Chaotic Sword God

: First thousand three hundred and twenty-five

There was a hint of smirk on the face of Jian Chen. He looked back at the boundary line leading to the territory of the Temple of the Sea God. He calmly said: "Tao Zhengtian, are you too happy to be happy, what will happen today? It’s really hard to say.”

Tao Zhengtian stopped and did not continue to escape, but he did not dare to come out in the temple. He thought that this kind of sword dust could not help him anyway. Haha laughed: "Jian Chen, you are too arrogant, you Really think that your strength is leaps and bounds, can you do whatever you want in the sea, I admit that Tao Zhengtian is not your opponent, but the sea, the people who are better than me, I don’t know how many, the strong who can kill you naturally Not a few, as for now, you are already dead, and whoever comes will not save you."

It seems that the words of Tao Zhengtian were fulfilled. When Tao Zhengtian’s voice just fell, the vitality between heaven and earth suddenly became violent. A strong force pervaded the heavens and the earth, becoming stronger and stronger, making it more and more powerful. In the tremor, there seems to be a deep dragon in the vague.

However, for all of this, Jian Chen turned a blind eye. It seems that he did not feel the change here. Only the tower standing next to him looked at the sky with gaze, and he was eager to try. His eyes were full of powerful warfare. In the boiling, his body scattered and dazzled golden light.

"How is my ending today, not that you have the final say, but one result is already doomed, that is, today, Tao Zhengtian you will die." Jian Chen looked sneer.

Tao Zhengtian was extremely angry and laughed. The loud voice: "Sword dust, your arrogance and ignorance are far beyond Tao's expectations. Tao is here. If you have the ability, let him come and take the name of Tao. Today, if you can't take the life of Tao, then Tao will let the turtles cross the body for a thousand miles tomorrow, and the blood will flow into the river."

In the eyes of Jian Chen, there is a murderous murder. Cold channel: "Tao Zhengtian, you will never have such an opportunity. Even if there is a sacred temple to protect you, my sword dust will kill you. No one can save you."

The sound of Jian Chen’s voice just fell, and the strong force that permeated the heavens and the earth suddenly became more violent. The endless world of heaven and earth gathered from all directions. In the blink of an eye, it became a figure. I saw this is a The middle-aged man with a burly body and a bearded back is very vague and his facial features are unclear. He stands between the heavens and the earth and exudes an incomparably powerful atmosphere, like a king in the world.

"Respected lord of the temple of the sacred temple, killing the sword dust quickly, and permanently eliminating the aftermath." Tao Zhengtian, who was hiding in the temple, also found a figure that was completely condensed by energy in the sky, and suddenly excited.

This is the sacred temple of the sacred temple master with his own ideas to control the energy of the heavens and the earth, to deal with the strength of the sword dust less than the perfect level of the Holy Emperor, the lord of the temple, naturally disdain the deity personally shot, in his It seems that a avatar is enough to solve any rival under the Holy Emperor, because he is a Holy Emperor, and has entered this realm for many years, and has gone a long way in this realm.

"The king of the Turtles, the Lord of the House wants to see how you murder in front of the Lord." The lord of the Temple of God shouted, and the voice was loud, as the thunder and the thunder were between the heavens and the earth, deafening, as the dragon was roaring, and immediately he A finger pointing to the sword dust, the fingers are long and windy, and become a huge energy pointing to the dust of the sword. The power between the heavens and the earth is continuously injected into the finger, so that the strength of the finger is continuously enhanced. And there is a strong force belonging to the Holy Emperor hidden in it.

Jian Chen did not fear, and shouted: "The temple of the temple of the gods, want to block my sword dust, you have no such ability to distinguish between the body, or the deity personally." Suddenly, Jian Chen is very popular. Change, like a sword that has been squirted, exudes a thousand gods, he has entered the realm of Jian Yuan, the whole person seems to suddenly become a sharp sword, and then head to head with a momentum The energy coming from the main point of the Temple of the Temple of God is slamming. Around his body, there is a group of incomparably strong white awns that surround his body and exude a sky-high sword.

This sword is so shocking that the lord of the Temple of the Temple of God is amazed. This sword is too powerful, too unusual. He has lived for thousands of years, read many secrets, and knows a lot about it. But I have never seen such a fierce sword.

After comprehending the kendo, the sword gas used by Jian Chen is not simply a sword that is condensed with energy, but a kind of Tao, a rule.

The energy of the lord of the Temple of the Temple of God is not enough to hurt the sword dust. The sword dust is the body of the sword. The energy is like a broken bamboo. It is close to the avatar of the temple of the sacred temple. The sword is condensed in the hands. Lightning like a head to the avatar, there is a glimpse of the **** of the temple of the sacred temple. As long as the **** is destroyed, the condensed body of energy will also dissipate.

The lord of the temple of the sacred temple could not maintain the calmness of the past, his face changed greatly, and his eyes showed a trace of unbelievable look. He never thought that Jian Chen had become so strong.

Although shocked, the reaction of the lord of the temple is also very fast. Between the electric and the flint, his avatar has retreated hundreds of meters away like a teleport, avoiding the deadly blow of the sword dust, although this It’s just a distraction, but if the gods in the avatar are destroyed, it will still cause unimaginable trauma to him.

The wounds of the Yuanshen, even for the Holy See, are still the most deadly and most difficult to heal.

Jian Chen seems to have long expected that the lord of the temple of the sacred temple will escape, and immediately cast a thousand shadows of the instant, leaving a residual image in the same place, and the real body also catches up with the temple of the sacred temple. The white mans flashed, and the powerful sword in his hand had already penetrated into the head of the body.

This time, the lord of the temple of the sacred temple did not escape in time, the head was pierced, and the sacred **** was immediately destroyed by a large part, and the remaining half of the gods immediately fled to the distance.

Sword dust pointed a little, shot a finger-sized sword gas to chase the one-hundred-yuan god, and the power of the small half-element **** who escaped was destroyed.

At the same time, in the middle of the shrine's territory, in the temple of the highest, a miserable scream suddenly came, followed by a vast and majestic momentum emanating from the temple, such as the same sleeping giant The beast woke up and alerted the entire temple.

A figure rushed out of the temple and rushed to the distance with a strong imposing manner. It disappeared in an instant and the speed reached its limit.

"It is the lord of the lord. The true body of the lord has not appeared for hundreds of years and has been in retreat..."

"The screams seemed to have come from the lord. What happened to the great lord, is it a question of cultivation?"

"What happened to the lord, why did he leave with anger, and with a strong killing, is there anyone who angered the Lord?"

In the Temple of the Supreme Shrine of the Shrine, many elders and the messengers of the temple have been talking about it, full of utter and incomprehensible colors, even the elders of several high-ranking temples.

"This...this is impossible." Tao Zhengtian and the four emperors of the Alliance hid in the temple and witnessed this scene. Everyone became dull and looked unbelievable.

It is a terrible thing for them to be destroyed by the turtle kings.

After all, it is a holy emperor, the strength of the world, not to mention the sacred temple of the temple has a long way in the realm of the Holy Land, even if only one avatar, can easily kill the Sacred Emperor .

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