Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1260: Holy Spirit King

Opposite the underground seal of the mercenary city, this is a vast and vast world. The vast territory, even if it is the desert continent of the Tianyuan continent, the beast **** continent, the sea area and the hundreds of people, is less than half of the world.

In this world, there is a very strong world of heaven and earth. It is also much richer than the Tianyuan continent. And most importantly, in this world, there is a source of strength that Tianyuan has disappeared for a long time, and all kinds of resources are very rich. It seems that everything is so perfect, perhaps the only flaw is that the sun in this world is red, like the bright red blood, exudes endless red awns, rendering the whole world into a blood red, let this The world has added a bit of evil.

On the Tianyuan continent, the number of the Holy Emperor is not many. Even if the entire continent, including those scattered in the deep forests and old trees, does not ask the world, the number of the scattered emperors will never exceed 1,000. As for the Holy Emperor strong, it is even rarer, Tianyuan mainland, the sea and the three major races of the beast **** continent, but also only nine districts.

In this blood-red world, the Holy Emperor is everywhere, and the number is so jaw-dropping. Even the number of the Holy Emperor is greater than the total number of the Emperor of the Tianyuan continent. A lot on it.

At this moment, at the very center of this blood-red world, there is a mountain with millions of square kilometers. This mountain is called the world mountain. It is the largest mountain in the world and the most terrible in the world. Life is forbidden.

Because in the world mountains, not only are there numerous powerful beasts, but also many unknown dangers from all over the place. Even the strong people of the Holy Emperor can only move in the outer regions of the world mountains. Once they enter the central region, It is definitely a life of nine deaths. It is no exaggeration to say that in the central part of the world mountain is the tomb of the great emperor.

Moreover, the central region is not the most terrible place in the world. In the world mountains, the most terrible place is the center of the world mountain, which is a huge mountain with tens of thousands of feet.

This mountain is like a Qin Tianzhu, supporting the vast sky of this world. The whole mountain is covered with a faint red mist, making the body of the mountain looming, more mysterious, and at the mountain. At the halfway up the mountain, the space there is in a state of extreme instability all the year round. The space is fiercely twisted, and occasionally tearing apart cracks of different sizes, these space cracks touch the mountain of the world mountain from time to time, immediately Let the piece of rock disappeared silently without a trace, even the ashes did not stay, extremely terrible.

Once you are close to the world mountain, a huge mountain like the pillar of the sky, it is also the center of the world mountain that you step into. It is also called the depth of the world mountain. In the depths of the world mountain, even The strength has surpassed the Holy Emperor, and the strongest who have reached the source of the realm must move forward cautiously. If you are involved in the crack of the cracked space, even the strongest source will fall.

Once, in the history of countless years, the depths of the world's mountains have swallowed up the lives of many powerful people in the realm of the world. Therefore, the depths of the world's mountains have become a restricted area of ​​life that the strongest source of the world is not willing to set foot on.

However, at this moment, there is a large group of people gathered here in the center of the world's mountain center, but there are a large group of people gathered here, there are more than 500 people, all wearing a uniform black, black clothes Embroidered with a quirky circular pattern, a magnificent temple is printed in the center of the circular pattern.

This pattern is the symbol of the temple that rules the world, the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit Hall, in this blood-red world, is like an imperial palace, a symbol of the highest power in the world.

The strength of this group of people wearing black clothes is also extremely strong, all of them are strong people of the Holy Emperor, and there are many of them in the presence of the peak of the Holy Emperor, just take a person to go to the Tianyuan continent, let The top ten guardian families are incomparably strong, but here, more than 500 of the Holy Emperors are afraid to take a sigh of relief. They are standing quietly here, like a piece of wood, not moving.

At the forefront of the team, more than forty seniors of different ages are lined up in a row, and they are quietly standing here. The momentum that is invisible from them is even bigger than the strongest of the Holy Emperor. If they say that they are an elephant, then the strong man of the Holy Emperor is like a cockroach ant, very small and incomparable.

These forty-six strong men are all surpassing the Holy Emperor and stepping into the supreme figure of the source realm. Among them, the strength of eight people has even reached the realm of returning to the source.

But without exception, the more than forty of the supreme characters who stepped into the realm of the source all converge on their own breath, standing like a statue and not moving, one by one holding their breath and staring intently. A man in front of them, many people have deep respect and fear.

This is a man dressed in black and in a stalwart position. He stands there quietly, with his back to the crowd, giving him a feeling of heaven and earth, as if he is this day, he dominates the world, he The appearance of the body seems to have merged with the heavens and the earth, but it gives the illusion that the world is stepping on the feet.

And by his side, a thick black iron sword was suspended there, and the iron sword shined on the black sword, giving off a powerful sword. Although the iron sword was still at rest, the great power emanating from it even turned out. Let the eight strong men who are standing behind him feel a horrible battle.

In front of the black man's kilometer, it is a dark space passage, and the space around the passage is fluctuating and twisting.

"The Holy Spirit King, I wonder if this time I can break the seal on the opposite side." At this time, a strong man in the back of the realm said.

The man in black standing at the forefront is the master of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, who dominates the king of the world, the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit King is a legendary figure in the holy abandonment. It has the most powerful cultivation talents since the ancient times, the most powerful savvy, and the cultivation time has reached the realm of origin only for more than 800 years. The powerful magical move, when it first entered the realm of the source, challenged the only three strong sources of the sanctuary.

Among them, the strength of the first strong source has reached the middle of the source, but the Holy Spirit King who has just stepped into the realm of the source is under the sword in the ten strokes. The strength of the second and third strongmen are in the middle and late stages respectively. As a result, the two men joined forces with the Holy Spirit King in the early days of the original source to fight for two hours, and also died under the Holy Spirit.

The three strong men of the original realm were originally the founders of the temple, claiming to be the three great Holy Spirit kings, and the black man in front of him killed the old three holy spirits with his own power before he boarded it. The throne of the Holy Spirit has become the new generation of the Holy Spirit King, the only Holy Spirit King in the Holy Abandonment.

Although this new Holy Spirit King has broken through the realm of origin, it is still the strength of the original source, but all the source powers of the Holy Abandonment have no doubt that the Holy Spirit King has the power to fight the weakest gods.

The gap between the source and the realm of the gods is like a gap between the heavens and the earth. It is not just the gap between the small emperor and the emperor, but the gap between the source and the realm.

The power of the Holy Spirit and the early days of the original source have the power of the realm of the gods. Although it is only the weakest realm of the gods, it is shocking enough.

"The strength of the people who came to our seal in the holy abandonment was really strong. No wonder that all the strong people in our holy world were not the opponents of that person, because that person was placed in our holy abandonment and the opposite side. The seal of the world can only be broken by the people of the realm of God. At the beginning, I could easily break the seal of our holy abandonment. It is estimated that this seal is not controlled by people. Now in the opposite world, There is a strong person who is returning to the source, and it is not so easy to break the seal.” The Holy Spirit said that his tone was extremely dull, but the voice was magnetic, even though it was a man. The voice is very nice.

"The Holy Spirit King, can we not succeed this time?" A glamorous woman who looked only in her twenties said softly, her voice was full of charm, as if she could trace the soul of the human being This woman is one of the strongest players in the eight major realms.

"The seal on the opposite side is hosted by a strong person who is in the realm of origin. But since I came here this time, it must have broken the grasp of getting the seal, but it takes a huge amount of energy to maintain this seal. To support, I first consume the energy of the strongman who is in the realm of the source. When he consumes it, when I break it out, I can break the seal on the opposite side.” The Holy Spirit said faintly, and this time, In the passage leading to the Tianyuan continent in front of him, the unstable passage that he had been hit with the last full shot was stabilized again.

Seeing this, the eyes of the Holy Spirit suddenly flashed a sly light, and the black iron sword suspended by him suddenly burst into a dazzling silvery white light, and an incomparably powerful sword suddenly filled the world. Under the powerful swordsmanship, the winds and winds between the heavens and the earth, the air, and even the richness of the heavens and the earth seem to have become an invisible sword.

"Oh." The black iron sword was wrapped in a strong silver-white sword, and turned into a white light that disappeared into the space channel at the lightning speed.

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