Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1334: 斩七情6欲

"By what, according to what the lord became an emperor, it took thousands of years, and now those people can easily become emperors in just a few days, even some people in the Holy Emperor Eight Heavens can also be short in this. In a few days, we made breakthroughs in succession, and once passed through the two realms of the Holy Emperor and the Great Perfection."

"In that year, the lord relied on the sentiment of the practice of Qingxin Pavilion, and the power of his life was the only way to create a different cultivation path. He became the only Terran emperor in Tianyuan, but now, the Emperor of Tianyuan At one time, more than a hundred people came out, and they were so easy to become emperors. Why, on the basis of what the lord became so hard, and they became so easy to become emperors, this is unfair to the lord, the lord is not reconciled... ..."

The man wants to sit in the secret room and snarl, his face is already distorted, and with that evil, making him extremely embarrassed at this moment.

"Sword dust, it's all you, everything is caused by you. You can practice it fast, but you have to let so many people who are not related to you become emperors, let the lord of thousands of years of hard work It’s worthless, you are deliberately targeting the Lord.” The human desire to say that the Lord is biting his teeth, full of hatred, he blamed all of this on Jian Chen.

Originally, he was the Terran emperor of Tianyuan, the only one of the emperors. Even the top ten guardian families with a million years of history dare not easily offend. The famous earthquake is the whole continent, and it is the first strong person of the human race. However, with the appearance of Jian Chen, everything has changed. Not only has it taken away the throne of the other strongest family, it has become a well-deserved humanity supreme, worshipped by the world, and even more abominable, Jian Chen actually makes this Many people became the Holy Emperor, and the Tianyuan Continent suddenly came out with dozens of Holy Emperors. Let him be the first strong person of the Terran, and the position on the Tianyuan Continent fell once and for all. One day is not as good as one day.

"The main breakthrough of this road, this road mainly transcends the Holy Emperor and becomes the supreme source of the realm. Today, the lord of this lord will thoroughly cut off the seven passions and desires, and let the lord's own seven emotions and six desires reach Dacheng." The meaning of madness, raising the hand, there will be a strong energy to break through the stone door of the secret room, and stepped out and went out.

This is a small world opened up by human desires. There are not many people living in this small world. There are only a few thousand people, except for dozens of people who want to be the wife of the Lord and nearly 100 parents. The rest are people. The sects created by the Taoist, the disciples of the people.

People want to be patriarchal, it is the creation of human desires for thousands of years, all cultivated in the small world, rarely going out, so the reputation on the Tianyuan continent is not obvious, and even many people do not know that there is such a sect.

The person wants to retreat to the land, not far from the human desires. When he first entered the customs, two middle-aged men heard the movement, flew from a distance, and bowed to the human desire. Christine said: "See the Taoist."

These two middle-aged men are in the realm of the Holy King. They are the only two holy kings of the Taoist sect. They are the strongest in addition to the Taoist priests. The seven passions.

The human desire is full of expression, and the eyes are full of ruthlessness and coldness, especially looking at the eyes of these two middle-aged men, more like watching two dead people.

Suddenly, the human desire to appear silently in front of two middle-aged men, one hand and one holding the heads of both of them, only heard the "touch", the heads of the two middle-aged men suddenly burst, directly The gods are extinct, and they are killed by human desires without mercy.

There is no change in the way the human desires to look. The eyes look at the people who are not far away, and the steps are empty, and they are not eager to walk toward the position of the people.

There are thousands of disciples in the sect of the sect, although the practice is the seven passions of the human desires, but this is not suitable for everyone to practice, but the practice of their cultivation is one. It was created by the emperor of Heaven and Earth, but for thousands of years, the people have never seen the Holy Emperor, and the strongest strength has also stopped at the realm of the Holy King.

The human desire to step into the human desires, looking at the familiar Zongmen, muttered: "Seven emotions have joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, desire, six desire to have life, death, ears, Eyes, mouth, nose, the current seven emotions and six desires have already learned a lot, and created seven emotions and six palms, but the seven loves and six desires, the Taoist left the last few levels without squatting, not squatting, but the lord feels that the time has not arrived, do not want Get rid of it."

"Perhaps, it is also because of the **** desires that have not yet been taken away, and I have been unable to keep up with it..."

"Just now, the lord has to make the final choice, and has to kneel down immediately to let himself carry out the greatest sublimation and surpass the Holy Emperor..."

The sound and shadow of the human desires disappeared from the door of the human desires. Soon after, everyone was utterly full of panic and incredible exclamations.

"The Taoist, what are you doing, Wu Lin is innocent, he has never made a matter of sorry for the Zongmen, why do you want to kill him..."

"The Taoist is forgiving, the Taoist is forgiving..."

"Lord, why are you killing us..."

"Everyone is running fast, the Taoist is crazy, and the Taoist is killing us indiscriminately..."

The human desire to kill the ruthless, the object of killing is the disciple of the human desire, all the disciples who met on the way, not by the human desire to smash the head, just cut off the neck, no one can escape the desire The master's clutch, gradually, the earth was stained with blood, and there was a thick **** smell in the tone, and more and more bodies fell on the ground.

The exclamations that took place here alarmed the whole person's desires. Soon, all the disciples learned that the people wanted to be mad, and suddenly fled to the outside with horror, but the people wanted to be one. The powerful enchantment of the layer was sealed, and eventually no disciple could escape. All of them looked desperate and attacked the enchantment.

The human desires are filled with blood. At this moment, he seems to be a **** person. All of these are the blood of the dead disciples. The power of the human beings can be raised by hand. The people want to die in a moment, but he did not do this, but he personally shot, one by one to send the disciples of the people to the road.

The human desire does not fall into madness, the eyes are clear, and the decisive meaning is revealed. Every time he kills one person, he will carefully understand and carry out the process of self-deprecation.

There are many ways to express your feelings and desires. It is not necessary to make yourself successful at the expense of others' lives. However, people want to choose the most cruel way to carry out.

Soon after, people wanted to bury the bodies in the ancestors, and there was no other living thing. All of them were killed by the human desires. After they personally destroyed the sects they created, they wanted to see the depths of the world. .

There, there is a magnificent temple, which is a palace of human desires, inhabited by his dozens of ladies and nearly 100 children.

The human desire to go to the palace in the depths of the small world, into the various temples, completely turned into a ruthless person, ruthlessly ruined the former lover and his own children, causing a panic in the palace. Shouting.

Many people in the palace know that the people are already insane, have fled the palace, and flew in all directions, but here they are in a small world, no matter where they fled, they can never leave.

In the end, in the palace together with the maids, a total of hundreds of people died, whether it is the wife of the human desires or the biological children, of which the only children, the youngest is less than ten years old.

After the end of all people's lives, the eyes of the people have become indifferent, and there is nothing in the eyes, but they are full of everything in the world, including everything, in line with some kind of heaven and earth.

When he was in a flash, he came to a mausoleum where dozens of mausoleums were built. The burial was the ones of the people who wanted to be the Lord. It was not his love, his own children, almost all of them. Because of the limit, we will take the first step.

The human eye of the Taoist eyes looked at this cemetery indifferently, without any slightest thoughts, and raised his hand to press the empty space. Suddenly, a huge hand appeared in the air, and took a shot toward the cemetery.

With a boring noise, the cemetery has disappeared and turned into a palm-shaped black hole with a depth of several hundred meters.

"The last step is to die and die." The man wants to say that the Lord is sitting cross-legged, without sorrow and sorrow, muttering: "Live for life, from birth to seven emotions and six desires, seven emotions and six desires, except for life and death, the Lord has done everything, seven loves and six desires have been Go, then this life will not exist, only death."

"After life and death, completely stripped of turbidity, leaving the original source, but also my true body, this last glimpse, I am tempted to smash the filth left in my god, and to get rid of the distracting thoughts that still remain in my heart. The human desire slowly raises his hand. In his hand, an invisible knive has been condensed, and then smashed to his own god.

The knives are made by his seven passions and six palms. He does not hurt his body and specializes in the gods. He only sees the celestial knives from the human gods, and the glory of the gods is a glimpse of the gods. The **** of the Taoist Lord is weaker and more than half, and becomes extremely weak.

The human body wants to tremble fiercely. This knife makes him extremely uncomfortable. The Yuanshen is traumatized, but since this knife has fallen, his **** has become more crystal-clear, and remains in Yuan. Some of the magazines and filth of the gods are separated from the gods with the knives of this knife.

PS: Sudden kidney stones, 0.3 cm, although I have taken the medicine, stopped the unbearable pain, but the body is still not very comfortable, has not fully recovered.

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