Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1389: The first city in the world (2)

This time, Jian Chen made dozens of people become holy emperors. The movements made were too big. The dozens of colorful clouds were superimposed together, forming a nine-color cloud like a breakthrough to the emperor, but it was better than The nine-color cloud that was triggered by the Holy Emperor was even more spectacular.

Because the limit of the spread of the nine colors of the Holy Emperor is the entire Tianyuan continent, and these dozens of seven-color clouds are superimposed, and the formation of the alternative nine-color Xiangyun has spread out of the scope of the Tianyuan continent, enough to spread to the edge of the other three races. stop.

At this moment, the world's great earthquake, whether it is the Tianyuan continent, or the Baizu and the Orcs, all the powers of the Holy Emperor can not be calm, even if it is hidden in the sea under the deep sea, there is some strength in the Holy Emperor. The sea powerhouses in the realm broke out and stared into the distance with a shocked look at the rough sea.

If it is a strong king, it will naturally be thought that this is a sacred emperor who broke through to the emperor and caused a lot of clouds, but the mystery inside this nine-color cloud can not hold the holy emperor, so that all the emperors in the world feel that this is It is made up of dozens of seven-color clouds, but it contains nine colors.

"What happened to Tianyuan on the mainland, why are there so many 14-star warriors breaking through to fifteen stars?" There is a curious voice from the strong sea people.

"For example, the swordsman of the first strongman of the Yuan dynasty today has a very close relationship with our sea **** temple. For the Terran, our sea people are still friendly. Let’s go to Tianyuan’s mainland and have a look and see what happened there. What is it.” A saint of the sea **** said that dozens of people became emperors at the same time, which aroused the curiosity of all of them.

"Well, let's take a look at Tianyuan's mainland." An old man from the Hai nationality reconsidered. His face was a little white, apparently a wounded body, but he could not stop him from going to the curiosity.

"This **** hot sun, it is really uncomfortable to shine on the body, I feel that I am almost burned." A middle-aged woman with a very embarrassed body looked up at the scorching sun in the sky and made a dissatisfied curse.

The seas live in the sea all the year round, they are used to the environment there, and the hot sun outside will make them feel uncomfortable, although this can not harm them.

Immediately, these sea powers have torn the space to build a space door to rush to the Tianyuan continent.

At the same time, there were also many saints in the orcs who acted in a row. Dozens of holy kings at the same time brought a very strong impact to their hearts. Everyone wanted to go to Tianyuan to explore whether it was possible. The Holy King became the shortcut of the Holy Emperor.

Even the three great emperors who were recovering from the beast temple were alarmed. They were suspended outside the beast temple and stared at the direction of the Tianyuan continent.

Among the deserted continents where the hundreds of people are entrenched, the place is desolate, the plants are scarce, and they are all looking at the innocent yellow sand and dry soil. Even in those ancient mountains, they are bare and rarely see green. colour.

Located in the very center of the desert continent, there is a towering mountain peak. This mountain is famous in the desert continent, because the right center of the entire Baizu is in this mountain.

This mountain is called the God of War, it is the sacred land of the Baizu, and the Temple of the Most High is standing at the top of this mountain.

At this moment, at the top of the God of War, the golden temple of the warfare exudes unprecedented brilliance, as dazzling as a round of the sun, standing quietly there, like an ancient giant beast lying on the ground, exudes an invisible Majesty is full of sacredness.

In the Temple of War, the height of the tower is three meters away. The tower of the Golden Horse is sitting on the throne that symbolizes the highest power. His golden skin and the same golden throne seem to blend into one, emitting a faint golden glow. Corresponding to the entire temple.

At the bottom of the tower, all the strong people of the entire Baizu were all together. Everyone looked excited and squatted on the ground. Some old people even had tears in their eyes, and the old body could not help but tremble.

Almost everyone in these people has injuries, apparently the one that was experienced not long ago, and the legacy of the holy abandonment, but at this moment, all of them are not allowed to heal, no matter how serious the injury As long as they can stand up, as long as they remain awake, they all gather here to welcome their **** of war.

"The king of great war, you are finally back, we wait for you to wait so hard..."

"Great God of War, we finally found you, and our Bai people can only be brilliant under your leadership..."

"Great God of War, we are all united and united. Everyone is willing to listen to your instructions and respect you. You are the faith of our hundred people, the soul of all of us..."

The crowds of the hundreds of people who are squatting below are excited and excited. One of them is very excited. The sorrow brought to them by the large number of powerful people who fell in the battle with the world has already been diluted with the return of God of War.

The return of God of War spread throughout the desert continent with the torrential rain, so that all the people of the Baizu are extremely excited and excited. In this environment of the desert, in the harsh desert, as long as there is a place where people smoke, you can see everywhere. Cheers, shouts, and even some of the hundreds of people began to illuminate in accordance with the custom, a piece of joy.

At this time, the tower seems to be aware of it, and his eyes suddenly look to the direction of the Tianyuan continent, revealing a deep thought. His strength is extraordinary. Obviously, he also sensed the movement from the direction of Tianyuan.

However, this temple of war is located in the very center of the desert continent, and there is still a long distance from the edge of the desert continent. In addition to the iron tower, the rest of the temple does not sense the fluctuations from the Tianyuan continent, even if there is a holy here. The emperor is the strongest person in the realm of perfection.

In the Tianyuan Continental, the mountain near the Flame City, the breakthrough of Xiaopeng and others continued. After they became the Holy Emperor, the majestic spirit of Ziyun Xiantao was not completely exhausted, and everyone was facing the Emperor. , Double Heaven, Triple Sky continues to sprint.

At the same time of the improvement of strength, Wudao Tea also played a huge role, bringing their souls into a wonderful realm, helping them to comprehend the mysterious world. With the help of Wudao Tea, it is extremely difficult for everyone to see. The mysterious heaven and earth will be presented to them in the simplest and clearest situation.

Around this mountain range, there have been many powerful people, not only attracting many holy kings, but even the Holy Emperor has come a lot.

In the sky above the mountain, a dazzling purple light flashes, and the purple sword becomes a 30-meter-long sword that is suspended in the sky. The sword dust sits on the knees and pays close attention to everything below, his god. Knowledge has covered a wide range of spheres, protecting these people and protecting their safety in breakthroughs.

"Thirty sacred emperors broke through in this place. I remember that there was a shocking thunderstorm here. It seems that there are some mysteries here. Maybe practicing here, it will be a lot easier to break through the bottleneck. ”

"The strength of the heavens and the earth here is too strong. The old man has been practicing for thousands of years, even the small worlds of the top ten guardian families have been there, but the strength of the heavens and the earth there is simply the difference between the creek and the sea."

Some of the Emperor's strongmen sighed and came here. They felt like they came to heaven, because the strength of the heavens and the earth is not only very rich, but also extremely pure.

These holy emperors are not only ethnic, but also sea, orc, and bastards. Although the paladin in the Panchen Temple did not sense the movement of the Tianyuan continent, some hundred elites located on the edge of the desert continent. It is a clear view of the auspicious light of the horizon.

If in ordinary times, these people will come to Tianyuan Continent, it will certainly cause all the strongmen of the Tianyuan continent to block, but as today the Yuan Dynasty faces the threat of abandoning the abandonment, it also needs the support of the other three tribes, so at this time, Many people have abandoned the concept of race and are not in conflict with the arrival of foreigners.

"We all go in and have a look at what is secret inside." One of the orc strong proposes, and soon won the support of many people. There are more than 20 holy emperors in the moment, carefully moving toward The mountains are deep.

However, when they were less than a kilometer away, a blue-colored sword light flashed away. Only a blue-colored sword was blown into the air with a shocking sword. It turned into a tens of meters in size and hangs in the void. , blocking the way these people go.

"This is not one of the two swords in the hands of Jian Chen Shengdi!" Someone immediately recognized the Qingsuo sword and immediately exclaimed.

"The strength of Jian Chen Supreme has surpassed the Holy Emperor and reached the legendary source. You can scream the name of Sword Dust. If you are unhappy, you don't want to go back today." A human strong The whispered rebuttal is very dissatisfied. Nowadays, Jian Chen is the pride of the Terran, the glory of the Terran, and the key figure of the Terran Forces pressing the other three races. At the moment, in front of the foreigners, the Terran people naturally maintain their own side. dignity.

It was said that the face of the foreign strongman named Jian Chen Shengdi suddenly changed slightly, revealing the deep taboo color. He also participated in the war and witnessed the scene of Jian Chen killing the emperor like the ants.

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