Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1331: Former old man

Jian Chen returned to Tianyuan Continent and descended to Changyang Mansion in Luoer City. Soon after, a notice sensationalizing the entire Tianyuan Continent was issued from the Changyang House in Luoer City, causing a strong sensation on the Tianyuan continent.

In the realm of the sky, all the martial artists who have reached the six-turned sacred priest will gather outside the city of Lorne three days later and give them the opportunity to become a holy king.

In the realm of the Holy King, all those who have grasped the holy order skills, or whose strength is above the Seventh Heaven of the Holy King, can gather outside the city of Lore after three days to give them the opportunity to become the Holy Emperor.

In the realm of the Holy Emperor, eight or more days, three days later to the Luyang City Changyang House, give them the opportunity to become emperors.

When these three messages were just sent out from the Changyang House in Luoer City, they spread throughout the Tianyuan Continent with the turbulent storm. Whether it is a seclusion family or an ancient family, it is still hiding in the deep forests and meditation. The mysterious powerhouses have all received the message from their friends. When they learned the news, they immediately shocked the hearts of all of them and could not calm down for a long time.

Today, between the heavens and the earth, the source is lacking, and the Holy Emperor simply cannot break through to the source. The Holy Emperor is incomparably difficult to enter the realm of the Holy Emperor. There have been countless powerful people who have lost their life and eventually stopped at the Holy Emperor. Realm, today's Tianyuan Continental, the Emperor of the Holy Emperor is almost a fault, but some people want to say that the Lord has become a sacred emperor and became the only stalwart on the Tianyuan continent.

In the eyes of all the great emperors in Tianyuan, the road of the Holy Emperor has long been broken, even though some of them have reached a great perfection, only one line away from the Holy Emperor, but in the end it will still be inevitable for a tragic end.

Now, the Changyang House in Luoer City has even released news, giving some chances for the emperor to become an emperor. This suddenly blasted the pot in the group of the realm of the Holy Emperor, causing countless people to be disappointed.

No one will doubt the ability of the city of Luoyang in Changyang, because the city of Luoyang is the family of the Supreme Sword of the Terran, and a few months ago, the new emperors of the Tianyuan Continental were all with the Supreme Sword of the Terran. Dust has an inexhaustible relationship. Everyone knows that the reason why those people can make rapid progress in such a short period of time, Qi Qicheng became emperor, everything is because of the help of the ethnic clan sword dust.

There are even some Sacred Emperors who have met the requirements. When they first received the news, they set up the space door to go to the Changyang House in Luoer City. At the same time, there were not too many holy kings and sky priests who met the requirements. The hesitation, in the first time of the news, they searched for the nearby city and the sectarian family, and borrowed the space door at a great cost to rush to the city of Lor.

Just as the news that sensationalized the whole mainland had just spread from Changyang, the two emperors in Changyang Prefecture also set up the door of space and left here with excitement, rushing to the sea and the land of the beast.

The two emperors were the seamen and the beasts who stayed on the Tianyuan continent. They were recalled by the sword dust from the mercenary city, allowing them to bring the same news back.

Soon after, the two sea and orc strongmen slammed the news to the Yadi Blue Devils of the Temple of the Sea God and the Emperor of the Peng Family, so that the two emperors were shocked and immediately announced the news. It has spread throughout the sea and the land of the beasts.

The seas and the beasts of the beasts also began to boil, and the emperors who had reached the requirements were excited and embarrassed, and for a moment, they could not wait to rush to the Tianyuan continent.

This time, Jian Chen not only needs to upgrade the strength of the Terran in Tianyuan, but also invites people from the sea and the Orcs to participate in a major breakthrough.

On the first day alone, there were more than 10,000 people outside the city of Lor, and each one looked with respect and looked at the small city in front of it.

These people are all the people who arrived here on the first day. Most of them are Sky Masters. The Holy King only takes up a small part. There are even many unsatisfied Sky Masters and Holy Kings. A trace of luck and a lively mind have come here, hoping that I can be valued.

All of them are down to earth, even the Holy King. No one dares to hover in the sky. Even the communication is deliberately depressing the voice. There is no loud noise, as if the city in front of them is a holy city, even if it is The Holy King did not step in, but was sleeping in the wilderness.

In the Changyang House, at this moment, it is packed with the Sanctuary of the Three Emperors, but without exception, all the Holy Emperors came here to put down their bodies, very modest, with a trace of respect in the faint, even one in the Changyang House. You will not be offended.

In the Changyang House, there is a temple built like a palace, and it is the most dazzling building in Changyang.

This temple is the exclusive place for Jian Chen in Changyang Prefecture.

Jian Chen has been staying in the temple and busy sorting out the treasures of his body. He did not come out to see anyone. During the period, there were also many holy emperors who respected and wanted to meet, and they were rejected one by one. This temple has become a temple in the minds of many holy emperors.

Even in the minds of many saints, there has been a thought that will bring endless glory when they step into this temple.

At this time, a group of several people composed of the Holy Emperor squad respectfully came to the temple where Jian Chen was located. One of them said to the two squatters standing at the door: "Taiwan seeks to see the King of the Dust." At the same time, several people bowed to the temple and bowed, and there was a respect from the heart.

Around the scene, some of the emperors saw this scene, and they shook their heads secretly, and the results were already envisioned in their hearts.

"Several guests please come back, the four young masters are not seen..." The two singularly beautiful faces with smiles, repeating the words that they have not known how many times they have said, whenever they say the words of the four young masters, These two sly eyes reveal an indescribable love and worship, almost crazy.

"You come in."

However, the two voices just fell, and the sound of Jian Chen came from inside. When I heard this sentence, the surrounding emperors’ bodies suddenly trembled, and they turned their heads and looked at the few people standing at the door of the temple. The Holy Emperor, the envy of his eyes, there are some surprises in it, during which there are some people who do not know how many emperors want to ask for Jian Chen, and there are many people who are full of the Holy Emperor, the result is no exception, everyone is Rejecting them, several of them started as a holy emperor seeking success.

The look of the two gatekeepers was also a glimpse, and there were some changes in the eyes of these people.

If it was in the past, let alone the Holy Emperor, even if the Holy King stood in front of them, they would be scared and frightened, and the atmosphere would not dare to take a sip, but today these two crickets discovered that the Holy Emperor, It seems that this is not the case.

These people entered the temple. When they saw the sword dust that was tidying up the purple clouds and the tea trees, they immediately squatted together. Christine said: "See the king."

These people are the several emperors of the Turtles and the sea saints who were surrendered to Jian Chen.

Sword dust swept over a few of them and sighed and said: "You already know that I am not a turtle king, why should I salute, get up."

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