seemed that there was something that the mother had nothing.

"Xiaoqian sister, you are deceiving, obviously it is me, I am not a big brother and a big uncle, I will scream, I will scream." Xiaobao snorted, and looked dissatisfied and said to Xiaoqian.

At this time, Xiaoyue also returned to God, his eyes glanced at the faces of Jian Chen and Xiao Bao, gradually revealing the color of surprise, said: "Xiao Qian, why do I see Xiao Bao and Jian Chen Gongzi The face has some similarities."

After listening to this, Xiaoqian carefully looked up. Now that both Jian Chen and Xiao Bao are together, the appearances of the two are compared, and the similarities are found.

Xiaoqian suddenly showed a shocking color, said: "Xiaoyue, you said this, I also found that the appearance of Xiaobao and Jianchen Gongzi is really too much. If I didn't know Xiaobao's life experience, I would doubt it... Suspicion..." Speaking here, Xiaoqian suddenly felt that something was wrong. About Xiaobao’s life experience, they both heard about it from the Master. I don’t know if Xiaobao’s true identity is what Master said, but now When Xiaobao saw the sword dust, he called it non-stop, but the appearance of the two people was too similar. It was like a father and son. This made Xiaoqian feel that something was wrong.

"Hey, Xiaoqian sister, Xiaoyue sister, you actually lie to Xiaobao with your mother, saying that Xiaobao is not jealous. In fact, Xiaobao is awkward, Xiaobao has found awkwardness." Xiaobao said with anger. The sound of the milk is milky, and the tone of the voice is undisguised. It is very dissatisfied with Xiaoqian Xiaoyue, and the arm that holds the sword dust neck is even tighter.

"Xiao Bao, is it true that you are talking about it, the sword dust son is really..." Xiaoyue lightly covered his mouth, and he stared at Xiao Bao and Jian Chen with a pair of eyes. His face was unbelievable. In my heart, I was even more shocked.

"Hey, Xiaobao can't lie, and I have already given me a new name, called Shangguan proud sword." Xiaobao said proudly.

"No... impossible, this is not true." Xiaoqian and Xiaoyue looked dull. They could not believe this fact. Xiaobao’s biological father was Jian Chen, who is his own mother.

However, as long as they think about the attitude of their masters to Xiaobao these days and the maternal love that appears from Xiaobao's eyes from time to time, they have already had an answer in their hearts, but they can't believe it.

Qin Shengtian Witch also returned to Sansheng Mountain, and it seems that the dawn of the soul can be swept away in the face of Xiaoqian and Xiaoyue, and the heart sighs secretly. From the expression of Xiaoqian Xiaoyue, she I already know that Xiaobao’s real life experience has been leaked.

"Master, Xiaobao's life..." Xiaoqian still casts his unbelievable eyes on the Qin Shengtian witch, who wants to know the answer from the Qin Shengtian witch.

Qin Shengtian witch's eyes are dodging, this time she did not dare to look at her three disciples, seemingly calm on the surface, but the heart is very chaotic.

"Xiaoqian, Xiaoyue, Qinqin, all three of you will retreat." Qin Shengtian witch said in a cold voice, not mixed with feelings.

Both Xiaoqian and Xiaoyue have widened their eyes. Although they did not explain the words, the people in the meaning of the words naturally understand that what they can make eye-opening is that their masters neither acknowledge nor Denied, but some still dare not face them.

They have followed the Master for so many years and have never seen the Master respect this way.

"Xiaoqian Shijie, Xiaoyue Shijie, let's go ahead." Qinqin took the hand of Xiaoqian and Xiaoyue and stepped back. Although this matter has not been confirmed, they have an answer in their hearts. Just can't believe it.

Xiaoqian, the figure of the three of them quickly disappeared, and the sacred sacred woman stared at the sword dust coldly. There was some anger in it, saying: "What are you doing here?" At this moment, the piano The Holy Witch is indeed very angry. The sword dust is uninvited, and even the identity of Xiao Bao is exposed in front of his three disciples, so that she does not know how to face her three apprentices in the future.

"I naturally come to see my son. As a father, I have a responsibility to care about my children." Jian Chen said with a smile, not mindful of the attitude of the Qintian Witch.

"Hey, you will live here later, you can be with your mother every day, and Xiaobao can see you every day." Xiaobao said with a milky voice, a small mouth almost touched the face of Jian Chen. Going up, the hot air spit from the mouth made the sword dust cheeks feel itchy.

Looking at Xiao Bao’s eyes full of hopes, the deepest part of Jian Chen’s heart was deeply touched. At this moment, he could not refuse Xiao Bao’s craving, and he could not agree to agree. After all, he was in Xiaobao. When I was two or three years old, I learned that I have a son. I have never given any care to Xiaobao. I don’t even know that I already have a child. He feels that he is very sorry for Xiaobao.

However, Jian Chen is also a rational person. He knows that he can't do it now, at least not absolutely at the moment.

"Xiao Bao, I can't stay with you all day, because there are still many important things to do, but I promise you, and I will accompany Xiaobao every day after I finish the matter." The tone is soft and the eyes are full of love.

"Well, that Xiaobao and Niang are waiting for you."

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