Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1234: Angel of the Temple of Heaven

"Hey, it’s light. If you want to break the temple, you can only become a 17-star strongman and enter the emperor. The turtle king, I am convinced that Xiaozheng has underestimated the strength of your turtle family, but if you want to become a great emperor, This is absolutely impossible.” Tao Zhengtian’s cold voice came from the temple, and the tone was full of ridicule. The realm of the great emperor was so easy to achieve, even if it was not long afterwards, Tao Zhengtian, who would become the elder of the temple, would not Dare to expect this high level.

There was a sneer on the face of Jian Chen. "I can't be the emperor and I can't take you to Tao Zhengtian to comment. When I come to your pottery next time, it will be the day when you smash your temple." Jian Chen will control the Eight Gods Temple to go away. After taking a few turtle elders who have been hiding dozens of miles away, they will return directly to the turtle family.

Jian Chen knows that Tao Zhengtian has a temple guard. It is impossible to destroy the Tao family. They have not yet been able to break through the power of the temple. The action taken today is only to collect some debts for the turtles, so that the Taoist alliance is three. A few days ago, the disaster caused by the Turtles was paid a certain price.

The Eight Gods Hall and the strong people of the Turtles quickly disappeared at the end of the sky. Tao Zhengtian only collected the temple after they determined that they would not go back, but only the five who survived the temple. The strong emperor, the Tao family who entered the temple before, Tao Zhengtian simply did not dare to release it, for fear that Jian Chen would go back and return.

Tao Zhengtian and the other four strong men quietly suspended in the sky, staring blankly at the pottery family that had become ruined underneath, and all of them were heavy.

In the ruins of a mess, the bodies of the Tao family are everywhere, lying on the ground, all of them dead under the powerful energy after the explosion of more than a dozen great powers of the Holy Emperor, and among them There are also nearly ten bodies of the Holy King.

Tao Zhengtian glanced back and forth from the ruins of Taojia. His face was gloomy and watery, his fists were pinched and his anger was burning, and there was deep regret in it.

In this battle, the loss of their pottery family is too great. More than half of the deaths of the tribes are left, and the elite disciples are running out. Even the strong kings have lost two-thirds of the number, and there is also a pottery with strength in the realm of the Holy Emperor. forest.

Compared with the loss of the Tao family, the loss of the turtle family is nothing, after all, the peak power of the turtle family is still there.

"Before we were wrongly assessing the strength of the turtle family, we did not think that the turtle family has become so powerful. This thing will not be considered by the turtle family. I am a family without the sanctuary of the temple, Tao Zhengtian, I I want to go back to the Taiyi family immediately and find a way to let the family avoid the revenge of the Turtles." The Taizu family's ancestors Taitong said with a deep voice.

"I have to go back and arrange it right away. Otherwise, with the powerful strength of the Turtles, I can easily destroy the Kahn family." The ancestors of the Kahn family said that his face was pale. I am very sorry to participate in this matter. If I knew that the Turtles had such strong strength, he would have sent out the crystal coins of the turtles.

"Oh." The ancestors of the Moses family sighed and sighed with sorrow. They even kept swearing in their hearts. Originally, their Moses family had nothing to do with this matter, but it was because of the greedy turtles. Large-scale resources, this agreed to the marriage of the Tao family, and then with the Tao family to deal with the turtles.

"It's all greed." Moses' family ancestors sighed in the heart, and this is the end of the matter. He knows that the Moses family is completely **** with the Tao family, and regret is useless.

"You, now we have completely enemies with the Turtles. Escape is no use. The Turtles will certainly not let us go. For the sake of the present, our big families have only temporarily merged together and rely on the temple in my hands. Self-protection, and then slowly find a way to deal with the turtles." Tao Zhengtian said, he knows that these strong people are a very powerful force, a big weight against the nobility, no matter how Keep them.

A few of the great emperors thought about it too. Now they nod their heads and agreed, and then they went back to their own families to start the arrangement. Then they took the elite power of the family and the sects all to the Tao family, but they were not brought by them. The people who are walking are also dismantled by them, so that these tribes can hide in various places in the sea. As for whether they will be found and killed by the turtles, then whatever happens to them.

In the territory of the Temple of Heaven, a majestic and magnificent temple stands quietly at the very center of the territory of the Temple of Heaven. This temple is the supreme being in the territory of the Temple of Heaven, because it is the rule of the territory of the Temple of Heaven. The habitat of the person.

At the moment, in the magnificent hall decorated in the highest part of the Temple of Heaven, an unreal middle-aged man is sitting on the throne. This is an image of the power of the powerful god, not a real person. And under the middle-aged man is still a good old man.

"The person who told the lord, the old slave sent to the Tianyuan mainland to inquire about the news has come back. The name of the man is Jian Chen. He is very famous on the Tianyuan continent. He is also a cultivator of the ancient Shuojin. The cultivation time is less than five. Ten years have become the strong king of the Holy King. Finally, because of the ancient gods and beasts, the heroes of the beast gods and the mainland have been chased and killed, thus hiding in the sea to escape the beasts of the beasts. During this time, he helped the Dar tribes to deal with them. The Menghuang tribe, by coincidence, killed the ambassador of the temple of the sacred temple that escorted the blue crystal, and captured the blue crystal to jump all the way to the territory of the temple. Later, I did not know why he had the king of the turtle. And thus became the king of the turtle family."

Sitting on the throne, the illusory middle-aged man’s brow wrinkled slightly. Although the Tianyi Shenhu is an ancient beast, it is very likely that it will become a surpassing of the emperor in the future, but all this has nothing to do with their seas, so that he really The curious thing is that Jian Chen is a human being, and how can there be the king of the turtle family?

The savvy old man below continues to say: "And the old slaves have just received the latest news. Recently, Jian Chen has always appeared on Tianyuan mainland from time to time, and his strength has also risen to the realm of the Holy Emperor, but during this time he From time to time, it appeared in the sea, and even went to the sacred domain of Gods not long ago, but the enchantment that guards our seas only allows the foreigners under the Holy Emperor to enter, and reached the realm of the Holy Emperor. Can't come in, and this sword dust seems to be free to enter and exit the enchantment of our seas. The limit of strength in and out of the enchantment is useless to him."

"The old slaves were also suspected of being the sword dust and the turtle kings of the Tianyuan continent. I am afraid that they are two people. When the old slaves carefully analyzed the time when the sword dust and the turtle kings of the Tianyuan continent appeared and disappeared, they were surprised. It just happened to coincide. When the sword dust appeared on the Tianyuan continent, the turtle king would not know where to go. When the turtle king appeared in the sea, the sword dust of the Tianyuan continent disappeared. More importantly, The time of the sword dust on the Tianyuan continent was exactly the same as that of the turtle king. At the beginning, Jian Chen had just hid in our waters. The strength was only at the level of the holy king. At that time, the strength of the turtle king was the same. Later, Tianyuan Continental The strength of the sword dust broke through to the Holy Emperor, and the strength of the Turtle King was also followed by the promotion, so the old slaves guessed that they were the same person."

On the face of the temple of the Temple of Heaven, there was an inscrutable smile on his face. "In addition to these, they even have the same name and appearance. They don't have to guess. They must be the same person. If my guess is correct, It’s justified that the dust of the king’s inexplicable appearance in Jian Chen’s body and his freedom to enter the enchantment of the sea.

The refined old man’s demeanor is kneeling on the ground and he can’t ask a word.

The Lord of Heavenly Temple waved his hand and said: "Go down, and send another messenger to the turtle territory of the Temple of the Sea, and say that the Emperor invited him to come to my Temple of Heaven."

"Yes, Lord."


In a twinkling of an eye, it has been five days since the war between the Turtles and the Taoists. During these five days, Jian Chen led the turtles to go through all the big and small families that allied with the Taoists. Participating in the family forces in dealing with the actions of the Turtles, Jian Chen has mercilessly destroyed all the management and core disciples of these families, leaving only some innocent servants and maids to let them And go.

In this action, the Turtles not only took back all the crystal coins that were taken away a few days ago, but also harvested a large number of crystal coins and various valuables from the families of these jade pottery alliances. In the battlefield against the Turtles, except for the four large family members who had the power of the Holy Emperor to go to the building, all the other family forces were destroyed, scattered, thoroughly Delisted in the sea world.

Even the Moses family, which is also a top force, has only one empty shell left there. All the things that can be taken away are taken away. The members of the family and the high-level family have all disappeared. Only some status is not. High people are wandering outside.

Jian Chen knows that the Moses family and three other people who went to the empty family have abandoned the station that they have worked hard for many years, with a group of masters in the family and elites and pottery back together.

In this case, Jian Chen did not care. Now he can't destroy the Tao family. Even if they let them live more days, how can they live? After he has the ability to break the Taoist temple, he will go to the Tao home. Complete the end of the two ethnic hatred.

The war between the Turtles and the Tao family has spread throughout the territory of the Temple of the Sea, so that everyone is stunned by the powerful strength of the Turtles, and at the same time, all the top families in the Sea Temple territory have shown deep to the Turtles. Taboo.

Today, Jian Chen is discussing the future development of the Turtles with the elders of the Turtles in the Great Hall. Suddenly a guard ran in and slammed on one knee and said: "The king of the sorrow, the angelic temple came to a messenger. Said to be sent by the Lord of the Temple of Heaven, who wants to see the king."

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