Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1278: Holy Abandonment

The defeat of Changyang Qingyun also caused a great blow to the morale of Changyang Prefecture. Changyang Qingyun Feng, Changyang Qingjue Day, Changyang Yuanwuji, Changyang Yuanzhenhua are all pale. At this moment, the four of them only felt a whirlwind, and the Buddha would collapse.

"Changyang Qingyun is the first master in Changyang Prefecture. Even he is not the opponent of Qin Shengtian Witch, and he insists on three tricks in the hands of Qin Shengtian witch. This Qin Shengtian witch is terrible, she is not a holy Wang Qiang." Changyang Qingyun Feng thought of it, the horror, Qin Shengtian witches show the super strength, let them feel desperate.

The dead silence lasted for a while, and finally it was finally broken. The elders of the Mercenary City long sighed and sighed: "The grievances of Shangguan and Changyang are not as good as this. The fight has ended. Please fight back to the small world of our mercenary city and the meeting will continue."

The words of the Holy Emperor gathered here have returned, and the Qin Shengtian Witch is also a word, holding the quaint Tianquing violin and following the people back to the small world, and finally there is only Changyang House. The five elders of the elders, one by one, stayed there.

"Hey, let's go." After half a ring, Changyang Yuan Zhenhua only made a long sigh in the sky, turned and left, what happened today, for their guardian family Changyang House, it was tantamount to hitting them a slap in the face. Not only make them faceless, but also a shameful shame.

Changyang Qingyun also came back to God at this time. He thought that before he made a big speech, he had to give a good lesson to learn the sacred witch who didn’t know the sky. He felt his face sizzling. Now he just wants to find a hole. Drilled in, today's business, his face is lost, so that he has no face to go back to see people.

At this moment, Changyang Qingyun seems to have become very old. In just a few months, they have suffered two shameful guards against the family Changyang Prefecture, which has never happened in the history of their Changyang government.

St. Abandoned, the top of the world, the Holy Spirit, carrying an iron sword standing in front of the passage leading to the Tianyuan continent, staring blankly at the undulating and distorted space passage in front, and behind the Holy Spirit, forty The strong name of Yu Mingyuan is lined up in a row, standing quietly there, and behind it is a group of strongest people who have reached the realm of the Holy Spirit.

"This channel is constantly stabilizing. It is now possible for the Holy Emperor to pass. It is estimated that after a dozen or so days, the Holy Emperor will be allowed to enter." The Holy Spirit said.

"The Holy Spirit King, then do we have to send some of the Holy Emperor to enter the channel first, go to the other side to check the situation, and understand the specific strength of another world." Behind the Holy Spirit, a youthful tone of the Nayuan realm Said.

The Holy Spirit meditation, and nodded slightly, and said, "Elders of the Eight Great Temples, you will immediately return to the temple, pick some of the holy emperors to bring them here, let them go to explore the road."

"Yes." Behind the Holy Spirit, eight strong men of the return to the realm of the realm answered in unison, and then left the top of the world.

The world's mountains are extremely dangerous, even if the strong people in the realm of Nayuan come to this place, they will be in danger. Therefore, if people who want to bring the realm of the Holy Emperor come up, they will only let the strong people in the realm of the source go out.

The hundreds of St. Emperor who are gathered here are all protected by the strong spirits of the Holy Spirit and the Eight Greats. They can stand here safely. Even so, in the process of climbing, there are also The Holy Emperor fell in the terrible environment of the world mountain.

Soon after, the eight returning powers who had left were returning, and each of them brought several holy emperors to the top of the world, and they got together a total of fifty. They didn’t want to bring more people. But the Holy Emperor is not as good as the Holy Emperor, and it is harder to survive in the world. With their strength, they can only shelter a few people.

"See the Holy Spirit." Fiftyth of the Holy Emperors were fully acquainted with the ceremony, and they were extremely respectful.

The Holy Spirit’s back to all sentient beings, said in a plain tone: “This is a passage to another world. You can enter another world through this passage and look at the situation of another world. The strength of the world is unknown. Be careful, if you can, try to negotiate with them."

"The Holy Spirit King, in case another person from the world shoots at them, what should I do?" asked a strong man from the realm of origin.

"If they are shot, you can naturally fight back, but I also know that you are mostly dead for a lifetime. Therefore, before entering the passage, you will leave some of your own gods in the soul, even if you are in another world. Fall, we can also use the secret method to bring you back to life, but at the cost of leaving your own gods, the strength will be greatly reduced, and after the resurrection, you must re-cultivate." The Holy Spirit, a tone of voice, then went on to say: "Of course you Don't worry, after you are resurrected, the temple will also give you a group of cultivation resources, so that you can become emperors in the shortest time, as your compensation."

The Holy Spirit took out a pile of jade from the space ring and distributed it to the fifty holy emperors. "In the exit of another world, there should be strong people stationed there, if you are not The enemy will crush this jade, and the space power inside the jade will randomly send you to any place in another world, but you must remember that if they did not shoot you, you must not take the initiative to hurt them, understand. ”

"Under the subordinates understand." Fifty people with great perfection answered in unison.

A strong man from the source of the realm stood up and took out fifty pieces of black jade and said: "This is the soul jade, you can save your gods, all of you have left a small half of them. In the soul jade, then go."

Fifty Saints of the Emperor of the Great Emperor held a piece of soul jade and left a part of their own gods. After losing part of the gods, their faces became pale and weak, and then they entered directly. The passage to the Tianyuan continent.

The Holy Spirit King and more than forty source powerhouses watched the team’s holy emperor disappear into the space channel. No one left. They sent this team in the past and did not expect them to fight. Instead, they went to see another There is a good understanding of the truth of the world. Therefore, all of them understand in their hearts that I am afraid that these holy emperors will be completely degraded soon, and then they will be resurrected through the gods they left in the soul jade, and they will learn another The state of the world.

Soul Jade not only revives them, but another function is to keep their memories intact, including what they happen in another world, and all what they see and hear will be preserved.

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