Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1457: Nine-order Guangming Shengshi (1

"There is no god, just like a beggar." Jian Chen quickly saw the problem, and suddenly he was shocked and shocked. At the same time, he actually felt a very familiar atmosphere on the old man. That is his power and blood.

"I am immersed in the eighteen runes with a force of the gods and a drop of blood to awaken the soul of the sacred soul that has been sleeping for a long time. As a result, this weak soul is awakened and then condensed with the energy of the sacred soldiers. I am contaminated with my breath, but against himself, but there is no such thing as his own breath..."

"And this old man who was resurrected with the sacred soldier, not only did not have the god, but did not even have consciousness. It seemed to be a complete embarrassment. What happened to me in the process of resurrecting this sacred soldier, or after all the resurrection? The sacred soldiers will become like this."

"When I got the complete secret law from the fairy of the moon, the fairy tales said that although the eighth-order Guangming sect can resurrect the sacred sacred, this resurrection is not as perfect as that circulated on the Tianyuan continent. There are still some drawbacks in the resurrection, is this a drawback."

I think here, Jian Chen once again took out a soldier from the space ring. After the resurrection of the sacred soldier, is it impossible to retain the consciousness of the sacred leader before his life? He will find it from the second soldier of the king. answer.

Because there is still a trace of luck in his heart, it is that the reason why the soldiers of the first resurrection of the king will become like this is most likely caused by their own reasons.

Because of the first experience, Jian Chen had a lot of skill in resurrecting the second king's soldiers. Soon, the second soldier of the king condensed into a burly middle-aged in his gaze. man.

But in the end, Jian Chen was disappointed, because the burly middle-aged man who had just resurrected him, like the old man, did not have his own consciousness. His eyes were empty and there was no flash of light.

Jian Chen sighed a little, and felt a little regret in his heart. Although the great reincarnation of the sacred resurrection that had never been realized on the Tianyuan continent was now completed by him, the sacred soldiers after the resurrection did not have their own previous consciousness. Well, the strength they can play is very limited, this is not what he wants to see.

Although these embarrassments after the resurrection of the sacred soldiers will become his exclusive troops in the future, there is no need to worry about betrayal, but he would rather retain the living beings of his own consciousness, and do not need these embarrassing embarrassments.

Because of the current Tianyuan continent, too much power is needed.

Next, Jian Chen conducted a deeper study of these two crickets, and found out some of the flaws and shortcomings of these cockroaches, but he was gratified that although these two cockroaches were not self-conscious, they still retained some points. The fighting experience before life, and they will not have pain, but will not produce half-fear emotions. Once the battle of life and death occurs, this will be their greatest advantage.

"It seems that they can only be treated as adult weapons." Jian Chen whispered to himself, looking at the eyes of these two holy soldiers is full of complexity.

Before that, who can think of the resurrection of the sacred soldiers, will actually fall to such a end.

Jian Chen calmed down his mood and immediately took out the third sacred soldier to continue the resurrection ceremony.

Although the sacred priests after the resurrection are a shackle, this is a kind of disrespect and disrespect for the lord of the patriarch, but now the Tianyuan Continental needs this power too much. Therefore, in this extraordinary period, Jian Chen I can't take care of that much.

In a blink of an eye, seven days passed. In the seven days, in addition to resurrecting the soldiers of the two kings, Jian Chen also resurrected the three kings and the emperor artifacts in his holy space. There are also three more emperors and holy emperors, and these embarrassments are difficult to retain their pre-life strength, and they have all fallen three or four small realms.

"With the strength of my eighth-order Guangshi sect, there is no difficulty in resurrecting the soldiers of the king. The imperial soldiers are somewhat strenuous. As for the emperor artifacts, it is very reluctant. Just resurrected the emperor artifact, and it is almost a failure. At present, if you want to resurrect all the sacred soldiers in the space ring, you don’t know what year and month to go. Maybe the holy abandonment attacked Tianyuan mainland at that time. It seems that I have to advance to nine. The order, once it becomes the ninth order, the New Year's Day Dacheng, even the resurrection of the emperor artifact, will become a lot easier." Jian Chen heart secretly, slowly got up, opened the door of the secret room to leave the place.

The few sacred soldiers, Jian Chen did not take away, but left them in the secret room, their existence is not suitable for the outside world to know.

Jian Chen did not alarm Bilian and others, and quietly left the Flame City alone, once again returned to the city of the Holy Empire, entered the headquarters of the Guangsheng Holy Masters Association, and returned to the holy space to continue cultivation.

In the sacred space, the president of the Guangsheng Shengshi Association, the great elders, the right-handed and the Cara Liwei are sitting cross-legged in the four corners of the temple, and the atomized light sanctuary in the temple The power of the source is being absorbed by the four of them at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The speed at which the four of them absorbed the power of the Light of the Holy Power was far from being comparable to that of the sword dust. Therefore, they practiced here for more than ten days, and the power of these atomized light and holy forces in the temple did not seem to weaken. How many.

However, Cara Liwei and Quan Youcai have been in the sixth-order peak for many years. This time they have only practiced here for more than a dozen days, but Jian Chen has already seen that they are very close to each other.

The president of the Guangsheng Shengshi Association, although staying at the seventh-order peak for at least several hundred years, has a very large span between the seventh and eighth steps, even if the source of the light of the Holy Power is directly absorbed by him. But to break through, it still takes some time.

Jian Chen converges on his own breath and quietly comes to the center of the temple. The white ball, which is completely condensed by the power of the light of the Holy Power, stares at the ball for a moment, then takes a deep breath. Then, sitting on the knees in the air, gently press the hands on the ball.

Suddenly, the power of the source around the white sphere began to fluctuate violently. It seemed to become extremely uneasy, and immediately began to approach the eyebrow of Jian Chen without control. In the eyebrows of Jian Chen, there seems to be a The invisible vortex is sending out the suction force, pulling all the forces of the atomization into it. In the end, a white line is formed from the white ball and connected to the eyebrow of the sword dust.

At the same time, even the power of the purer source within the white sphere is also emerging from the end, and is eventually absorbed by the dust of the sword, such as the long whale.

At this moment, the white Yuan Dan in the sword dust **** is growing at a very slow speed, and the power of the source contained in it is growing all the time.

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