Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1383: Extraterrestrial battle (1)

The middle-aged man looked at the opposite sword dust and Xiaoling, his face was light and his eyes were deep, but at the moment he looked at Jian Chen, there was a hint of surprise in the depths of his eyes. He did not expect that this world apart from him. In addition to the little spirits that met, there is still a strong person who is comparable to the source. He did not even think that this person has also stepped into the realm of Kendo. Although the realm is lower than himself, only his heart is clear, How difficult it is to step into the realm of Kendo.

Even in the holy abandonment, there are countless strong swords, and there are many people who step into the realm of the source, but without exception, they have not stepped into the kendo.

What's more, the person who understands the realm of Kendo is still in a world where there is no such thing as a source of power and a source of power is scarce.

Immediately, the middle-aged man’s gaze looked at the huge planet under his feet, staring at the direction of Tianyuan’s mainland. The brow suddenly wrinkled and whispered: “I’m miscalculating the strength of your side.”

"Who are you?" Sword dust asked, although he had already seen that the opposite person was not his true body, but a force and a god, but even so, the other party brought him mountain-like pressure. If the other person is really close, it will be a terrible opponent.

"You can call me the Holy Spirit King." The middle-aged man said plainly.

Jian Chen’s heart glimpsed and said: “The Holy Spirit, the ruler of the Holy Abandonment, is really you, but this world belongs to our world, not where you should come.”

"We have to come to this place, no one can stop it." The voice of the Holy Spirit is still very flat, but it reveals a firm determination.

Jian Chen’s eyes were cold, although the strength of the other side was a little scary, but after all, he was not the deity, he was fearless, and coldly said: “If this is the case, then I have to fight.”

Jian Chen clenched the purple sword, and the whole body condensed the sky and the sword, and the white light shattered his body, so that the void was violently shocked, and the purple sword broke out with unprecedented intense light. The horrible energy fluctuations of the stocks, and the sword dust seems to be the body of the sword, the sword is united, turned into a purple mans to the Holy Spirit King at lightning speed.

He did not keep his hand, this blow has been his full force, whether it is the fourth layer of chaos or the realm of kendo is played to the extreme, the force of chaos becomes stronger through the amplitude of the purple sword, with the kendo It is even more powerful, so that the power of this blow has far exceeded the realm of the Holy Emperor and reached the attack power of the strongest source.

The purple mans are broken, the void is broken, and a huge hollow crack of several hundred meters long and more than ten meters wide is cut. The sword dust is too powerful. If it is played on the Tianyuan continent, it can even be Tianyuan. The mainland has lost a small piece.

The Holy Spirit King does not move like a mountain, calm and calm, with a very strong self-confidence on his body, the body of the stalwart seems to be very tall, can stand up alone.

He held the flow cloud sword in his right hand, and the flowing cloud sword shines on the black light. A powerful and extreme force is stored in the flow cloud sword without being sent, and then the purple sword is shot at the most basic straight point.

This is the most basic thorn in ordinary swordsmanship. However, this slap in the hands of the Holy Spirit has shown extraordinary power, a simple straight thorn, but the Buddha contains a supreme magical power, let This shot does not seem so simple on the surface, implying the power of heaven and earth, and blending with the Tao.


The sword of the cloud and the sword of the purple sword violently clicked together, and suddenly a deafening roar broke out. The strong energy was turned into a horrible energy storm and rolled in all directions, letting the emptiness tremble, the stars Awkward.

The momentum of the purple scorpion sword slammed abruptly, and the shape of Jian Chen was also revealed. He was covered in purple light emitted by the purple scorpion sword, and it seemed to have been merged with the purple scorpion sword.

The purple skull sword and the stream cloud sword are not separated. The swords of the two swords touch each other and stalemate in the void. The huge energy has been vented from the two swords and wants to compete.

With the competition of energy, the space there began to shatter. At the tip of the swords of the two swords, even a black hole has appeared, which is expanding rapidly. The energy aftermath of the two swords has entered this. The black hole disappeared.

Jian Chen and the Holy Spirit King are deadlocked like this. Although the Holy Spirit King has the strength of the original realm, but this time he came not to the deity, leaving only one force in the flow cloud sword, the strength can not be completely Play it out.

At this time, Xiaoling also shot, she suppressed the timidity in her heart, quietly appeared behind the King of the Holy Spirit, raised a small fist and smashed the past, the fist just hit, let the surrounding void collapse The power of Xiao Ling’s fist is too strong, and it’s more than the sword dust.

The Holy Spirit King did not panic. In an instant, his left hand condensed a powerful sword, emitting a stinging white light and shining around the void.

This is the sword that he exerts in the martial arts realm. It is not a simple energyization, but a condensed rule, which is much stronger than the sword gas displayed by the sword dust.

The Holy Spirit did not return to the head, and the left hand held the sword to the rear with lightning, forcing the little spirit to take back his fist and resist the sword attack.

"Touch." With a dull sound coming, the sword gas dissipated, and Xiaoling succeeded in blocking the attack of the Holy Spirit, but she was forced to retreat a few kilometers away.

"It's amazing." Xiaoling made a burst of exclamation. The innocent eyes are all unbelievable. Her strength has reached the realm of returning to the source. However, the Holy Spirit has not yet reached the present, only one energy is condensed. The avatar forced her back.

"Broken." The Holy Spirit king scorned, his arm suddenly shocked, and suddenly a strong force broke out from the flow cloud sword, instantly breaking the balance of the purple sword, completely suppressing the sword dust in a moment, the sword dust Even the people with the sword shock far flew out.

The look of the sword dust has become more dignified than ever, and the power of the Holy Spirit is far beyond his expectations. I did not expect that even a avatar would become so powerful.

Jian Chen stabilized his body shape in the distance, his hand squeezed his sword, his hands quickly changed all kinds of cumbersome handprints, and then drank: "A sword smashed the sky." In an instant, the purple scorpion sword became a full hundred The long sword of the meter, the purple sword rises and rises to the Holy Spirit.

This is one of the swords that Zi Ling Jian Ling taught to Jian Chen. Although it is the foundation in the eyes of Zi Qing Jian Ling, the sword dust is displayed at this moment, but it can explode the power beyond his own strength. It is like a holy king. The performance of the Holy Order can be used to reinvent the Holy Emperor.

Moreover, the power of this sword is much stronger than the holy warfare technique.

The Holy Spirit’s eyes are condensed, he has been locked in breath, he can’t dodge at all, only hard resistance, and in the process of squatting under the purple sword, he feels that his body seems to be imprisoned by a mysterious force. It has become as heavy as a mountain.

"This is the sword field." The Holy Spirit murmurs, the eyes are flashing, but there is no fear at all, but the war is rushing to the sky, low drink: "Break the world." Flowing clouds did not break out how powerful. Yes, I saw it flashing in the dark, clicking in the void, and suddenly the invisible force that bound him.

"Broken sword." The Holy Spirit king once again drank low, holding a stream cloud sword directly rushed to the 100-meter-sized purple sword, and there was a strange power flowing in the sword, and it was on the purple sword.

"Oh." With a crisp cicada coming, Jian Chen showed a sword and the eruption of the power suddenly turned like a deflated ball, and began to rapidly debilitate. In a moment, the purple sword recovered. The normal state flew back into his hands.

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