Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1245: The tides of heaven and earth are coming

"The Lord of the Temple of Heaven, do you want to step into the territory of my temple?" Just as the Lord of the Temple of Heaven was hesitating, a cold voice came from the opposite side, and only one body was covered in blue. The person inside the light appeared silently opposite him. Her figure was awkward. It was obviously a woman who was standing in the territory of the Sea Temple 10 meters away from the temple of the Temple of Heaven.

"The Lord of the Sea Temple, I did not expect that you actually came so fast, this emperor has just come to the border line, you have appeared here, are you so afraid that the Emperor will enter the territory of your sea temple?" The lord of the temple said, the woman who appeared in front of his eyes was covered in blue light, the sea **** temple emperor, but he did not expect the temple of the sea **** temple to come so fast.

"I am afraid that the Lord of the Temple of the Sea God is observing the Emperor early in the morning. It is estimated that when the Emperor just left the Temple of Heaven to the territory of the Temple of the Sea, the Lord of the Temple of the Sea God also set off at the same time. Fortunately, the Emperor was not stunned. If you just really desperate to step into the land of the Poseidon, you can be in trouble. If the Emperor was naturally not afraid during the heyday, but the Emperor had just suffered damage to the Yuanshen, his strength was greatly affected, and it was definitely not this fight. The opponent of the woman."

"There are clear agreements between the three territories of our seas. No one in the temple can enter other territories without authorization. Even the great emperor is not terrible. The Lord of Heavenly Spirits, I hope that you will not violate the agreement." Temple of the Sea God The Lord said coldly.

The main face of the Temple of Heavenly Spirit is sinking, saying: "The Emperor knows naturally, and now that the Emperor has come to the border of the two places, he is still in the territory of my Temple of Heaven, and has not yet officially stepped into your Temple of the Sea. In the territory, there is no violation of the agreement." After saying this, the main body of the Temple of Heavenly Spirit disappeared and disappeared. It has already left this place at an extremely fast speed to return to the Temple of Heaven.

"Hey, Jian Chen, for the time being, let you live a few more days, destroy the enemies of my gods, and the Emperor will repay you thousands of times." The thought of the hatred of the Lord of Heavenly Temple.

The head of the Temple of the Sea God looked at the head of the Temple of Heavenly Spirit, and the corner of his mouth slowly pulled up an arc. The look of the gloating with a sigh of relief, whispered softly: "This sword dust is really good, even there is The ability to destroy the **** of the temple of the Temple of Heaven, let me worry about a white, but this time the temple owner has eaten a big loss this time, his **** has been hurt, in a short time Hard to recover."

"Hey, this Heavenly Spirit Hall owner really thought that he could sneak into the sea with a sneak peek into the sea and want to control the sword dust without knowing it. I don't know that the temple of the sea **** inherited the inheritance of half of the sea god... ..."

In a twinkling of an eye, it took a few more days. During this time, the turtles were very calm. The sword dust had completely handed over all the cumbersome chores inside and outside the turtles to several elders in the turtle family. However, he himself has been staying in the secret room for cultivation. He has not taken a step. For the development of the turtle family, Jian Chen has only raised a general direction and has not asked him. He has to hand it over to the elders of the turtle family.

During this time, the Tao family has been completely low-key, and even the scope of the Taoist disciples has shrunk a lot. They no longer dare to touch the turtles, and the turtles have not taken the initiative to challenge the Tao. The people on both sides know that there is a temple in the other hand, and they are already in an invincible position. Whoever can’t help but if they make excessive moves, they will provoke the other’s strongmen to kill and then hide in the temple. Among them, they are only blindfolded.

Therefore, in the case that both sides are jealous of each other, it is very rare for the turtle and the Tao family to reach a tacit agreement.

At this moment, in the secret room in the turtle territory, Jian Chen is sitting in the secret room and practicing in the chamber. Because he cultivates the body of chaos, the speed of absorbing the magic energy is very fast, and it is not the ordinary person. In comparison, the number of abandoned magic nucleus piled up in the corner of the chamber is close to a thousand, forming a hill almost in the chamber.

"Sword dust, the tides of the heavens and the earth have erupted, and you are ready immediately..."

At this moment, a vain voice was introduced into the ears of Jian Chen, only to hear the sound, not to see his people, this is exactly the sea **** in the dark to the sword dust.

The ears of Jian Chen shook slightly, and immediately ended the cultivation. The voice informed the tower and Nubis, which were closed in the turtle family, and then went straight to the central hall of the turtle family.

Soon, the tower and Nubis walked in from the outside. When they saw the sword dust, Nubis asked: "Jian Chen, what do you call us?"

"Nubis, the iron tower, the tides of the sea and the sea have arrived. I will leave the turtles and enter the tides of the heavens and the earth. You will follow me or stay in the turtles." Jian Chen said directly to the two.

Regarding the tides of the heavens and the earth, Nubis also knows, saying: "Hermites of the Sea God also sent a king to Nei Dan in the same year. Speaking of my great Nubis, I also owe the sea **** to the next person. This is the tide of the world. Retain the humanity of the sea god."

"Sword dust, you follow you, where are you going when you go." The tower also did not hesitate to express his position. Although he did not know what the tides of the heavens and the earth were, he decided to follow the sword dust in his heart. .

Jian Chen nodded and agreed that the tower and Nubis would enter the tides of heaven and earth along with themselves. Although there was an unknown danger there, he still had a holy device. If he met the danger, he could hide in the space of the holy space.

Then, Jian Chen called Qing Yixuan again and left the Eight Gods Temple to her. He said: "Qing Yi Xuan, I have something to leave for a while. I will give you the custody of the Eight Gods Temple for the time being. The control of the temple guards against the possible sneak attack of the Tao family."

Qing Yixuan did not give her a happy or excited look because of Jian Chen’s handing over the Eight Gods Temple. She looked at the sword dust with no expression, and said coldly: “You are a turtle king. It is the first in history."

"Oh, my king, because of what to do, of course, it is not your turn to gesticulate. In these days of my turtle family, you just do what you should do. Before I kill the Taoist family, you must Guarantee the safety of the turtle family." Jian Chen said in a faint tone.

Qing Yixuan snorted and took the Eight-Day Temple, but it was not very important for her. If she was not very important to her, she would help the Turtles to deal with the powerful Taoist family.

Soon after, Jian Chen, the Iron Tower, and the Nubis three quietly left the Turtles. The three of them left Qing Yi Xuan, and no second person knew that everyone in the Turtles, including those elders. As well as the Tigers and Blue Whales, they all thought that Jian Chen was still in retreat.

Jian Chen didn't want to let himself out of the turtle family. If he was known by the Tao family, then he chose to start the turtle family at this time, which would cause great damage to the turtle family.

Jian Chen, the iron tower, and the Nubis three people converge on the whole body, and they are very low-key in the sea, and go straight to the direction that Poseidon told him to fly.

The speed of the three of them was very fast. After one day, they had already come out of the territory of the Temple of the Sea, and came to a desolate area where the heavens and the earth were very thin.

This area is not under the jurisdiction of any of the three major temples in the sea, because this area is very barren, there is no crystal coin veins, the heavens and the earth are very thin, and from time to time there is a violent storm, even in the storm, even the earth The sages will fall, the people with low strength can't live here, and the people with great strength can't cultivate here. Therefore, over time, this area has become a dead place in the sea, and no one will be willing to come here.

After the Jianchen tribe continued to fly tens of thousands of kilometers deep in this uninhabited place, a very strong energy fluctuation suddenly came into the perception of the three of them.

The sword dust, the iron tower, and the Nubis three eyes are all condensed, and the eyes are surprised. The strong energy fluctuations appearing in their perceptions make the three of them change. This energy is full of energy. Fury and destruction, the vast powers made them wonder if there were two holy emperors fighting in front.

"That position is exactly the position that Poseidon told me. The strong energy aftermath that appeared in the front is caused by the tides of the heavens and the earth. What is the tide of the heavens and the earth?" Jian Chen thought in his heart, full of doubts.

The three of them flew thousands of miles forward, and finally they finally saw the source of the horrible energy fluctuations. It turned out to be a very large energy vortex with a diameter of dozens of miles. The incredible speed of the rapid rotation, the horrible rotation of the force makes the space within a few hundred miles of the circle are violently twisted, from time to time there is a dark space crack.

Jian Chen, the iron tower and the Nubis three stopped at the energy vortex, and all three were staring at the energy vortex with a shocked face. This is a tens of miles in diameter. The energy vortex of up to a thousand feet is completely incomparable. The pure energy composition is almost always turned into substance.

Such a horrible energy vortex, the energy contained in it has far surpassed the level of the Holy Emperor, and even the sword dust is doubtful, even if it is beyond the realm of the realm of the realm of the Holy Spirit, the sum of energy contained in the body Less than one tenth of this energy vortex.

Moreover, Jian Chen also clearly felt that the closer the energy vortex is to the center, the more pure the energy.

"The horrible energy vortex, the sword dust, here is the place where the tides of the heavens and the earth." Nubis looked at the energy vortex in front of him, staring at the stunned.

Jian Chen did not speak because there was no definitive answer in his heart. What did the tides of the heavens and the earth look like, he had never seen them.

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