Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1469: Rescue the little spirit

Yang Lie, Feng Xiaotian, the sea and the sea gods have been amazed. From now on, they have to re-examine the strength of Jian Chen.

"Well, when I first saw my great-grandson in Sansheng Island, he was just a holy king." Yang Lie was full of sighs, how long it took, Jian Chen from a former year The Holy King, jumped into a strong person who can easily kill Nayuan now, and his strength is strong enough to force them to flourish.

"Now the space channel has completely collapsed. From here, there is also a long way to go from the abandonment of the sanctuary. The five powerful people who escaped can not return to the holy abandonment safely." Staring at the space channel that has become chaotic in front.

"I hope so, although there are many strong people in the world, but if they break six people at once, it will be a very heavy loss for them, and the next time we will break into the power of our Tianyuan continent. It will also weaken a few points."

Jian Chen didn't think about this problem, but came to Xiaoling. At this moment, the blue compass turned into a huge yin and yang gossip figure, which radiated a strong cyan glow, shrouded the little spirit, and there were countless rays in the light. The runes of the rune exude an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

Xiaoling’s body is imprisoned in the yin and yang gossip map. It’s hard to move. Even if she has the strength to return to the source, it will not help, and she will not be able to break the shackles of this compass. It’s full of fear with a childish face. And grievances, tears are rolling in the bright big eyes.

"Big brother, save the little spirit, save the little spirit, the little spirit is so scared." Xiaoling turned his head and stared at Jian Chen. The eyes were already tears flowing, making a whimpering voice, full of helplessness.

Looking at Xiao Ling’s pitiful feelings, Jian Chen’s heart is also an inexplicable pain. He comforted: “Little spirit, don’t be afraid, big brother will save you soon.”

"Big brother, Xiaoling can't move, Xiaoling will not be caught by those bad guys, Xiaoling is afraid, Xiaoling is so scared." Xiaoling cried, full of panic and fear.

"Little spirit is not afraid, there is a big brother, no one can take you away, and those bad guys have been beaten by the big brother, they dare not come again." Jian Chen said softly, but could not help but in the brain Recalling the scene when Xiao Ling protected himself.

"Xiaoling, when I was still very weak in my big brother, you are protecting your big brother. In the future, your big brother will protect you. When your big brother has the strength over the source, you will not let you suffer a little bit." Wronged and hurt." Jian Chen secretly vowed that although he talked about his age, he couldn't match a fraction of Xiaoling, but in his heart, he had already treated Xiaoling as his own sister.

"Do you have any way to save the little spirit." Jian Chen turned his head and looked at the four people around him.

Neptune and the Iron Tower did not speak, and they were so strangely compassed that they saw it for the first time.

Yang Lie, returning to the sea with a knife, Feng Xiaotian, the three of them studied around the compass for a moment, and immediately said: "To recover the compass, you must master the secret method of manipulating this compass, and we have not mastered this." The secret law, so it is impossible to save the little spirit immediately, but whether it is a battle or a magic weapon, if you want to support its operation, you must have a supply of energy. Once the energy is exhausted, then these arrays And the magic weapon will lose its usefulness. Therefore, the only way we can now choose is to constantly attack the compass and exhaust the energy of the compass."

Wen Yan said that Jian Chen’s eyes suddenly brightened and said: "If this is the case, then we will immediately start to rescue the little spirit as soon as possible so as not to be late."

Immediately, Jian Chen, Xiao Jin, Iron Tower, Poseidon, Yang Lie, returning to the sea, and Feng Xiaotian all stayed. Several people first moved Xiao Ling to the sky and then attacked the blue compass.

And with the same wind and laughter, the three of the three emperors from all ethnic groups came together to take up the responsibility of the guardian channel, so as not to cause another change in the passage.

The abandonment of the world, the **** sun hangs across the air, exudes a fascinating red awn, and renders the entire sanctuary into a blood-red world, making this world look full of gloomy feelings.

At the top of the world in the center of the holy abandonment, the Holy Spirit is standing there with a black iron sword. His stalwart figure is as stable as Mount Tai. He stands there like a pillar of the sky. The spine of the heavens and the earth gives people a feeling of standing on the ground and cannot be shaken.

Behind the Holy Spirit, eight returning powers lined up in a row, standing quietly there, behind the eight returning powers, there were thirty Nayuan.

The source of the abandonment of the abandonment, including the eight returnees and the Holy Spirit King, there are more than forty people, six of whom went to the Tianyuan continent, so the remaining source strong, and the thirty Nine.

At this moment, all of them are staring at the front of the Holy Spirit, the space channel that is constantly twisted, and many people are looking forward to the color of expectation.

Suddenly, the space channel fluctuated violently, and there was a violent turbulent space that rushed out of the space and entered the blood-red world of St. Abandon. At this moment, all the sources gathered here. The powerful people clearly saw the space passage in the crash.

"The space channel has collapsed. There must have been a very fierce battle in front. I wonder if several of them will successfully occupy the opposite entrance and prepare for our next visit." After the Holy Spirit, a returning source Shen Shen Said the voice.

"The dead woods are the strongest columns in the realm of our sanctity, and they also carry the secret treasures given by the Holy Spirit King, which can trap the strongest source, as long as there is no threat of returning to the source, The strength of the six people in the dead wood, the entrance to the other side is not a mess." Another source of the source said, completely did not put the strength of Tianyuan mainland in mind.

The Holy Spirit king stared at the crowd and stared at the space passage in front of him. He said nothing, but at this moment, his eyes flashed and he whispered: "Not good." The voice just fell, the Holy Spirit King It rushed into the space channel at lightning speed and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

The action of the Holy Spirit King allowed a group of powerful people behind him to glimpse, and even if someone seemed to realize something, his face became very ugly.

The Holy Spirit King went fast, and he came back quickly. Just a few breaths, he brought two people back from the space channel.

"It is Anna and Sol."

Immediately someone recognized the identity of the two men in the hands of the Holy Spirit, and suddenly he was shocked.

At this moment, Anna and Sol are both a wolverine, and their heads are scattered. They have no previous style, but both of them have the excitement of the rest of their lives.

"More Holy Spirits are saved." Anna and Sol are kneeling on the knees of the Holy Spirit, full of gratitude.

The Holy Spirit turned around, revealing his ordinary face, staring at Anna and Saul with a gaze, and asked in a plain tone: "What happened, why did you both go and return, others?" ”

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