Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1415: Confident Nubis

I looked at the strange textures on my arms that seemed to be snake scales, but they were somewhat different from the snake scales. Nubis’s face suddenly showed a faint smile, and she looked a little excited and muttered: "This article The original essence of the old snake is much stronger than the old snake that I absorbed in the four kingdoms of the Holy Emperor. I feel that my great Nubis seems to have taken an amazingly big tonic, even Can make my body produce very obvious changes, although my strength is still in the original position, but I feel that my fighting power is stronger than before, presumably this set of old snakes must have swallowed some of the origin of the same family This makes his origins so rich."

Nubis pulled down his sleeves, and the light-colored arm of his skin was suddenly hidden under the sleeves. He looked up at the continent that once made him yearning and incomparably jealous. He murmured: "This beast The mainland is really a good place. It is too suitable for the orcs to survive. The orcs that have grown up in this continent are definitely better than the Tianyuan continent. Unfortunately, for me today, there is no such strong absorption. Attractive."

"There is this old snake. He has been in the world of the beast **** for thousands of years. Although it is impossible to know everything about the land of the beast god, but with his strength, he wants to develop his own eyeliner throughout the continent. It is not too difficult. Once a golden silk snake appears on the mainland of the beast, it will certainly not escape his eyes and ears. I am afraid that the golden silk and silver snakes of the whole continent have been harmed by this old snake. My great Nobius does not need to stay here anymore, but go to Sansheng Island to find Jian Chen."

As soon as the words were finished, Nubis turned into a golden Changhong. He did not use the door of space, but flew in the air, admiring the scenery along the way, and rushing to Sansheng. island.

When the eight eighth-order Warcraft returned to their respective ethnic groups, they found that Nubis did not harm their people. The poisonous mist that he spurted only let their people faint, and there was no worry about their lives. The people with the faint smog have already lived on the ground, and only a few of the low-powered people have not fully recovered, and their faces have become pale.

However, the dense jungle around their tribes was turned into ashes under the poisonous fog of Nubis. Only a few thousand-year-old trees have become a dry old tree standing in the original place and have lost their vitality.

However, the eight-order World of Warcraft, which escaped from the birth of the day, has completely ignored the ruined environment around it. Seeing that their own people are safe and sound, all of them are very excited, and they are deeply grateful to Nubis in their hearts. The broad mind, immediately ordered the people to start collecting gold, and finally used a large amount of gold to cast a golden statue standing in the center of the tribe.

This statue is naturally Nubis, which is a hundred feet high. In the eight eighth-order World of Warcraft, it depicts the vividness of Nubis's charm.

Sansheng Island, in a blink of an eye, Jian Chen has been here for more than half a month. During this time, he stayed at Xiaobao's side for more than half of the time, while guiding Xiaobao to practice and imparting knowledge on all aspects of Xiaobao. As well as combat skills, etc., almost everything that I have mastered is passed down.

Although Xiaobao is not very old, he is very sensible. He seems to know that Jian Chen will leave soon. Therefore, during the time when the heart is very cherished with Jian Chen, he will be loyal to anything that Jian Chen teaches. Keeping in mind, to seriously learn, is also very hard in cultivation. Because there are a lot of cultivation materials, and the early stage of chaos does not need to comprehend the rules of heaven and earth, Xiaobao’s cultivation can be described as a thousand miles. The strength of the Holy King Five Heavens.

The realm of congenital chaos is very different from the chaos of the day after tomorrow. The congenital chaos is divided into four realms, namely Xiaocheng, Zhongcheng, Dacheng, and Dacheng, unlike the chaos of Jian Chen. Body, a total of 18 times to break through the Dan, each time the broken Dan, the strength will improve several realms at a time, if not broken, there will be no slight improvement, so the strength of Xiaobao will have the most Obvious feeling.

During this period, Jian Chen and Qin Shengtian Witch also talked for a while, although the topic was all around Xiaobao, but his relationship with Qin Shengtian Witch also got some relief, although Qin Shengtian Witch still The sword dust is cold, but at least there is no indifference that refuses to be thousands of miles away.

Jian Chen gave Qin Shengtian's fairy-class five-character Ziyun Xiantao and Wudao tea trees to her. He can clearly feel that Qin Shengtian witch has become stronger than before, but because of Qin Shengtian witch walking It is a different road, so in the absence of discussion, Jian Chen does not know exactly what the strength of Qin Shengtian Witch has reached.

In addition, Xiaoqian, Xiaoyue, and Qinqin are not outsiders. Naturally, they have also been helped by Jian Chen. They have given them Zixian Xiantao and Wudao Tea Tree, which have greatly increased their strength. Come to the colorful clouds, but including the Qinqin, all three have become holy emperors, and have the ability to tear space to build space.

It stands to reason that the strength of Qinqin is simply not enough to become a emperor, but she absorbed the vitality of Ziyun Xiantao even more than Xiaoqian Xiaoyue, and finally entered the realm of the Holy Emperor.

Shortly after the breakthrough of strength, Qin Yu left the Sansheng Island with the thought of Jian Chen and Qin Shengtian witch on the grounds of missing his hometown, and Xiaoqian and Xiaoyue also left the Qin Shiyi on the grounds of visiting the younger sisters and family members. Going, in the end of the Three Sacred Mountains, there is only Jian Chen, Qin Shengtian Witch and Shangguan Aojian, the family of three stay here, so that the original number of Sansheng Mountain, suddenly became more cold.

On this day, the sky was sunny and the sea was calm. I saw a golden long rainbow coming from the end of the distant sky, and directed straight to Sansheng Island at an incredible speed.

"My great Nubis is an orc. The **** is inferior to the human race in nature. Even though my great Nubis is an ancient animal, I can't change this fact, so I was good at it. The sorcerer of the attack road gave Ke's death, but now my great Nubis strength is no longer the same, and it is no longer the small seventh order. This time I must bully the demon girl. To report the shame of the year.” Nubis flew fast in the sea, with a hint of smirk on his face.

"At the beginning, my great Nubis strength was only seven steps, and the demon woman also had the strength of the holy king. Now I have become the ninth order, which is equivalent to the emperor of the Tianyuan continent. The strength of the demon woman is absolutely no improvement. My great Nubis is fast, maybe it is still in the realm of that year. Her voice is already a threat to me. I don’t know when she saw my great Nubis show the strength of the Holy Emperor. What kind of expression will become, I will be very shocked, hahahahaha..." Thinking of this, Nubis could not help but laugh loudly. In his life, he only had fear of two people, one of them. It is the old snake of the beast **** continent, the second one is naturally the Qin Shengtian witch.

When he and Jian Chen first came to Sansheng Island, they were scared by the Qin Shengtian witches thousands of miles away. They no longer dared to set foot on Sansheng Island, because the piano sound of Qin Shengtian witch was terrible. Let Nubis feel that his body, even the soul, is almost controlled by the sound of the piano, which makes him feel a deep fear of the Qintian witch.

But now, with the increase in strength, this fear has disappeared from invisible.

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