Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1221: Mother and daughter meet (2)

Jian Chen, Rui Jin, Hong Lian, and Black Fish are all inconspicuously looking at the huge ice temple in front of you. The vicissitudes of life filled with the years from the ice temple and the mighty and majestic momentum. Waves and waves hit the soul, making each of them incomparably shocked.

Ruijin and Honglian calmed down first. The two looked solemnly at the ice temple, which is like a beautiful palace in the crystal palace. The same thought came out in the heart, that is, the temple in front of it does not belong at all. The things of this world.

A rumbling sound came, and the closed crystal door of the Ice Temple slowly opened. A woman with a white body and a beautiful face was standing there, and there was a cold moment. Breathable.

"Four brothers." The woman’s full attention fell on Jian Chen’s body, as if Ruijin and the three of them were transparent, the beautiful face of the country’s allure was filled with great surprises and excitement. There is some tremor.

Jian Chen’s gaze also fell on the snow-white woman. Although he had been away for more than a decade, he still recognized the woman’s second sister, Changyang Mingyue.

"Second sister." Jian Chen exclaimed, and his mood became very embarrassing. When he was young, he was in Changyang House. In addition to Biyuntian, he was the second sister, Changyang Mingyue, who was most concerned about him. At that time, the third brother Changyangke was not only Once I want to bully him, and every time I see Changyang Mingyue, she will not hesitate to stand up and help herself. Therefore, in the heart of Jian Chen, the brother and sister of the second sister Changyang Mingyue is very deep, this family, Even better than the big brother Changyang Tiger.

It is a pity that since the occurrence of Hua Yunzong, when Jian Chen was forced to leave Luoer City and went to other places, he never saw the second sister Chang Yangmingyue, and even did not have a little bit of news. He once let Yu Fengyan and the sword More than once, the dust thinks that Changyang Mingyue has suffered an accident and is sad.

Changyang Mingyue crossed the high threshold and ran to the sword dust with bare feet. Jian Chen also greeted him with an excited mood. As the distance between the two continued to approach, Jian Chen felt the cold around him. It is also climbing at an incredible speed. When he and the Changyang Mingyue are separated by a distance of ten meters, the body of Jian Chen has covered a layer of white ice crystals.

Jian Chen quickly calmed down and felt the coldness that suddenly became cold around him. The heart secretly horrified, but what surprised him even more was that these chills were actually emitted from Changyang Mingyue.

Seeing the layer of ice crystals that appeared on Jian Chen's body quickly, the face of Changyang Mingyue suddenly changed, and immediately stopped his footsteps, and quickly retreated, far away from the sword dust, and at the same time a panicked loud voice: "Four Brother, don't come over."

Jian Chen stopped and was separated from Changyang Mingyue by a distance of 30 meters. He asked: "Second sister, what is going on here, how can your body emit such a strong chill."

The coldness of Changyang Mingyue is very intense. If it is not ice and snow, I am afraid that the ground in the range of several kilometers will form thick ice, and even the pool will solidify.

Changyang Mingyue looks bitter and said: "Four brothers, I am the body of Xuanbing. Now my body of Xuanbing is not fully mature, and I can't control the mysterious ice that comes out from my body."

"Second sister, how can you become like this, what is going on here." Jian Chen's tone is somewhat eager. In his memory, his second sister is not like this.

"Four brothers, these things are long-lived. I will be talking to you later. Four brothers, I listened to the water guards and said that you have encountered some troubles. Are there some big family sects who bully you, but four? Brother, you can rest assured that when the second sister Xuan Bing’s body matures, the second sister will return to Tianyuan’s mainland to teach all the people who have bullied you.” Changyang Mingyue hated and said, very concerned about Jian Chen, as if In her eyes, her fourth brother is always a child who grows up.

Jian Chen’s heart suddenly felt extremely warm. When he was young, his second sister, Changyang Mingyue, did not protect himself like this. He didn’t want to be bullied. Even the third brother Changyangke was secretly stolen by his second sister. I have learned many times.

What the second sister didn't know was that each of the three Changyangkes bullied themselves, not only did not succeed, but also suffered losses for the second time, never taking advantage of their own half-price.

"Four brothers, have my mother been doing well in these years, and my sister, my aunt, three aunts, four aunts, how are they doing, and big brother and Chang Bo, are they still okay? Actually, I seem to go home. I am like a mother, but I can't go now. The water guards don't agree with me." Changyang Mingyue said with a low expression, the great joy that just saw Jian Chen also slowly dissipated, and the look was full of sorrow. She wants to go home and see it.

Upon hearing the mention of Yufengyan, the sword dust suddenly woke up, and immediately retreated to the red lotus side and released the Yufengyan staying in the sanctuary space. The original sword dust only wanted to let Yufengyan come out alone. Biss heard that he had already reached the Arctic Ice Temple and ran out.

Although the coldness here has been weakened a lot compared to the outside, the strength of the sacred sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sect is still unbearable. Fortunately, there is a red lotus on the side to help dispel the surrounding cold with its own flame.

"Mother." As soon as I saw Yufengyan, Changyang Mingyue couldn't be self-motivated, and wanted to go all the way, but then she ran out of the two and stopped, with tears in her eyes and a painful color. The retreat, she knows how powerful the mysterious ice of the body of Xuan Bing is, and it is not the life that Yu Fengyan can bear.

At the moment when I saw the Changyang Mingyue, the imperial wind swallowed, and the tears filled with endless thoughts were like the raging fountain. I couldn’t make it out of the eyes of the wind, she bit her lip, her eyes For a moment, staring at the snowy Changyang Mingyue, the body can not help but tremble fiercely.

"Mingyue." The next moment, Yu Fengyan shouted and ran quickly toward Changyang Mingyue. Now she only wants to do one thing, that is, she thinks about her own daughter who is missing every day. Tightly in my arms.

How does Jian Chen dare to let Yu Fengyan really run over, and when the imperial wind was just moving, it was stopped by Jian Chen.

"Xiangtian, you let me go, don't stop me, Xiangtian, count my aunt beg you, let your aunt go..." Yu Fengyan can't get rid of the space of Jian Chen's space, tears of tears Pleading.

Jian Chen’s heart hurts. If he can, he is really unwilling to stop Yufengyan, but now, for the sake of the safety of Yufengyan, even if he can’t bear it anymore, he must stop Yufengyan from passing.

"Two aunts, the second sister's Xuan Bing's experience will spread a terrible chill, you can't pass, it will be frozen into ice sculptures." Jian Chen explained bitterly.

"I don't care, even if I am frozen, I don't care. Xiangtian, the second aunt is begging for you. Don't stop the second aunt, let the second aunt pass, and the second aunt just wants to have a good look at the moon." Feng Yan cried and said.

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