Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1249: Xuan Huang Small Heaven (2)

"I didn't expect that there would be a powerful force in this independent space that is enough to match the power of chaos. This really surprised me. It seems that the independent space I am in is not as simple as I thought." I secretly thought of it, but I was more and more vigilant. Although the strength of the two of him and the tower were not suppressed here, this independent space was unusual, so that Jian Chen did not dare to take it lightly.

In this space, the sword dust and the iron tower are no longer able to fly freely outside. The void in the sky is filled with an invisible force. Once they fly into the air, they will receive this invisible. The suppression of power can not only fly hundreds of meters high, but even the energy consumption when flying in the air is hundreds or even thousands of times the outside world.

Therefore, Jian Chen and the Iron Tower began to choose to walk on foot. Even so, the speed of the two of them was very fast. In a short period of time, they had traveled hundreds of miles away, but the surrounding environment did not change at all. Still a desolate.

At this time, the **** of the sea **** turned into a smoky blue smoke, and in front of the sword dust and the tower, they condensed into a very illusory figure. Her power of this **** is obviously weaker than before.

"Jian Chen, there is a small forest two hundred kilometers southeast. There is a naturally formed small pool in the middle of the grove. The pool is filled with green water. This water contains a strong life, and There is a thumb-sized liquid at the bottom of the pool. This liquid is different from the pool water. It is very viscous. It is one of the two materials that I have reshaped my body. Jian Chen, you have helped me collect this liquid now. However, I am afraid that the amount of liquid I need to reshape my body is quite a lot. In the future, you should collect as much liquid as possible." Poseidon said, but when she spoke, her illusory figure Slightly swaying in the void, it seems to be dissipating.

"I will go right away, you can rest assured that I will help you collect enough plastic materials." Jian Chen said vowed, then immediately changed direction with the tower, rushed to the southeast at full speed.

"There are two seventh-order beasts in the grove that are guarding, and they are not a threat to you, but you still have to be careful, because there are more powerful beasts in the depths of this independent space. When Yuan Shen came here, he went deep into this independent space. The strength of the strongest beasts has reached the completion of the Holy Emperor, and I still suspect that these beasts are not the strongest here, but my gods have already When I reach the limit, I have already dissipated when I have not entered the deeper and continue to explore. Therefore, I don’t know if there is still the strength to reach the vicious beast of the Holy Emperor."

"The green water in the pool is not an ordinary thing. You should pack as much as you can. This green pool is something that has never been seen before. Most of it is nothing. Treasures, my **** is consumed very quickly here, and will soon dissipate in the void, Jian Chen, the road behind it depends on you, remember to come back safely within three months, I am waiting outside for you. Message..."

The voice of Poseidon slowly disappeared in the ears of Jian Chen and the Iron Tower. At the same time, her Yuan Shen also completely disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

Jian Chen and the iron tower are silent, just a hard way, and soon there is a small forest in the sight of both of them, the lush and small tree swinging in the breeze.

This grove covers only a few tens of kilometers, and it is really insignificant when it is placed on the Tianyuan continent, and it is insignificant compared to the forests that occupy thousands or even tens of thousands of kilometers. The trees growing in the groves are sparse, although The tallest trees are only a few meters high, but each tree here grows very strong, and the branches are dense and rich with green leaves, full of vitality.

As soon as the Jianchen and the Iron Tower entered the grove, their feet were borrowed on the trunk, and the whole body vacated. It was like an arrow from the string and shot straight toward the center of the grove. It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Jian Chen did not use his own god. In this strange little world, his **** was suppressed, and once the **** was used, the consumption of the **** was dozens of times the outside world, so it was only the eyesight. Distinguish the center of the grove.

After more than a dozen breaths, Jian Chen and the Iron Tower have already arrived in the middle of the grove, standing on a small pond with a diameter of only two meters and filled with green pool water. The pool water is crystal clear and there is no impurity. This small pool is only one meter deep. At the bottom of the pool, Jian Chen actually found a group of thumb-sized liquid lying quietly there. The color of this liquid is more intense than the pool water, and it can be distinguished at a glance. It is mixed with the pool water, but it is not assimilated by the pool water.

Standing on the edge of the small pool, Jian Chen slowly closed his eyes, and then took a deep breath, suddenly felt a strong life breath into his body through the nostrils, a kind of internal organs A refreshing feeling.

"There is a strong life atmosphere. I just took a breath and have such obvious effects. If I drink a pot of water directly, the effect is not even more amazing, and even the effect of prolonging life." An exclamation, staring at the green pool in the pool, he heard from the mouth of Poseidon that this pool of water contains a strong sense of life, at first did not care, knowing that he personally realized the pool water at the moment When the richness of life contained in it is so rich, it is deeply understood how extraordinary this pool of water is.

"It's so comfortable." The tower also learned the sword dust and closed his eyes. He stood on the edge of the pool and sucked the breath of life from the pool. His face was intoxicated.

Just as the spirit of Jian Chen and the Iron Tower relaxed, the two black shadows suddenly burst out of the woods and thundered to the Jian Chen and the Iron Tower.

The eyes of Jian Chen suddenly opened, and two of them suddenly disappeared. His eyes were like electricity, and his eyes stared at the black shadow that fluttered toward him. The right hand was condensed into a gray sword. The sword is made up of the power of chaos. It is four feet long and emits a violent and devastating energy.

I saw a wave of Jian Chen’s arm, and used the four-foot-long sword gas condensed in the right hand as a sword to make it move toward the black shadow many times faster than the black shadow. The sword and the black shadow Touch, Jian Chen clearly feels the slight resistance dragged by Jianqi. The body of this shadow is hard and terrible, but even if it is so, it can't change anything. The shadow of the sword dust is directly attacked by Jian Chen. It became two halves.

On the other hand, the tower was directly a fist to the black shadow that rushed toward him. He only heard a dull muffled sound. The black shadow was blown out by the iron tower and hit a 20 meter away. The big tree with the bucket is then dropped on the ground. If it is outside, the same big tree has already been broken, even if it has been so violently hit, even directly into powder, but the big tree in front of it is only It was a violent shock, not only intact, but even the branches were not bent.

Jian Chen looked at the shadow of the attack on himself and the tower. He found that the two bodies were only one meter long and the shape was like a dog, but the body was covered with fleshy scales. The limbs were sharp claws. The body's defense is very strong.

But at the moment, these two beasts are already a corpse. In addition to the beast that was smashed in half by his own sword, even the fierce beast that attacked the tower was killed under the iron tower, even if this It is a fierce beast with two strengths reaching the seventh order. In the hands of Jian Chen and the Iron Tower, it is also weak as an ant.

"I just don't know if these fierce beasts have a magic core." Jian Chen thought in his heart, and immediately went to the beast that was killed by himself, and shredded his body with the sword that condensed at his fingertips. I carefully searched it.

After a while, Jian Chen’s eyes showed a surprise look. He really found a hard crystal with only peanuts in the body of this beast. It contains a pure and powerful energy, already with the seventh-order magic core. The energy contained in the intrinsic is quite equal.

"Sure enough, I didn't let me down. Is this the magic core produced by these fierce beasts?" Looking at the crystal of peanut-sized crystals in his hand, the sword dust is awesome, and the seventh-order magic core has a fist size. And the energy contained in this crystal is almost the same as the seventh-order Warcraft, but the volume is much smaller than the seventh-order magic core.

Seeing this scene, the tower is also a happy face, all the way to the savage beast that was killed by his own punch, also took out a small peanut-sized magic core from the beast. As for the treasure, I wiped it on the body and wiped it. Finally, I received a space ring in my heart. She said with a thick smile: "Hey, this seven-order magic core can be sold if it is sold on Tianyuan. A lot of money."

Jian Chen didn't look good at the tower. He had been mixing on the Tianyuan continent for so long. He had never heard of the fact that the Emperor of the Holy Emperor would be short of money.

Immediately, Jian Chen came to the side of the small pool. He did not rush to collect the pool water in the pool. Instead, he carefully took some green pool water with his hands and slowly drank it.

Suddenly, a cold feeling spread throughout the body, and then quickly turned into a warm heat into the internal organs, absorbed by the limbs, all over the body came an unspeakable feeling of refreshment, this moment, Jian Chen heart There is even an illusion that he seems to have increased his vitality after drinking this green pool.

Of course, Jian Chen also understands that this is just an illusion that he has produced. The pool of water that he just drank has not actually improved his vitality.

"A good life of the rich, master, you have found a treasure of heaven and earth... Hey, I actually felt a touch of faint scent of black and yellow..." The voice of Ziqing sword spirit came from the brain of Jian Chen. The sound came to an abrupt end, but the next moment, an incredible exclamation sounded: "How is this possible, how can I feel the existence of the black and yellow gas..." The voice just fell, and the figure of Ziqing Sword Spirit appeared outside. When they came out, they looked up and looked around for four weeks. The expression suddenly became very excited. The faces were full of surprises and incredible looks. They exclaimed: "Xuanhuang Xiaotianjie, here is Xuanhuang Xiaotianjie..."

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