Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1210: Blood Sword Gate Comeback

This time, I went to the Blood Sword Gate to follow the Nobels in the Three Emperors' Heavenly Realm. Originally, they could completely build a space door through the Nubis tearing space and directly came to the Blood Sword Gate, but it was helpless. Whether it is Jian Chen or Nubis, he does not know the specific location of the Blood Sword Gate, and he has never been to it. He does not know the exact spatial coordinate points, so he can only pass the dictation of the four guards of the Blood Sword Gate. The door to a space spans hundreds of thousands of kilometers in one direction, and then the rest of the journey is completed by the air.

Jian Chen and Nubis flew for a day and a night under the leadership of the four blood guards of the Blood Jianmen. They finally came to the station of Xuejianmen. Surprisingly, the resident of Xuejianmen was hiding in a desolate 100,000. A very hidden valley in the mountains.

It seems that this valley is similar to the longevity valley where the old man is reclusive. A village is formed in the valley. The only difference is that the valley is more concealed than the Changsheng Valley, and the scale is large, and the orderly construction is full. More than two thousand wooden houses, all of which are arranged in a pattern according to a certain rule. The size of the wooden houses is also different. The wooden houses in the edge position are the smallest, and the wooden houses in the center are larger, and the wooden houses are larger. The center is even a temple built from Wannian Ironwood. The temple is seven stories high and covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters.

When Jian Chen and Nubis saw this small village, the whole small village was a dead silence. There was no figure in the vast village, no farmland around, and it was easy to be regarded as a ghost village.

However, Jian Chen and Nubis did not really think so. They both felt a lot of strong atmosphere from the dead little village. The strongest one has reached the realm of the Holy Emperor.

"This is the station of the Blood Sword Gate." Jian Chen looked at the small village in front and whispered.

"Returning to the main door, here is the current resident of our blood sword gate. Our disciples of the blood sword door are almost hiding in the house to practice. Nothing is generally not coming out. We are not seen in our resident for ten days and a half. A figure is very normal." The blood sword door protection method explained.

"My great Nubis saw at a glance that there were only a total of more than 2,000 people in this station. The **** swordsmanship is also one of the top three killer organizations on the Tianyuan continent. Although it has not fallen, the number is too small. "Nubes snorted with some disdain, and the position of the Blood Sword in his heart suddenly fell.

"Our blood swordsmen have not fallen, but they are only the hermits of the Lord of the Gates. They do not appear on the Tianyuan continent. Although the battle of the millennium caused great damage to our **** swords, we have recovered after thousands of years of rest and recuperation. The vitality, and the members of this resident are the core disciples of our blood sword gates, all of which are elite. In addition to these core disciples, there are tens of thousands of peripheral disciples in our blood sword gates, scattered throughout the Tianyuan continent. "The big guardian face is expressionless."

At this time, several people wearing blood-red clothes flew out of the small village, and several breaths came to the front of Jian Chen.

There are a total of six people coming. The first person who walks in front is a 70-year-old man who looks very ordinary. The huge breath that comes out of his faintness makes Jian Chen and Nobis look at it as one. The Gai Shiqiang in the realm of the Holy Emperor, and Nubis are also in the triple heaven, and two of the five people behind the old man are middle-aged men and three old men, all of whom are above the seven kings. Two of them are the holy kings of the nine heavens.

"Wang Wang, the deputy head of the blood sword door, took the five elders to meet the doorkeeper." The old man who walked in front of the front sang aloud and bowed to the sword dust. Obviously he knew that Jian Chen was already a blood sword. The message of the doorkeeper is also very familiar with the appearance of Jian Chen.

From the deputy door of Jiang Wang and the deities of the five elders, Jian Chen has already seen that several of them have no dissatisfaction with their position as the doorkeeper. Jian Chen stepped forward and personally helped Jiang Wang’s deputy leader to say: "The deputy door owner does not have to pay more rites. The younger generation of sword dust is valued by the old man. The old man is taught the position of the blood sword door, and he plays an important role in the blood sword gate. If there is anything wrong with Jian Chen in the future, Please ask the assistants for more guidance."

"The door is modest, and in the **** sword door, the door owner has the supreme right, how can Jiang commit to commit the following." Jiang Wang, the deputy head of the door, said solemnly, his expression was very serious.

Jian Chen and Jiang Wang's deputy door and guest set a few words, they were invited to the small village by the deputy leader of Jiang Wang, and the five elders and the four great guardians silently followed.

"The door owner, all living here are the core members of our blood sword gate, the total number of people is more than 2,300, the weakest of them are the land sage, and there are more than two hundred and twenty people in the realm of the sky sage. There are nine people in the strong people of the Holy King. They are the four great guardians and the five elders. As for the Holy Emperor, only Jiang is alone."

"Our blood sword gate station is also a powerful killing, composed of more than 2,000 wooden houses, and the control center of the array is in the central blood temple, and the blood temple is also the resting place of the door owner. Except for the deputy door owner, anyone who enters the Blood Temple must pass the consent of the door owner."

Along the way, Jiang Wang is constantly introducing the current situation of the Blood Sword Gate for Jian Chen. From the beginning of the station, to the scattered peripheral members, Jian Chen finally has a clear understanding of the structure of the Blood Sword Gate. Understanding.

The internal structure of the Blood Sword Gate is not complicated, but it is very simple. The power of the entire organization is controlled by the five elders. One person has a separate team, and the deputy lord has absolute command over the five elders. As for the lord, in the blood sword The door will be the supreme being, and you can decide anything about the Blood Sword Gate.

On the second day, Jian Chen held a ceremony to officially take over the blood sword gate in the Temple of the Blood. The ceremony was very simple. The deputy, the five elders, and the four guardians presided over, so that all the core members in the station would pay a visit. Finished.

After officially becoming the master of the blood sword, the first thing that Jian Chen did was to hold a meeting.

At this moment, in an enchanted secret room in the Temple of the Blood, Jian Chen, Nubis, the deputy head of Jiang Wang and the five elders, the four great guardians gathered together, one by one.

Sitting in the first place, Jian Chen put on a special costume of the blood sword door, wearing a blood red robes, invisible between them added a bit of evil.

"Today's recruitment meeting mainly announced two things, the first thing, since then, the blood sword door has returned to the Tianyuan continent." Jian Chen said with a serious expression, although he rarely issued orders, but this is said to have the same An unquestionable majesty.

Wen Yan, the deputy head of Jiang Wang and the five elders, the four major guards are all happy, but no one spoke.

Jian Chen continued: "Next, I announced the second thing, annihilating the gates of hell."

If the first thing is to make some senior executives of Xuejianmen happy, then the second thing is to make everyone excited and crazy. Over the years, the three major killer organizations on Tianyuan’s mainland have been fighting each other forever. The small frictions that occurred were even more numerous, and the three organizations had already formed hatred that could not be resolved. Especially before the millennium, the blood sword gate was led by Houston and the two killer organizations of Hell’s Gate. Unprecedented shopping, at that time due to the superb strength of Houston, no one in the Hell Gate and the Jurassic Temple was the opponent of the Blood Sword Gate. The last two killer organizations united to fight the blood sword door.

That battle was very fierce. Although Hell Gate and Jurassic Hall joined forces, Houston was overwhelming and unstoppable. The two **** swordsmen who led the blood swordsmen still prevented the suppression, and the two killer organizations fell into the trap. The end of the mountain is almost exhausted. In the end, the killer of the Hell Gate and the Temple of the Jurassic killed the death of the wife of Houston. After that, the Blood Sword Gate disappeared on the Tianyuan continent.

During the period, the people of the Blood Sword Gate wanted to find the Hell Gate and the Jurassic Temple to avenge more than once, but because of the orders of the Houston Gate, they could not act, and they could not appear in the sky, and the hatred was in the heart for thousands of years. For a long time, now, the new doorkeeper Jian Chen has finally lifted this ban, how to prevent them from being ecstatic.

"The doorkeeper, when do we act." An elder stood up and said with excitement.

"Since the decision has been made, the action is of course the sooner the better, the veteran hatred of the old man, I also hope that I can report it earlier, I wonder if you know the hiding place of the Hell Gate." Jian Chen said.

"The doorkeeper, the hiding place of the Hell's Gate, although hidden, can't stop the information hall of our blood sword gate. We have inquired very early, and we can start with a single order." The deputy head said, this day, he also hoped for a long time.

"In this case, let's set off tomorrow morning. Today, let's prepare for it. We will have a fierce war tomorrow." Jian Chen said quietly.

"The doorkeeper, how many people we need to gather," asked an elder.

"Jiang's deputy, the five elders, the four big guards can go with me, and the people below the holy king do not need to bring."

"But the doorkeeper, there is also a temple in the hands of the Hell Gate. They have been hiding in the temple all these years. With the power of our blood swordsmen, I am afraid I can't break their temples," said an elder.

"You don't have to worry about this. Although the temple is strong, it is not unbreakable." Jian Chen's tone is full of strong self-confidence, and the heart is secretly sighing. It seems that this time the action of annihilating the gate of **** is troublesome. They are gone.

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