Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1461: Wu Soul (2)

"Wu soul force is a kind of power generated after the integration of Yuan Dan and Yuan Shen. The non-martial and the Guangming sage fellows cannot possess. In the process of the perfect integration of Yuan Dan and Yuan Shen, the Wu Hun force will be released uncontrolled. Come out, you have experienced the process of integration, so this martial arts force, I believe you also understand one or two." Haoyue fairy said.

In the eyes of Jian Chen, the mans flashed and said: "Is this martial arts force a kind of pressure against the gods."

"Wu Huo Li, is a very magical power. As far as I know, it is similar to the Yuanshen attack, which specifically hurts the gods, but it is more terrible than the ordinary **** attack, but in the holy world, because of the warrior and the light The sage initiates are really too few. Even such a character has never seen it before, and only heard some rumors. Therefore, it is still too shallow for the martial arts. If you want to know more about it, you need it. You explored it yourself."

"But this fairy has heard a rumor that a warrior in the realm of the Lord God and the fellow initiates of the Guangming sacred sect, only relying on the martial arts force, killed hundreds of gods in the same breath, and also hit more than a dozen The Lord God, among the dozen or so main gods, there are two others who are the strongest of the three thousand main ladders. Now, you know how powerful the martial arts force is." The eyes of the fairy tales stare at Jian Chen.

Jian Chen was shocked. In the same realm, it is not uncommon for a single person to fight alone. He has such ability. However, if you want to break the other side in the same breath, you must kill hundreds of people only one level lower than you. This is a bit horrible, after all, this time is too short.

At least, at the time when he was refining the purple and blue swords, although the combat power was no one in his realm, he could compete with the source, but he could never do it. Hundreds of holy emperors and more than a dozen holy emperors.

For a time, the dust of Jian Chen became a little bit rushed, and the martial arts force was so powerful that it made him feel terrified and excited at the same time. If he had such a means, he had the masterland of the moon fairy. The astonishing power of the strong, the holy abandonment, even if the Holy Emperor, or even the source of the strong in the number of people occupy an absolute advantage, then what fear.

According to the brilliant warfare technique of the Lord God of the Holy Abandonment, his current strength of the Yuanshen has reached the strength of returning to the source, and he does not seek to reinvent the power of the source, as long as he can reinvent the strongmen of the Nayuan realm. As for the realm of the Holy Emperor, it is very likely that it will be as simple as the Lord God of the Holy Abandonment, and hundreds of people will be destroyed within the rest.

"The martial arts force is very strong. This is a recognized point in the sacred world. Therefore, anyone who has a martial arts force and a fellow cult of the Guangming sage is invincible in the sacred world. Only those big ones. The genius Tianjiao cultivated by the forces has the qualification to compete with them. However, the fellow practitioners of the martial arts and the sacred priests are incomparably rare in the sacred world. According to the estimation of this fairy, even if you look at the whole sacred world, it is difficult to find out. Ten come."

Said here, the moon fairy was silent for a moment, then looked at Jian Chen deeply, and said again: "There is another point. In the countless years of the Holy Land, this fairy has never heard of a warrior and a light. The rumors of the fellow initiates reach the beginning of the world."

Jian Chen is not moved, his face expression is not changed because he can't break through to the beginning, because he majored in the body of chaos. In the history of the fairy world, no one can break through the cultivation of chaos. To the realm of immortality.

Seeing Jian Chen did not have any reaction, Haoyue Fairy thought that Jian Chen did not know what kind of realm is too beginning, and explained: "Jian Chen, you now have the strength of the source realm, some basic information about the upper bound, also because The understanding of one or two, the sacred boundary of the realm has a total of five realms, namely, people, holy, source, God, the beginning.

"The realm of the people, corresponding to the heavenly king of the heavenly king, the holy realm, the holy king, the holy emperor, the emperor, the source realm, is the source of Nayuan, the source, the source, your current strength, has reached the source However, because the system you are studying does not understand this fairy, because this fairy is also difficult to determine for your exact strength, the only certainty is that your **** has reached the level of return."

"On top of the source, it is the realm of God. God has four realms. It is the god, the god, the god, the king of God. After surpassing the king of God, it reaches the final realm of the sacred world, the beginning."

"The beginning of the world, is divided into three realms, the beginning of the beginning, the beginning of the mixed yuan, the beginning of the three realms, too beginning, is the existence of the most peak of the Holy Land, Tai Shi in the position of the holy abandonment, it is equivalent to Tianyuan The Holy Emperor of the mainland is the strongest among the worlds. At the end of the road of cultivation, Jian Chen, your warrior and the Guangming sage are fellow initiates. This life is destined to reach the peak. In the future, even if you go to the Holy Land, No matter how amazing your talent is, let you exhaust your life, but you can never have your status at the moment on the Tianyuan continent. Do you not feel disappointed?"

Jian Chen spoke freely and said: "Yueyue Fairy, I am far away from the realm of God. Taishi is too far away for me. As for status, my sword dust has never been deliberately pursued in this life. I will not care about it. The efforts of the past are just to keep myself alive, not to let myself die under the knife of the enemy, but also to have enough ability to protect my family and friends."

Hearing this, the moon fairy smiled and said: "You can maintain such a state of mind, but your talents are different. Even if you look at the sacred world, it belongs to the generation of Tianjiao, which is cultivated by the big forces. Even if you can't become too beginning, you can be honored and dominated by the beginning."

"More fairy acclaim." Jian Chen smiled and handed.

"Okay, Jian Chen, this fairy is calling you this time, but not to tell you this. The martial arts force that the warriors and the Guangming sects have condensed, even the fairy has never seen it, this time Fairy is calling you, the main purpose is to see the magic of Wu Soul and see if it is as powerful as the rumors." Haoyue said now.

"Since the fairy wants to see the martial arts force, then it will be displayed on the side, but because it is not familiar with this martial force, it may be difficult to control the first time, please be careful." Jian Chen said.

The corner of the fairy mouth of the moon is a sneer, saying: "There is only the **** of the fairy, but in this temple, you can't hurt it."

Jian Chen no longer speaks, slowly closes his eyes, martial arts force, this is just a name passed down in the sacred circles. In fact, in the view of Jian Chen, the so-called Wu Soul is actually the power of the gods. It is a new power of the gods formed by the perfect fusion of the Yuanshen of the Warrior and the Yuandan of the Guangyi Holy Master.

PS: During this period of time, the slowness of the update is indeed terrible. Many readers have great opinions. Some readers are saying that Happy has been replaced. Happy, knowing that in addition to the update, perhaps the most recent episode, everyone thinks that it is lacking. Passion, lack of blood, this is because the plot of Tianyuan mainland has reached the end, and everything that is written now is to make a cushion for the holy abandonment, to prepare, the chapter of the abandonment of the world is over, and soon will go to the holy world. At that time, we will usher in a brand new story and continue to write a new story with unlimited passion.

Update the problem, Happy is adjusting the state, try to recover from tomorrow, and then try to keep the update of 6,000 words a day, and then work towards the goal of 10,000 words a day. Everyone has any questions about the convenience of the plot, you can come to the book review. The district is proposed.

Finally, the QQ Super Annual Meeting expires, and the number of people in the Chaos Swordsman exchange group has dropped from 2,000 to 1,000. Therefore, no one has been added yet. Please forgive me, and follow up with the second group. When it’s good, it will be announced to everyone.

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