Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1450: Eight-order Guangming Shengshi (2)

In a twinkling of an eye, half a month has passed. Because Jian Chen’s strength in absorbing and refining the power of the Holy Spirit is far greater than that of ordinary people, his cultivation experience in this half-month is equivalent to several years of others. Even decades of work.

At this moment, the thick white mist that was trapped in the temple by the power of the light of the Holy Power has become a few points, which has restored some visibility here. Even so, it can only be seen faintly. Ten meters away.

After absorbing so many sources of light and divine power, Jian Chen can clearly feel that his **** is much stronger than half a month ago, because he is a warrior and a light sage. Repair, so his current **** has not yet reached the point of the source of the realm, but Jian Chen feels that his own **** is no weaker than the strong source of the source.

The power of the bright and holy power of refining in the past two months has become close to substance, and it has become a faint liquid in his god, blending with the gods, but monopolizing one place. local.

This group of faint liquids is only the size of a thumb. The constant conversion between the virtual and the real has not yet reached the essence, but it has been infinitely close.

Jian Chen feels that his light sect has improved a lot. He must have been dozens of times powerful, but still stays at the seventh level, and has not yet advanced to the ranks of the eighth-order Guangming sage.

"The eighth-order Guangming sage, this time I must break through." Jian Chen said in his heart that he has made up his mind that he will step into the ranks of the eighth-order Guangshi sect, and immediately bite his teeth and refine the origin of the light. The speed is faster.

However, with the increasing power of refining and smelting, Jian Chen has become more and more shocked. He did not expect that the power of the light of the Holy Power needed to advance to the eighth order from the seventh order is so terrible, if there is no saint Help, in this world where there is no light of the power of the Holy Power, I am afraid that no one will be able to advance to the eighth order with his own ability in just a few thousand years.

Unconsciously, Jian Chen has been practicing in the space of the sacred space for two months. In the two months, the Tianyuan Continental is not quiet, and the ten guardian families and the mercenary city jointly issued a notice to announce the whole continent. Collect all the soldiers of the kings on the Tianyuan continent, the Emperor and the Emperor.

And the same thing happens not only in the Tianyuan continent, but even in the sea, the desert continent is carrying out the same thing, ordered by the gods of the sea and the gods of the Baizu.

The beast **** continent is no exception. Peng Emperor also issued the same order to collect the sacred soldiers left behind by all the human race strongmen who existed on the mainland of the beast.

The Orcs, the Bais and the Terrans once had some grievances and grievances, and there was a fierce battle. The sacred soldiers left behind by the Terran strongmen naturally flowed into the Orcs and the hands of the Bais. As for the seas, the seas did not participate. There have been disputes between the mainland, but there are many Terran warriors in the sea. If these warriors sit in the sea, there will naturally be some sacred soldiers left behind.

What happened outside the world was not known in the sanctuary space to cultivate the sword dust. However, at this time, the sword dust body sitting in the temple and absorbing the power of the light of the Holy Power suddenly burst into shock. In an instant, his eyebrows were in front of him. The small whirlpool that existed suddenly doubled, and the speed of absorbing the light of the Holy Power suddenly soared, so that the light of the Holy Spirit in the entire temple fluctuated slightly, as if it had been invisibly summoned, from all directions. Jian Chen gathered and went.

At this moment, the spirit of Jian Chen is undergoing a tumultuous change. In the midst of a qualitative leap, the power of the powerful Yuans suddenly condenses into a mass, and then becomes a villain at a speed visible to the naked eye. It looks exactly the same as Jian Chen.

This little man is completely condensed by the power of the sword god's god. The whole body is white and white, emitting a faint white brilliance, full of sacred feeling, and in this little man's eyebrow, there is a more intense white light spot. Blinking, the radiant glow shrouded the entire body of the gods, making him a small man who was completely condensed by the power of the gods, and became looming.

This little white point is condensed by the origin of the light of the Holy Power, which contains the power of the vast and sturdy origin. This source of power is more powerful than the power of the seventh-order Guangshi Master.

Jian Chen slowly opened his eyes and silently felt the white **** that had been condensed into a small person, and the white light spot that was bred in the eyebrows of the gods, and his face could not help but reveal a touch of excitement.

He knows that at this moment, he has finally broken through the seventh order and entered the mysterious field of the eighth-order Guangshi Shengshi. At the same time, his **** has also undergone a sublimation, breaking through the Holy Emperor and truly reaching the source. The degree of the strong, and more powerful than the ordinary source of the realm.

At this moment, he can know the scene outside the sacred space without leaving the sacred space. Even sitting in the sacred space, the gods can sweep the outside world within a million miles.

The only regret is that the breakthrough in the Yuanshen did not bring much improvement to his combat power.

"The eighth-order Guangming sage, I have already reached it. I don't know if the eighth-order Guangsheng sect is really as legendary as it is, so that the sacred resurrection can resurrect and reproduce the prestige of the former master." Jian Chen secretly thought that now he Suddenly there is a sense of urgency. I want to find a sage immediately and try to see if the rumors are true.

But unfortunately, he has not yet mastered such a method. The seventh-order Guangshi Shengshi has to rehabilitate the dead. It is necessary to master the corresponding methods, and the eighth-order Guangming Holy Master resurrected the holy soldiers. The same is true.

Jian Chen stood up from the ground and found a large number of under the temple. He found that the power of the light of the divine power in this temple has not been fully absorbed, and there is still a layer of faint mist filled here, although not much. But in computing, there are still thousands of sources of light and power.

"The power of the rest of the light of the Holy Spirit is left to the president of the Guangming Shengshi Association. He has reached the peak of the seventh-order Guangshi Shengshi, not far from the eighth-order Guangshi Shengshi, and the source of the existence here. Force, because it is enough to let him advance to the eighth order." Jian Chen heart in the dark, the president of the Guangsheng Holy Masters Association, said that he used to be his master, although the teacher and apprentice is not deep.

Jian Chen converges on the mood. When he was just about to leave, he suddenly stepped forward and suddenly turned his head to stare at the center of the temple, where it was exactly the center of the seal.

I saw there, a bead-sized bead floated there quietly, and there was a source of light and vitality in the bead that came out and formed a white mist to wrap the beads, looming, seeing It looks like a thick white fog, which is easily overlooked.

At the moment of seeing this bead, the dust of Jian Chen suddenly shrank, showing a shocking color, exclaimed: "This is..."

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